
Kalispell, MT Real Estate News

By Kat Palmiotti, Helping your Montana dreams take root
(eXp Commercial, Referral Divison)
This report covers the residential land market in Kalispell Montana as of the end of February 2023. Similar to last month, sales continue to remain low and available inventory has declined slightly. The residential land market in Kalispell has slowed from the robustness of the last few years. Additionally, unlike the residential home market which is still a slight sellers market, Kalispell land is currently experiencing a buyers market.  INVENTORYAs of early March 2023, there were 153 residential land parcels for sale in Kalispell which is slightly less than February's inventory of 161. This is the fourth drop in monthly inventory in a row but inventory remains much higher than last year at the same time.Five or more acresOf the land currently for sale only 26% of the listings include f...
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By Kat Palmiotti, Helping your Montana dreams take root
(eXp Commercial, Referral Divison)
Following is an overview of the Kalispell Montana real estate results for the residential market as of February 2023. This report covers the entire residential market, including single family homes, townhouses, condominiums and manufactured homes.  While the Kalispell residential market remains on the cusp of a balanced market, in February sales, homes under contract and median prices increased while inventory decreased slightly. Time will determine whether we are headed back to a stronger seller's market.  Sales VolumeIn the month of February 2023, there were 46 residential sales in Kalispell which is 8% less than the same time last year and 35% more than last month. We won't know until next month, but the increase in sales could signal an early Spring season and/or could be caused by ...
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By Kat Palmiotti, Helping your Montana dreams take root
(eXp Commercial, Referral Divison)
I recently found an online directory of Kalispell City ordinances and thought it’d be intriguing to see what some of the ordinances of the past were. If I can find enough interesting material, I hope to share one ordinance from each year. This week's post will cover a Kalispell ordinance I found from 1909. A heads up: Dog lovers will not be happy with the 1909 ordinance.There must have been an issue with dogs running loose on Kalispell's city streets in 1909. Ordinance #204 which was approved on May 10th started by stating that the "running at large" of dogs anywhere in the City of Kalispell was prohibited. Any dog that was caught doing so would be impounded. If the impounded dog wasn't claimed within 48 hours, the pound master would attempt to auction the dog. If he did not get an offe...
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By Kat Palmiotti, Helping your Montana dreams take root
(eXp Commercial, Referral Divison)
This report covers the residential land market in Kalispell Montana as of the end of January 2023. Similar to last month, sales continue to remain low and available inventory has declined slightly. The residential land market in Kalispell has slowed from the robustness of the last few years. Additionally, unlike the residential home market which is still a slight sellers market, Kalispell land is currently experiencing a buyers market.  INVENTORYAs of early February 2023, there were 161 residential land parcels for sale in Kalispell which is slightly less than January's inventory of 166. This is the third drop in monthly inventory in a row.Five or more acresOf the land currently for sale only 28% of the listings include five or more acres. I define rural as those properties in the 5+ ac...
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By Kat Palmiotti, Helping your Montana dreams take root
(eXp Commercial, Referral Divison)
Following is an overview of the Kalispell Montana real estate results for the residential market as of January 2023. This report covers the entire residential market, including single family homes, townhouses, condominiums and manufactured homes.   While the Kalispell residential market remains on the cusp of a balanced market, in January sales and available inventory decreased and homes under contract and median prices increased slightly. Sales VolumeIn the month of January 2023, there were only 34 residential sales in Kalispell which is 41% less than the same time last year and 13% less than last month. The lower number of sales could be attributed to buyers holding off on making purchases at this time due to economic challenges and could also be due to winter and holiday conflicts.  ...
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By Kat Palmiotti, Helping your Montana dreams take root
(eXp Commercial, Referral Divison)
This post is an entry into the February 2023 Challenge: "What's Love Got to Do With it?" The challenge is being sponsored by Brian England and Debe Maxwell, CRS , and their instructions are to write 500 words about what makes your city/town/area so special.500 Words? How in the world could I possible summarize the best parts of Kalispell Montana in such a short blog...  Well, here I go, attempting to provide as much information as possible in just a few words. Kalispell Montana is beautiful.  It's so difficult to describe, but Kalispell Montana is surrounded by miles and miles of multiple mountain ranges. On a clear day, you could stand in one spot, and slowly swivel approximately 200º and still have mountains in front of you. But in addition to the mountain ranges, we've got the gorgeo...
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By Kat Palmiotti, Helping your Montana dreams take root
(eXp Commercial, Referral Divison)
I recently found an online directory of Kalispell City ordinances and thought it would be intriguing to see what some of the ordinances of the past were. If I can find enough interesting material, I hope to share one ordinance from each year. This week's post will cover a Kalispell ordinance I found from 1908. (PS, I'm skipping 1907 for now; I need some photos to finish that one!)There were actually several interesting ordinances from the 1908 Kalispell City Council, but the one I chose has to do with a simple thing, the hours that a saloon or bar could be open. That ordinance, #201, went into effect on April 1, 1909.The ordinance indicates that every saloon as well as all bars in every hotel, inn tavern, club or any other place in Kalispell where "spirituous, vinous, fermented or malt ...
