Forget The Pre-Nup...Pull A Credit Report
By SarahGray Lamm, Realtor - 100K Hours of NC Real Estate Experience
(Allen Tate Realtors Chapel Hill, NC 919-819-8199 )
Turned on the TV over my coffee this morning and that commercial came on about the young man who lives in his new wife’s parents’ basement because she defaulted on a credit card when she was single and didn’t tell him. Then one of the guests on my morning show was talking about how this economy has allowed parents to say NO to their kids without guilt…they can blame it on the economy. I couldn’t help thinking about a young man I had the opportunity to share my thoughts with a few years back as he prepared to marry his dream girl. Being mindful that anyone who asks “what do you think about my fiancée?” doesn’t really want to know what you think, I cannot say I was surprised that my advice was, if not ignored, certainly filed under ‘WHATEVER.’ Here’s the problem thoug...