
North Branch, MN Real Estate News

By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
What a wonderful concert this was.  A few middle aged men singing some youthful Christian songs.  Today, they sang the old favorite Christmas songs as they manuvered their way throught the Christmas Story.  They guys are a favorite of the young crowd...(6-16)  and even of the older generation as it looked.  The concert was at the Cambridge High School Performing arts center.  If you ever get the chance to see... GO FISH!  They are highly recomended!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
My wife and I are not strangers to doing this act.  Usually a young family, obviously not well off.  Be it a tank of gas, or the Dairy Queen treat. Well this came as such a surprise.  We were eating at one of our usual restraunts and when I asked for the bill, the server said it had already been taken care of.  I know the look on my face was of shock...i mean, we do this to others not have it done to ourselves! The eatery was not very busy, and our bill was under $20...but just the same, it felt weird!  We new no one in the place at the time.  I guess it made someone feel good,  it made me feel kinda guilty.  But no comlaints here...we will do the same to some one else... Try it's a great feeling!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
My wife and I do a lot of volunteering, and are somewhat known as ones to call if you need and extra hand.  Judy received a call to help deliver presents to the local assisted care and nursing care homes in our town.  Of course she said YES!  We delivered and met 6 new Friends this morning...Along with the packages we were to deliver, we also had a wrapped gift for each to have on Christmas Eve.  On a few, you could see the anticipation of a child.  Something to look forward to. This Day cost us less than $10, including gas, but it gave us a lot more back!  Get out there and help someone and bring a smile to will warm your heart!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Besides just a waste of fuel, against the law in most states, it saves you money.  Yea, I know gas is cheap again, but, it is still uneccessary money out of your pocket. But here is another reason, and it has happened to me. The main danger of keeping the engine running when fueling is to your wallet.  A car's emmisions system continualy tests itself while the car is running. When the engine runs during fueling, the vapor containment system my report a problem.  Then the check engine light comes on shortly after you are done.  You go to the mechanic and it could cost you $150 or more to diagnose the problem.
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
I love a good Fairy tale as much as the next person.  In fact the best part is that you can make them up as you go for the little kids don't now it, just don't try to repeat it for they will correct you if you get it wrong. Here is one that I just heard... One Day, a long, long, long time ago...there was a woman who did not nag whine nor complain. But, that was a long time ago...and it was just that one day!                                 THE END I'm ducking, I'm ducking!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
45 years ago today, President John F. Kennedy was gunned down.  Setting all the controversy aside, I look back at what I was doing. I was Pushing 9 years and still remember the day well.  I wasn't in school that day for some reason.  Mom and Grandma were wall papering the dinning room.  When the news flash came on, they stopped working and listened.  Tears came from my Grandmothers eyes.   I didn't really understand what had happened or who the President really was, but Grandma told me...this is a very important day in our countries history...remember what you are doing today, and never forget.  AND I HAVEN'T ! Now most of you here on the Rain were ot even aroyund and if you are 45-50, don't rmemeber anyway.  But, those over 50 as myself...what were you doing.  Just like many that remem...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Ok...A Step-Grandfather, my kids are dragging their feet, bit that is OK .  I have a Step-grandaughter by my Step Daughter, and now my Step-Son and new bride are expecting in late spring.  I told them it's a boy...I can tell by Mom's eyes.  I have our first Deer Stand location all picked out and will need to start building in a year or so, can never start to early. I just found our a few min. ago and had to share this with someone and who better with than friends.  My step kids are more like friends as they were adults when Judy and I married.  It wan't easy on them, but we all gave a little and things could not be better! Now, we just pray to God that everything goes as planned!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Local legend has that this cave is haunted!  Local legend in some areas say that Big Foot is around also.  ON our last trip, we were down in Praire du Chen, WI.  We crossed the river into Northern Iowa and about 6 miles in we came to this Campground.  we had some time and like to get off the beaten path so we pulled in.  We found a quiet campground, for one night stops or all year setups.  The one thing that brings people in is the Spook Cave.  We took the tour of the cave by BOAT!  It is 1 of only 4 cave that use a boat to do the tour in the entire USA! It was a very interesting and fun trip to see the underground history of this area.  If you get a chance...Check out Spook Cave.  This stream was coming right out of the rock hillside! The entrance to the cave.  We had to lay sideways i...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
I was out showing a client some hunting land this morning.  After meeting him and walking the property, we went our separate ways.  I took some back roads for a change to to see the area.  I had on my favorite county station on and John Denver came on singing 'Country Roads'.  As I listened to the words, my mind drifted for a bit.  The farther into the song the more I could relate on this beautiful day.  My wife is out of town and I could tell how much I did really miss her, although the time alone is good for both of us. Life is short and the older I get the more I realize that I need to spend time with the ones I love. Kiss your spouse today, hug your kids or grand kids, call that special someone you haven't talked to in a while.  You will be glad you did!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Well, after about 3 hours of hopping around the floor to Polka's and Waltz's and a variety of other dances, I am ready for BED!  It is surprising what muscles you use that don't get a lot of use otherwise.   A crowd of about 100 most over 50, tuned out to dance, listen or sing along.  It was fun seeing people I hadn't connected with for 6 months or so.  I made a few connections on Real Estate, which will be future business, and all the while I was having fun and burning the calories. Get out of the house and get healthy!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Well, being that business is a bit slow, now is the time to fit in all those little things you have always wanted to do, but didn't have the time. We went to see Little House on the Prairie.  In the TV show Melissa Gilbert played the 2nd daughter. (I am really bad with names).  In this production she played the mom.  What a fantastic performance form everyone including the younger actors. It doesn't matter what you go see or what you do, things are going to change, so get out and o something while the time is right.  There are things that you can do that do not cast an arm and a leg.  It's good for the soul!