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By Kat Palmiotti, Helping your Montana dreams take root
(eXp Commercial, Referral Divison)
I recently found an online directory of Kalispell City ordinances and thought it’d be intriguing to see what some of the ordinances of the past were. If I can find enough interesting material, I hope to share one from each year up until now. This week's post will cover a Kalispell ordinance I found from 1906.Kalispell City Ordinance number 176 became official on May 7, 1906. It isn't really that unusual or interesting. After all, the ordinance just shares budgets for various city funds and also talks about salaries that are paid from the city's Contingent Fund. What makes this interesting is the difference in some of these line items between 1906 until 2022/3. Looking at salaries, the first column of numbers shows the annual salary for each of these job titles in the early 1900s. Police...
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By Kat Palmiotti, Helping your Montana dreams take root
(eXp Commercial, Referral Divison)
I recently found an online directory of Kalispell City ordinances and thought it’d be intriguing to see what some of the ordinances of the past were. If I can find enough interesting material, I hope to share one from each year up until now. This week's post will cover a Kalispell ordinance I found from 1905. In 1900, there was a population of 9,375 in Flathead County. Currently, in 2022, the census indicates 24% of the people in Flathead County live in Kalispell. Assuming the same was true in 1905, we could estimate that perhaps 2,250 people lived in Kalispell. The website indicates that in 1905 only .94 per 1,000 people owned a car. With that calculation, there were probably very few people who owned or drove cars at that time. But evidently there were enough for the Kalisp...
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By Kat Palmiotti, Helping your Montana dreams take root
(eXp Commercial, Referral Divison)
Following is an overview of the Kalispell Montana real estate results for the residential market as of December 2022. This report covers the entire residential market, including single family homes, townhouses, condominiums and manufactured homes.  While the Kalispell residential market remains on the cusp of a balanced market, sales, available listings, properties under contract and median sale prices fell in the month of December.  Sales VolumeIn the month of December 2022, there were only 39 residential sales in Kalispell which is 61% less than the same time last year and 26% less than last month. The lower number of sales could be attributed to buyers holding off on making purchases at this time due to economic challenges and could also be due to winter and holiday conflicts.    Inv...
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By Kat Palmiotti, Helping your Montana dreams take root
(eXp Commercial, Referral Divison)
This report covers the residential land market in Kalispell Montana as of the end of December 2022. Land sales continue to remain low and available inventory declined slightly. The residential land market in Kalispell has slowed from the robustness of the last few years. Additionally, unlike the residential home market which is still a slight sellers market, Kalispell land is currently experiencing a buyers market.  INVENTORYAs of early January, there were 166 residential land parcels for sale in Kalispell which is slightly less than December's inventory of 178. This is the second drop in monthly inventory in a row.Five or more acresOf the land currently for sale 31% of the listings include five or more acres. I define rural as those properties in the 5+ acre category. Those are most li...
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By Kat Palmiotti, Helping your Montana dreams take root
(eXp Commercial, Referral Divison)
I recently found an online directory of Kalispell City ordinances and thought it'd be interesting to see what some of ordinances of the past were. So first, I went back to the very first entry in the online directory, which is from 1904. It's ordinance number 169 so there are probably 168 ordinances that aren't available online. So this post won't cover the very first Kalispell ordinance which would have been fun, but it will cover the very first available online ordinance.In June of 1904, Kalispell (and many areas of Montana) were dealing with a pest infestation that was resulting in infected fruit being sold in markets. The pests were Codling Moths, an insect that mainly impacts fruit trees such as apple and pear. The larvae doesn't feed on leaves, but instead they enter the fruit thr...
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By Kat Palmiotti, Helping your Montana dreams take root
(eXp Commercial, Referral Divison)
On the last afternoon of the very last work day of 2022, my buyer clients were able to close on their townhouse at 140 Barron Way in Kalispell Montana. They purchased this as an investment property and are planning to rent this three bedroom, two bath home first thing in the New Year!140 Barron Way is part of Phase V of the Empire Estates development which is located on both sides of Route 93-Alt between Three Mile and Four Mile drives in Kalispell. There are approximately 370 total homes in the development, consisting of both townhouses and single family homes. The development also includes three parks, one of which is right near 140 Barron Way! Besides being close to the highway, this development is close to all Kalispell has to offer. It's just a few minute drive to the medical cente...
