Save the turtles by picking up the trash
By Jean-Paul Peron, Carova Beach - Living & Working in 4-Wheel Drive
(eXp Realty - OBX)
For the past couple of years volunteers have managed to raise over $100 for N.E.S.T. by sending in granola bar wrappers and Frito-Lay potato chip bags. Many of the N.E.S.T. volunteers have worked hard to collect wrappers and bags from around the beach. So congrats to everyone and keep that "trash" coming!Here is what can be donated:Any granola, power, nut, or Clif bar with a foil lining. No candy or cookie wrappers.Any Frito-lay bag. No other chip companies.For those who wish to participate:Once you've saved up a stash of wrappers and bags, send them in to karen Clark or Christian Legner at the North Carolina Aquarium on Roanoke Island P.O. Box 967 Manteo, North Carolina 27954. Please make sure wrappers and chip bags are separated from each other. Thanks!