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New Home Construction, Special Package Pricing starting at                                                                                 $144,025 * Why buy used when you can buy new for virtually the same price.  Short on cash?  You may use your own sweat equity in exchange for your down payment. For a limited time only we are offering our "Special Package Pricing" Choose from several new construction home models and lots. You pick your paint colors, light fixtures, carpet and countertops. All new construction homes come with a 2/10 Builders Home Warranty from Bob Linder Construction, a well known local, high quality builder. This home or select from one of our other               models to be built on one of our lots.                     Appliance allowance included.     2 bedroom, 1...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
My dad was having a problem in the sixties with the neighborhood kids steeling form us.  Dad had two broken feet and was in a wheel chair.  After several calls to the Police dept.  He resorted to something like this... George was an older man, and sort of forgetful.  His wife Mary yelled one night, "you forgot to shut the light off in the shed". So George went out to shut the light off, but he saw someone in the shed steeling from him.  He called 911, and the dispatcher said, "sir being they are outside, please stay in your home, lock the doors and as soon as someone is available, I will have them stop by."  "OK" George said. George then counted to 30 and called again.  "HI, I just called about someone steeling from me.  You don't have to worry about it anymore, because I just shot them...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Well, it's basically over for another year.  It is time to close up the cabin and squirrel away the gear.  Here are a few tips for the cold weather people. 1. If you don't use your cabin in the winter, make sure the water is drain very well.  Look for sagging pipes that can collect water and freeze. 2. Make sure to use RV anti freeze in the drain traps. 3. Make sure to drain the washing mach hoses!!!!! 4. Rodent proof.  We use bounce dryer sheets.  For us, it has been the best deterrent and no offensive smell, like moth balls!  5. Put out mouse poison in outdoor sheds or make shift small shelters. It will attract the rodents and keep them away from the cabin!  DO NOT PUT POISON INSIDE THE CABIN...IT WILL ONLY ENTICE THEM TO ENTER THE CABIN!!! 6.Make sure that the gutters are clean on th...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
We have been seeing this for a long time.  The gov. has been updating our currency to make it less viable to counterfeit.   So now, we have all kinds of currency in circulation and I wouldn't know if if it was real or not!   But, I think they have finally hit the nail on the head.  Here is the new One Dollar Bill and it reflects the current economic conditions!  
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
It was a great pitchers game.  2 hits for the Sox and one hit for the TWINS.  Chicago scored 1 run and blanked the Twins.  To many of the ones who don't watch baseball, it would be a boring game.  For many who do watch the game it was a boring game.  But for those who understand the pitching and hitting mechanics of this game, there is a lot more then just throwing the ball and hitting it. But, for now I will watch and cheer for the teams.  I will enjoy the great defensive plays, and a well hit ball.  Who Do I favor...that depends on who is playing who.  There are several that I would like to see go all the way for different reasons. So, I will watch the games I can and see along..."Take me out to the Baallll Game, Take me out to the crowd..... 
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
I have just become a Detroit Tiger fan. The Twins won today, and will win the division, unless Chicago White sox win tomorrow, hence, me now being a Tiger fan.  If Chicago wins tomorrow, it will then be a tie , and there will be a play off game in Chicago to see who hold the division title and goes on to play in the playoffs.  The Drama continues!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Not everyone plants trees in the spring some wait for fall.  But now is the time to pick which ones you want.  Just because you plant a maple tree, does not mean you will have brilliant fall red color. Some maples I have turn yellow! Yet some, like my white oaks, turn brown and fall off. So what is the point??  Fall is when the color is out.  Now is when you are thinning out the trees on your wooded lot, mark the colorful ones to save.  If you are going to transplant some in the spring, mark which ones have the color.  Number them and take a picture so in the spring you know where you want each tree.  A bit of planning can bring a lot of "eye candy" in the coming fall seasons.  This can be a great family project.  Get the kids involved for some "Real" quality time!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Autumn is in the air and some normal care for your pet needs to be thought of now.  Especially for our pets that stay outdoors. For the Northern regions shelter is a big one.  Shelters should be elevated a few inches above the ground with some kind of insulationbetween the floor and ground.  Water...Animals need water everyday.  The cold air is dry air and dehydration occurs much faster than during more humid times.  Don't think because you may have snow for your pet that this will suffice.  A foot of snow on the average will give you about 1 inch of water, not to mention, the animal now has to warm that snow for it to melt and be of use to the body. If yearly shots were skipped, now is one of the most important times as wild animals are on the roam even more looking to fatten up before...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
We all handle adversity in different ways.  Some shut down, others scream as loud as they can. But how about in our Real Estate Profession?  Are you a rageing river at the first sign of problems, screaming "Who is at fault"?...                                                OR... Do you stop and anylize the problem, ask questions and react calmly.  It has been said that the first to lose the temper is the one to lose the arguement...and that holds true very often.  For while you are yelling and screaming, you are not hearing what the other parties are saying.  By not listening, you are not giving the other party a chance to "bury" themselves in what may be a shady attempt to gain the upper hand. Like Calm waters, Calm Heads will prevail in the vast majoity of, when you he...
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