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By Kat Palmiotti, Helping your Montana dreams take root
(eXp Commercial, Referral Divison)
Joan Cox recently shared new laws that will be effective in her state as of January 1st, 2023. I thought doing that was a great idea - to share information about new legislation so residents would be aware. So I decided to do the same thing for Montana and subsequently did a bunch of research online. I used various search terms to find out what was going to be new in terms of Kalispell or Montana laws. And here's what I found: The minimum wage in Montana is rising to $9.95 on 1/1/2023. That is it! I couldn't find anything else in terms of new laws - which is part of the reason most Montanans love Montana - regulations are not onerous. So then I thought, well, maybe it would be useful instead to share laws or ordinances that were put in place in Kalispell during 2022. Perhaps there are t...
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By Kat Palmiotti, Helping your Montana dreams take root
(eXp Commercial, Referral Divison)
We all have our own traditions when it comes to the holidays. And when it comes to Christmas trees, some people swear by artificial trees. Some love fresh trees. We're in the second camp, and here is how we go about getting our annual Christmas tree.So to those who suggested that I should have gotten my tree weeks ago since all I have to do is go outside and cut one down, it's not that simple! Not only because I don't live in a Christmas tree farm with perfectly shaped trees but because almost all of those trees are up a hill and not easily accessible. And walking in a foot of snow lugging a sled with equipment in it isn't the best way to keep the Christmas spirit! haha.So if you live in Kalispell and want to cut your own tree down, you can certainly do so! If you don't have your own tr...
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By Kat Palmiotti, Helping your Montana dreams take root
(eXp Commercial, Referral Divison)
This report covers the residential land market in Kalispell Montana as of the end of November 2022. Land sales continue to remain low and available inventory declined slightly. The residential land market in Kalispell has slowed from the robustness of the last few years.  INVENTORYAs of early November, there were 178 residential land parcels for sale in Kalispell which is slightly less than November's inventory of 184. This is the first drop in inventory since early this year. Five or more acresOf the land currently for sale 34% of the listings include five or more acres. I define rural as those properties in the 5+ acre category. Those are most likely to be parcels located on a gravel mountain road, agricultural farming land, or acreage adjacent to National Forest or lumber parcels. Th...
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By Kat Palmiotti, Helping your Montana dreams take root
(eXp Commercial, Referral Divison)
Following is an overview of the Kalispell Montana real estate results for the residential market as of November 2022. This report covers the entire residential market, including single family homes, townhouses, condominiums and manufactured homes.    The Kalispell residential market remains on the cusp of a balanced market. Sales VolumeIn the month of November 2022, there were 53 residential sales in Kalispell which is 53% less than the same time last year and 23% less than last month. The lower number of sales could be attributed to buyers holding off on making purchases at this time due to economic challenges.    InventoryIn terms of available homes on the market, inventory had seen significant upward movement early this year. The number of homes on the market dropped in September mos...
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By Kat Palmiotti, Helping your Montana dreams take root
(eXp Commercial, Referral Divison)
This report covers the residential land market in Kalispell Montana as of the end of October 2022. Land sales continue to remain low and available inventory continues to increase. The residential land market in Kalispell has slowed from the robustness of the last few years.   INVENTORYAs of early November, there were 184 residential land parcels for sale in Kalispell which is essential flat compared with October's inventory of 183. Although a gain of one is very small, it is still the seventh month in a row of increasing inventory.Five or more acresOf the land currently for sale 33% of the listings include five or more acres. I define rural as those properties in the 5+ acre category. Those are most likely to be parcels located on a gravel mountain road, agricultural farming land, or ac...
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By Kat Palmiotti, Helping your Montana dreams take root
(eXp Commercial, Referral Divison)
Following is an overview of the Kalispell Montana real estate results for the residential market as of October 2022. This report covers the entire residential market, including single family homes, townhouses, condominiums and manufactured homes.    The Kalispell residential market remains on the cusp of a balanced market. Sales VolumeIn the month of October 2022, there were 69 residential sales in Kalispell which is 27% less than the same time last year and 12% less than last month. The lower number of sales could be attributed to buyers holding off on making purchases at this time due to economic challenges.             InventoryIn terms of available homes on the market, inventory had seen significant upward movement since early this year. The number of homes on the market dropped in ...
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By Kat Palmiotti, Helping your Montana dreams take root
(eXp Commercial, Referral Divison)
If you're looking to purchase land in Kalispell or anywhere in Flathead Valley of Montana, there are many things you should consider before making a decision. Some of the considerations follow: Usage:What are you going to use the land for? This answer will determine where to look. For example, do you want a parcel of forested land to use for hunting? Or would you want to build a single family home and garage? What about a main home and some guest houses? A shop? Will you be raising livestock? Do you dream of land with a lake for fishing? Do you want to start a neighborhood vegetable farm? Will you want a horse ranch, with stables and training tracks for your horses? Or would you like to walk out your back door into a National Forest for hiking? Once you know how you want to use the land...
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Explore Kalispell, MT