
Minot, ND Real Estate News

By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Wiring is one of those things you want to "get right" in your home.Most people are wise enough to let the professionals do the electrical work but there are some do-it-yourselfers who are daring enough to do their own electrical work as well. That's fine... as long as you let the City Electrical Inspector take a look. John O. French is an electrical inspector for the City of Minot and he wants to help you get it right as well. He would be happy to take a look at your plan and let you know what will and won't work. Everybody wants a safe home, especially John.Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podca...
Comments 14
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
One of the oldest, common rumors about notarial procedures is that a notary must never notarize a blank document. Although the contents of a signer’s document are irrelevant to a notarization, the statutes of a few states specify that a notary may not sign their name and affix their seal on a blank document. A significant number of people believe that this means it is unlawful for the notary to notarize a signature on a document that is blank Others argue that because a document’s contents are irrelevant to the notarization, the above referenced prohibition probably refers to the notarial certificate and not to the signer’s document. It is indeed unlawful for a notary to sign and seal a blank notarial certificate. Notarizations are performed merely to ensure that the signer was not an i...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Nick Dryer and I talk about the Our Saviors Lutheran Church Mercy Care program and it's intent. Mercy Care and a program I developed called The Noodle Ministry have joined together to provide Ramon Noodles to indigent prisoners at the Ward County Correctional facility. Listen into the hows and whys of how we are showing mercy. Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations. It can be heard on Fridays, 12:15am on 106.9FM radio or at 4:45pm on 1320AM radio or you can listen anytime by visiting my podcast site right HERE.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
My Plan for 2020Going Remote!Part of my marketing plan as a Realtor was to get on the radio airwaves with a program about local real estate. With no real plan in mind I approached a local radio station manager and asked him if he would air my program. He said sure. It probably didn't hurt that I had been advertising on his station for the last 12 years or so.Instead of me yammering away the entire time I decided my program "Minot Real Estate Today" (Now just "Minot Today") would be interviews with local, influential people. The interviews were a good choice and that is still the format of my show today.Next year I am looking to enhance, not change, my program with two ideas.#1) I have been conducting my interviews for the studio in my office or out at the radio stations studio. In 20 20...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Brock Weppler is an Assistant Director of MSU Athletics-Development AND Brock is also the Director of the Beaver Booster Club. Brock is an amazing local boy who has done a fantastic job for our local University, Minot State. Brock has been with the Beaver Booster program for 14 years and the Assistant Director of Athletics-Development for over 3 years.  Brock is one of the most upbeat positive people I know and it's no surprise to me, I've known his mom for years and she is President of St. Joseph's Community Health Foundation  as well as a Ward County Commissioner. Listen in and Brock will pump you up about all the great things going on this week at Minot State University.Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:1...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Gene Miller has owned MBM Auto in Minot ND for over 40 years. He knows European cars! This small shop in Minot has a BIG reputation for quality work for those who drive European vehicles. I love visiting with Gene. When we do interviews I feel like I'm part of "Click & Clack", what a great show that was! Listen in. With only 15 minutes I had to cut out a lot of the joking but it's still a very fun interview. Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic.
Comments 12
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Andy and I have never been able to contain our conversations to the 15 minutes of air time allowed for the Minot Today Radio program. Our last conversation followed that past pattern BUT we did actually manage to get it down to two programs. Here is part two of two of our latest conversation.  Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic.
Comments 6
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Andrew V. CarterDirector of Athletics, Minot State University When Andy and I get together it's had to put the breaks on our conversation at the 15 minute mark that I'm allotted over the air. Andy's enthusiasm always gets me going. I'm sure it's that enthusiasm that super motivates his coaching staff and players. I find Andy to be a true "motivational" speaker. I'm sure you too will think this is one of the fastest 15 minutes you've spent listening to Minot Today. Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
This little display is on top of  a counter at our Christian book store.I thought it was a unique idea but the owner openly admits that it was not her idea but she liked it and thought it was worthy of copying. I agree with her. I took one and put it on my desk even though I don't need a reminder to pray for our troops while my daughter is heading for basic training tomorrow.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
I've bragged about what a fine newspaper Minot ND has ever since I moved here and nothing will change that opinion (unless they switch to a liberal slant) BUT I'm really bummed with the announcement that starting Saturday 09/06/2019 they will no longer be a 7 day a week news source.The Sunday paper has always been a big part of my Sunday morning. As an early riser (5:50 am 7 days a week) it's a great way to prepare for coffee conversation at church. The Sunday paper sets my agenda for "Daddy Disneyland" as my daughter likes to call Menards & HomeDepot as well as any electronics I see advertised that I don't think I can live without.Oh well. Look for a more active me on Active Rain now every Sunday between 6:00 am and 7:45 am as I need to fill that time spot with something somewhat produ...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
What's new at Minot State University? President Dr. Shirley is back to tell us about the new school year at Minot State University. There is a lot of exciting stuff discussed here so please take the 15 minutes to listen in. Minot Today is broadcast over two radio stations every Friday. You can find it at 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic.
