Fun things to do in the Raleigh NC area - Boylan Heights Artwalk
By Lee & Pamela St. Peter, Making Connections to Success in Real Estate
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices YSU Realty: (919) 645-2522)
Fun things to do in and around Raleigh NC! There's been so much going on in and around Raleigh lately that it's been almost impossible to keep up with it all. Well last week-end as Lee and I headed downtown to check out Raleigh Winterfest (which started on Saturday) we also found something else happening at the Raleigh Convention center ~ well actually two things... One was A Carolina Christmas arts and craft show, and the other was the first annual Raleigh Art Expo bringing top African-American artists to the Triangle. We'll certainly be bringing more info on this venue next year! From the Raleigh Convention Center we headed to Boylan Heights. An inside the beltline neighborhood for the 18th annual Boylan Heights ArtWalk.. It was packed with people of all ages walking the ...