
North Branch, MN Real Estate News

By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Nature is a wonderful thing.  While everything made has itself reproduced into a near identical being time and time again.  Then all of a sudden...Ol mother Nature throws us a curve. I have see, Albino Deer on several occasions.  There has been 2 occasions of an Albino Buffalo being born.  I have seen Albino squirrels, skunks, raccoons and some other oddities.  But this is the first one of these I have seen... This Albino Moose was photographed just north of Wisconsin on a highway near Marenisco, Michigan.  Every now and again we get a chnce to take in some of nature's beauty.    Odds of seeing an Albino Moose are astronomical and the to see this...   TWO ALBINO MOOSE Together is a once in many lifetimes.  I just wish I had taken the pictures!!!!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Located in the North Branch Outlet mall (Formally Tanger Outlet) The Bella Cafe gives shoppers and travelers a place to sit and relax.    Serving Specialty coffee's and Latte's, they also have just  a good cup of Joe for a Buck.  Designed for a lighter appetite, the soups and sandwiches are all but suited for the light meal.  Bella Cafe also has some of the BEST fudge around made right on site everyday.  Varieties vary with the seasons.   Recently remodeled, the Cafe has a large TV and fireplace for the living room atmosphere is so desired.  When in North Branch...check out the Bella Cafe and all the Outlet sores at the Mall.
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Minnesota and Wisconsin have been hit with an above average Snow Storm.  START THE SNOWMOBILES!!!   For drivers it can be a major headache trying to get to where ever they need to be. Many of these drivers will mistakenly think that driving into the ditch is a good idea. With that being said, there was a study done about people who left the road... Statistics show... 98% of Americans say "Oh Shit" before going in the ditch off of a slippery road. The Remaining 2% are from Minnesota, they say..."Here, Hold my beer and watch this!!! Please use extra caution during this winter season!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
We have all heard them and most of us have had them happen to us.  But, for those that do not know the Universal Laws here is a small list... 1. The Law of Mechanical Repair...After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will itch and you will have to pee. 2. The Law of Gravity...Any tool, nut bolt or screw when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner. 3. The Law of Probability...The probability of you being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of the act. 4. The Law of Random Numbers...If you dial a wrong number, you will never get a busy signal and someone always answers. 5. The Law of the Alibi...If you tell the Boss you were late to work because you had a flat tire, tomorrow you WILL have a flat tire. 6. The Variation Law...If you change lines or lane...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
I have had several people ask me if we were decorating this year.  Many remember the scaled down version of last year.   Well here is just a portion of the boxes we display.  Now...I should qualify that.  My wife is the brains of the decorating and I am the braun.  It looks better than this today.  I will post some of her 400+ snowmen she shows off. Anyone else do anything close to this magnitude, or are we th eonly really crazy ones.  over 50 totes for the inside alone!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
A New Year is fastly approaching and will over take us soon.  If this has been a tough year, now it the time to turn it around. It can be fairly simple...When told that won't work, Don't say Oh...OK.  Say, well then what will or how can I make it work.  Meet the challenge head on. Don't say, I'm no good at this.  Say...I know I can be better, show me how. Don't say...Life SUCKS.  Say, Life is a real challenge right now, but it will get better. The point is, life is as bad as you make it.  Yes, some people are saddled with some extreme hardships.   Look at your situation and ask I as bad off as they are?  If not...Say...Today is a good day to be alive. Life is what you make it.  Go around with a smile and you will feel better and make others feel better. Laughter helped my ...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
WE have been waiting for this project to get off the ground for many years.  The Bridge the crosses interstate 35 (State hwy 95) has been a bottle neck for years.  As the population grew...the old 2 lane bridge that serves a busy State Hwy became obsolete. The New bridge will have 4 lanes and a turning lane.  This will allow traffic to travel through and into town at a quicker rate by eliminating the back ups of long lines. Although the roads will remain open, if you are traveling through North Branch...allow an extra 10-15 min.  There will be times of single lane traffic, and a lot of construction traffic moving about.   This project will last through most of 2010 so be prepared for the delays.  BUT, when finished, traffic will move much smoother all year round.
Comments 3
By Captain Wayne - Rowlett Real Estate School, Rowlett Real Estate School / Owner and Instructor
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
The watershed of the sunrise river is heavily polluted with fecal coliform, (human and animal waste).   This watershed is contained in two counties, Chisago and Isanti.   A plan to improve the watershed was put into place in Feb. 2007.  Both counties will start to identify private septic systems that are 'imminent to public safety'.  This most often means that there is some kind of surface waste water.  Many times it will be from an old system that has a stright pipe leading out of the septic tank to the surface of a sloping hillside.  Failing septic systems are just one of the reasons for the pollution.  Other causes are animals wading in the streams and water runoff from pasture and holding pens.   There are some joint services available. There are grants to help in the replacement of...
Comments 4
By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Well the clue for the Medallion came out and we printed it off and off we go.  I read the clue and I said "I KNOW JUST WHERE TO GO!"  We get there and no one is there.  Ha...I am the only one who got the clue! :) The Medallion is hid on Public property, and this little out of the way parcel isn't known by all.  So, we start a searching.  About 2 hours later...this guy comes up to me and asks..."What are you doing?"  Looking for the Medallion I replies.  He proceeds to tell me that it is on Public property. "I know and the clue lead me right here!" Well, to make the story short, I had the wrong property, I should have been 2 blocks over where the people were thick as fleas on a dog! Well, we had a good time, the guy who 'owned' the land was nice and just laughed at us.  We decided we got...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Every Town has some kind of winter activicty.  North Branch is no exception.  A Treasure hunt (for a a medallion) starts tomorrow.  Clues are available at all button sales sites and on the web  Check out This site for the daily clues.  Winner recieves $500 if you have a button...$250 without. Buy the button and recieve much more in free bennies. Remeber  Starts tomorrow.  Check the seb site for all the fun.
