
Manteo, NC Real Estate News

By Jean-Paul Peron, Carova Beach - Living & Working in 4-Wheel Drive
(eXp Realty - OBX)
For the past couple of years volunteers have managed to raise over $100 for N.E.S.T. by sending in granola bar wrappers and Frito-Lay potato chip bags.  Many of the N.E.S.T. volunteers have worked hard to collect wrappers and bags from around the beach. So congrats to everyone and keep that "trash" coming!Here is what can be donated:Any granola, power, nut, or Clif bar with a foil lining.  No candy or cookie wrappers.Any Frito-lay bag.  No other chip companies.For those who wish to participate:Once you've saved up a stash of wrappers and bags, send them in to karen Clark or Christian Legner at the North Carolina Aquarium on Roanoke Island P.O. Box 967 Manteo, North Carolina 27954.  Please make sure wrappers and chip bags are separated from each other.  Thanks!
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By Linda Powers, On the Outer Banks
(Resort Realty - Duck)
Arts and Crafts on the Outer Banks in Manteo If you've been to the Outer Banks you know there is much more to see and do than simply hang out on the beach. While our beaches and warm breezes are enough to get you to the Outer Banks, you may just want to do more. If you love fine arts and crafts, then you need to head to Manteo. Manteo, the county seat of Dare County, is often missed by our visitors and tourists. Perhaps because it is located on nearby Roanoke Island connected to the Outer Banks by Bonner Bridge. If you've been to see our outdoor drama, The Lost Colony (fabulous by the way) or our North Carolina Aquarium,  then you've been to Roanoke Island. The commerce portion if Manteo is on the waterfront. By all means be sure to visit. Many fine shops for all ages. Great places to e...
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By Steve Blaisdell, FOC
(Beach Realty and Construction)
  Historic Manteo is by far the coolest little Coastal Town in Northeastern North Carolina.  There is an abundance of shopping,coffee shops, book shops, entertainment , watersports , fishing or just plain walking tours of Historic down town. When you come for a visit do not forget to check out the Lost Colony! Baby boomers are popping up as new residents all over town. Some retiring early and some good and ready to settle in to coastal living at it's finest but using their new homes for weekend getaways until the time comes.  Some are pleasantly surprised when they find that their new neighbor has a soft shell crab operation right in the back yard . Others are attracted to the abundance of the Arts here in Manteo - the county seat of the Dare county Arts council. Others love the history...
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By Kevin O'Brien
(Red Sky Realty Group)
This information is provided by the Outer Banks Vacation Destination   Manteo's First Friday for June is on the 6th. It will run from 6 to 8 pm. This is a great time to explore the history of Manteo and Roanoke Island. There will be plenty of food, musicians, artists and activities for the whole family. A rock climbing wall will be present for those feeling athletic. For additional information, you can visit their website.
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By Kevin O'Brien
(Red Sky Realty Group)
This information is provided by the Outer Banks Visitors Bureau.   7th Annual Evening Under the Stars with The North Carolina Symphony Free Performance • Thursday, June 5, 2008Roanoke Island Festival Park The Outer Banks Visitors Bureau will once again welcome the North Carolina Symphony to Roanoke Island Festival Park in Manteo for a free performance for our residents and guests this summer. The 7th Annual Evening Under The Stars is scheduled for Thursday, June 5, 2008 and will feature not only the sophisticated and entertaining direction of resident conductor William Curry and the 68 member orchestra, but a pre-show of local talent presented by the Concert Chorale of the Outer Banks featuring The Forest Warren Chamber Singers and The Children’s Treble Choir of the Outer Banks. It is o...
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By Greg Cremia
(Shore Realty of the Outer Banks)
MANTEO RESIDENTIAL SOLD MARKET ANALYSIS 1st QUARTER 2007Information derived from the Outer Banks Association of REALTORSNot including Skyco or WancheseFinancing                No. of Listings        Dollar Volume         Average Price        Median Price          Average DOMConventional               7                          $2,981,000               $425,857                $300,000                192FHA                             2                           $404,900                  $202,450                $202,450               152Cash                           2                           $361,000                  $180,500                $180,500                129Totals                       11                          $3,746,900              $340,627               $275,000        ...
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By Greg Cremia
(Shore Realty of the Outer Banks)
The town of Manteo is considering building a park for skateboarders. At a recent meeting the majority of residents who spoke were in favor of the town providing a place for the youth to gather and do what they like to do. There were the usual dissenters who believe kids should be kept indoors but it looks like the town might actually follow through and give the kids a place to have fun that is not illegal.Unfortunately for the kids around here skateboarding is illegal is most areas. Mostly due to liability issues business owners prohibit skateboarding in their parking lots. If the town builds a park for these youngsters they will be taking a step in letting the kids grow up without believing they are criminals. Treat them like criminals and that is how they are going to perceive themsel...
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By Greg Cremia
(Shore Realty of the Outer Banks)
All across the Outer Banks real estate sales have seen a slowdown, although not as much as in some parts of the country. On Roanoke Island, which includes Manteo real estate, the trend is similar. I have researched the Manteo real estate sales data from the Outer Banks Association of REALTORS MLS to come up with the following sales statistics for Roanoke Island.2006 saw 45 residential properties sell for an average price of $379,000 and a median price of $295,000.2005 saw 88 residential properties sell for an average price of $366,561 and a median price of $340,000.2004 saw 86 residential properties sell for an average price of $306,325 and a median price of $260,163.2003 saw 72 residential properties sell for an average price of $260,163 and a median price of $225,000.The average price...
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