Spring Cleaning Tips
By The Temple Team, Specializing in Lake Norman/Charlotte/Charleston
INSIDE: Check all Home Safety Devices (smoke and carbon monoxide detectors) and replace with new batteries Clean Ceiling Fans Clean our Refrigerator and Freezer Deep Clean Carpets Guard Against Pests Refresh Bedding (replace heaving winter bedding with lighter fabrics) and Rotate Mattresses Replace Storm Windows with Screens Wash glassware and dishes that have been store in Open Shelves OUTSIDE: Bring Patio Furniture out of Storage Clean and Refresh Window Boxes, Planters, Hanging Baskets and Beds Clean, Sharpen and Oil Garden Tools Clean Winter Debris from Gutters, Beds, Porches, Patios, etc... Turn on and service (if needed) Irrigation System Clean and Organize Garage, Carport and/or Shed Prepare Garden Beds for Planting Prepare the Lawn and clean up leaves, debris, dead sticks/bran...