"Adopt Downtown" Program To Keep Waxhaw Beautiful: How You Can Help
By Nina Hollander, Broker, Your Greater Charlotte Real Estate Broker
(Coldwell Banker Realty)
"Adopt Downtown" Program In Waxhaw, North Carolina Did you know you can adopt a block in Downtown Waxhaw to assist the efforts of Waxhaw's Parks & Recreation and Public Services Departments help keep downtown Waxhaw beautiful? The idea behind Adopt Downtown is to enhance the appearance of downtown Waxhaw as part of the Waxhaw Main Street Program. Adopting a block in downtown Waxhaw involves four yearly clean-ups by the adopting group. To do each cleanup, participants can request the Town of Waxhaw to provide trash bags, recycling information, trash collection services, safety vests, etc. Participants can further contribute to the Downtown environment through beautification initiatives such as plantings, art, and other initiatives. For more information about Adopt Downtown program pro...