Comments 2
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
My favorite social event is this coming Wednesday and I can hardly wait!Typically 1,000 of Minot's most elite show up for this party. If you ever wanted to meet Minot's Who's Who this is the event to attend.In addition to a fantastic meal and live orchestra music you can join in on the fun of the charity silent auction and raffle.The Great Tomato Festival was established in 1989. It is an annual, indoor summer gourmet picnic with a classic fixed menu of Haider's Salsa and Chips, Assorted Tomato Hors d'oeuvres, Smoked Pork Chops, Tomato & Cucumber Salad, Roasted Tomatoes stuffed with Rice, Beer Batter Bread, and Chocolate Brownie. Evening activities include live jazz music, a silent auction, Menu Venue, and tomato displays courtesy of MarketPlace Foods. This is a community fund-raiser, w...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Speaking of Class, meet Christina Paxman, dept coordinator of Broadcasting & Professional Communication at MSU.I love my interviews with Minot State University personnel and this one with Christina Paxman is just another great example of what a terrific asset MSU is to the Minot community.Ph.D., University of Iowa M.A., California State University, Long Beach B.A., Western Washington University Dr. Christina Paxman is an Assistant Professor of Broadcasting and Professional Communication. She specializes in Public Relations and Communication and has taught 30 different courses across the span of her career. Some of Christina’s current classes include PR Campaigns & Strategies, Communication Law & Ethics, Gender Communication, and Advanced Public Speaking. Much of Christina’s teaching is ...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
It's hard to miss the Dakota Boy's & Girl's Ranch Thrift Store on Broadway but it's easy to be unaware of the GREAT work they support. This organization has made a positive difference in a countless number of young men's and women's lives. Take 14 minutes to learn about this amazing ministry and how you can be a part of it. Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
It's back & this year I'm In!A sleepy, silly, spry, scintillating, sassy, stupendous, and slothy (late)morning of shenanigans. (Two) beers, coffee, doughnuts, games, swag and prizes brought to you by the fun-loving Minot Lions Club. Costumes and craziness provided by yourself and your friends! Starting at Ben's Tavern and trekking ALL the way to Arny's 2.0 (it's about a half a kilometer and you walk, crawl or maybe a less-sloth-like friend would pull you in a wagon?) The best way to spend your morning before enjoying the Downtown Festival on Main!If you are not up for an endurance race try the Try-Sloth-Alon. A six block walk with beer and donuts along the way. The $35.00 entry fee benefits the Minot Lions and gets you 2 beers, donuts, a T-Shirt, and a lot of fun.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Rarely do I walk into a storefront and am "Wowed" but I sure was by POEM of Minot. I was greeted by James Adams who gave me a full tour and it didn't take long to realize that POEM and James were both amazing. It's no wonder however as James clued me in on the brains behind POEM. Please listen in, I believe you will be surprised at the story James tells. Minot Today is broadcast over the air on two Minot radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic.
Comments 4
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
I've been learning a lot through my recent membership in Toastmasters International. I am really excited to be a new member even though my professional career days are now pretty much behind me. I figure it's never to late to learn to be a better communicator. I ran across this video in the online magazine today and found the 9 minutes spent were worth GOLD! Anyone who speaks to clients should make this a must listen! You do not need to be a member of Toastmasters International to read the online magazine HERE is a link, check it out today.If you live in the greater Minot ND area I hope you too will consider joining Toastmasters 636 along with me. We meet every Tuesday at the Grand Hotel at 6:00 PM. Just show up!  
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Who Killed Kale?   Every obituary is a loss or even a tragedy. It was sad to read about Kale Schaan on July 24th, 2019 in the Minot Daily’s obituary section. Kale was a very promising and talented young man.  My hats off to the family for openly calling attention to the fact that Kale’s demise was due to a struggle with addiction.  Who killed Kale? Some may say he did it to himself as an addict and there is some truth to that but it’s not the whole truth... so help me God. I say the answer also lies in the pages of the Minot Daily News. Nearly every day the Minot Daily News publishes the “Crime Beat” and almost every day there are two or more people arrested for selling heroin and/or meth. These people killed Kale! Each and every one of them! Every seller of these drugs are killers whe...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Dru Pelfrey is very knowledgeable about his field of Cosmetology and Barbering. He runs a great shop in downtown Minot called Peoples Choice Salon & Fashion. He has made Minot home for he and his family and being he is at the top of his game he's looking for ways to step up to the next level. I'm proud to say that Dru is another downtown Minot neighbor of mine and now I can say friend as well. Listen and learn!  People's Choice Salon & Fashion is located at 209 Main Street South, Minot (just a couple doors over from my office). Call 701-833-9797 for an appointment today.Did you know that in the State of North Dakota a Cosmetologist needs to put in 1,800 hours of education to be eligible to take the State licensing test? WOW! That's 1,740 more hours than a Realtor needs to apply for a li...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
It wouldn't be summer with out The Boys of Summer. I've written several posts over the years about the historic base ball field across the street from my home, Corbett Field. The famous Satchel Page was a member of Minot's local team, The Mallards, back in the day.Today Corbett Field is home to The Souris Valley Sabre Dogs. The dogs are just wrapping up their 2nd year here in Minot and I couldn't be happier that this team plays right across the street from my home (also that my son Timmothy is an employee of The Sabre Dogs).   If you are a regular reader of my blog or a regular listener to my radio broadcasts you know that I have interviewed The Sabre Dogs General Manager, Darrell Handelsman, two times on my show as well as the assistant manager, Savanna, once. Those were each some of m...
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