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
I have seen buyers and agents talk themselves into a sale and out of a sale.  So you need to know when to be quiet and when to try and stop a client from talking.   Being courtious, is also a very important trait to possess.   Many of yo know I worked in corrections and here a few examples that I ran into. One day I was riding along with one of the Deputies and a car in front of us was turning, but no brake or turn signals came on.  The officer I was with flipped on the lights, said to me..."let the person know he has no lights, and just ask him to have them checked out. I walked up to the car, the man started screaming at me that I should be looking for some real criminals instead of bothering law abiding people like him.  I politely asked for his license and went back and the Deputy d...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Morris had a Dr.s appt for a physical.  A week later the Dr. seen Morris and asked how he was doing.    " I am doing Great" said Morris...I took your advice.  I got me a nice HOT Momma and I am living carefree.. The Dr. said to Morris in a louder voice..."Morris, I said you have a heart murmer, and you shoud be careful!"  
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
In this fast pace world of ours, we are up bvefore the sun and off on ourway.  We may not see our loved ones until late in the day, if at all.  We go along 'business' as usual.  Did you take time to call al loved one to say "I Love You".  This happened to day right by my house.  I don't know any details, except, a passer by took the person to the hospital with injuries. This car went down a very steep bank and erupted in flames shortly after the driver got out! This could happen to any of us at anytime. Take the time to connect, you never know when you wish you would have.  Dear Lord...I pray that the person in this car is OK and able to be back with his loved ones!   AMEN!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
I was looking at the local lakes and seeing what was for sale.  I was surprised to see as many as I did.  I also seen a wide variety in prices.  Ther are many cabins on the lakes for under $200,000, with a good share under $150,000.   A lake home is one of the dream homes many want.  The lake homes will be one of the first Real Estate parcels to rebound in price in my opinion because there are still very few overall.   If you are thinking this is the me today!   If you are thinking that next year is going to be the may be missing the boat.  Those that can afford to purchase this year, need to think strongly about starting to look NOW!!!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Man a college kid has found themselves late for class or not feeling well enough to go.  Here is a story of an excuse that my have worked... 4 college guys, all friends and "A" students decided to have a night out the night before a big exam.  Well they had to good of a night, and didn't get home until just before class on monday.  The 4 of them went to the professor with this excuse. "We were out of town helping a friend, and had a flat tire and being Sunday had a very hard time getting it fixed.  We got home very late and didn't have time to even freshen up before class or a chance to review our notes.  So, we are requesting to be able to take the test tomorrow." Well, the professor agreed.  So the 4 friends crammed all day and the next day they were each given a test paper.  Then the...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
No, I am not going to tell you to watch for cars when clearing the end of the driveway of snow.  Heart attach is the biggest killer from snow fall.  Most of us are not in the shape we should be and try to do to much.  we also do it wrong! Many weight lifters know and other workout coaches know that lifting any heavy weight, you need to control your breath.  When shoveling snow, you normaly bend over a bit, take a deap breath, and then LIFT!  WRONG!  This puts undo pressure on the circulatory system, your heart for one.  The proper way is to put your shovel in the snow, and exhale as you are lifting.  This takes the pressure off of heart and decreases the strain on your system.  NOW, this may take a bit of practice, as it did for me, but, it is well worth the learning curve.  I find that...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
As many of you know that I am an avid Hunter.  I enjoy being out in the elements and I enjoy the savory taste of the game there in.  So, after some research on Hunting Reindeer, I have come up with a plan... 1st  you dig a hole in the ground, apx 6'5" in diameter.  It needs to be 7' deep at the side and 8' in the middle. 2nd you take sweet peas and sprinkle them around the hole. 3rd  you take 3-4 pails of ashes and sprinkle them into the hole. NOW, we sit and wait in a place we can't be detected.  When a Reindeer comes up to the hole, and starts to eat the sweet peas, we sneek up behind it ans kick him in the ashhole!  
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
In this northern climate and eve on both coasts, the wildlife can have a tough time of it, expecially right after a storm when a lot of the natural foods are covered up. This Ruffed Grouse...also called a Partridge...may have been looking for my Pear tree, but intstead found my bird feeder a few feet away.  This very warry and elusive bird will fly at the drop of a hat in the woods, but, here let me get within a few feet opting to stay close to the food sorce. We need to be careful not to feed so much that these wild birds depend on us, but a small helping hand is in order at times. Enjoy what Mother Nature has provided!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Sounds like a simple one, doesn't it.  Well, let;s think and look at a couple of things... Depending on how long you have owned your home can make a big difference if you ar able to. First, do you have the cash to pay the closing costs.  If not, you may want to roll them into you loan. Second, will your house appraise out for the amount of the new loan.  Even if you pay the closing costs up front, the values of homes have dropped a lot, and even substantially in some areas.  You could end up paying for an appraisel only to find out that you can't ge the loan because of the lower value. How much lower will the payment be, in other words how much are you going to save.  How long will it take to re-coop your closing costs, and are you going to be around long enough in this home to see a sa...
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