
North Branch, MN Real Estate News

By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Yup, December was a propagational month at the Feela Snow Castle.  Every year it happens, although this year was a bit subdued in numbers. My wife, being the great mother she is, always welcomes the newest members into the family with open arms.  So...Without any more fanfare...I give you our latest member!             This is just one of the 15 or so newcomers to the Feela snow castle.  Mama is real happy!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
I just thought for those of you who are just surfing the Rain, I would give you a chuckle.  IF EASILY OFFENDED...LEAVE THIS POST NOW!!!! The bride tells her new husband, I am still a Virgin, I don't know anything about sex.  Can you explain it first? So the husband says..."We will call your private thing a prison and my private thing the prisoner.  So what we do is put the prisoner in the prison." So they made Love for the first time.  After a short time the bride says... "Honey, the prisoner has escaped"  Turning on his side, :well then, we will have to imprison him." They again made love.  Afterward, the husband is lying on his back taking in the moments when his new bride nudges him.  Giggling, she says.."The prisoner has escaped again." and again they make love. The husband is lying...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Here's to 2010.  It seamed a lot of toasting was going on  on the 31st.  It was only today that I was informed on how the 'toast' came about.  So, I thought I would share with you all! How did the word 'toasts' come to mean the raising of the glass in someone or something's honor?  Flavoring a cup of wine with toasted, spiced bread dates back to an old European custom.   The Drinker had to drain the cup in order to retrieve the saturated toast at the bottom, and the term 'toast' was evidently descriptive enough to stick.  In contemporary England, a bit of toast is actually placed in a drink now and then.  
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
With the recent terror attack on the commercial air line, we are back at being concerned about the terrorists. (About time!)  So, here is a microchip that really needs to be used to solve some of the problems. The Patriot Microchip is intended to be implanted in Terrorists. The implant is specifically intended to be implanted into the forehead. When properly implanted, it will allow the one implanted to speak directly to GOD! The implant comes in a variety of sizes.   The exact size of the implant will be determined by a highly skilled technician. The implant may or may not be painless.  Side effects like Headache, nausea are usually temporary! Some swelling and bleeding may occur at the injection site. Please enjoy the security that is provided to you by the... Thank You to all our men...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
The cold is setting in for the weekend.  The weather people have put out the Brass Monkey Warning for the next 3 nights as the thermometer will hits lows not seen this season as of yet. Please take this Warning serious for all your pets also.  They need special caution in the cold also... 1. Sufficient food to burn the calories to stay warm. 2. A place to get out of the wind. 3. Good bedding, hay, straw or other barrier to insulate them from the cold ground. 4. WATER!!!!  Snow will not do it.  The amount of snow that it takes to get enough drinking water to stay hydrated is a lot more than most people realize.  (Try it sometime when you are thirsty)  Also, the snow takes away body heat melting it!  WATER should be given at least 2 times a day at minimum. And if you have been feeding the...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Bring your dancing shoes and Gail and Glen Peterson with waltz away with your heart.  What a better way to start the new year.  This dance is open to all ages of seniors.  Come on in and meet your new friends!  !pm kick off time. Two elderly ladies were discussing the upcoming dance at the Senior Center... "We are supposed to wear something that matches with our husband's hair, so I am going to wear black." "Oh My" replied the 2nd, "I guess I had better not go,  My husband is bald!!!" Come Join us, it's great exercises.  Oh, and you can wear what ever you would like!  :-)
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
It happens every year.  The holidays roll around and the shut-ins and many others in need get all kinds of attention.  But, these people have needs all year long.  When you look at the shut-ins, they run an emotional roller coaster.  Little spurts each year they receive some attention and then the rest of the time...NOTHING! We all have busy lives and sometimes taking time out just isn't in the cards.  AH...but that can be a key!  A card.  Send a card for just NO reason at all.  "I was thinking of you!"   You won't see the smiling face, but you can bet it's there! Most also have a phone.  a quick call during the commercial of your favorite show won't hurt either. don't like the commercials anyway!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Many times the days after Christmas can be a bit gloomy.  Relatives and grandkids have left and the joy and laughter are just memories.  (This isn't all bad in my opinion).  So, let's start today with a smile... An old gentleman was sitting on a park bench, people watching.  A young man walked by with hair dyed of many, many colors.   The Old gentleman watched, and watched as the young man walked by.  Finally, the young man couldn't take it any more... "What you staring at old man...Haven't you ever done something off the wall before!" "Sure did", replied the old gentleman.  "I once had sex with a peacock, and I was just trying to figure out if you were my son!" HAVE A GREAT DAY!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
My grand Daughter recieved a book for Christmas...The Hatfields and the Mc Coy's.  As I was trying to explain to her the overall meaning of the fued, this little exchange came back to mind... A woman was touring a  small South American country. She was shown a Bull fight and was told that "This is the number one sport." Horrified, she exclaimed..."Isn't that revolting?""No Ma'am", replied the guide, "Revolting is our number two sport!"   This is so true in so many parts of the world including ours!!!!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
As goes, most couples will argue who is the boss.  It is usually settled somewhere in the middle...YES DEAR!  Well this might help to clear the air.... An older farmer was retiring and in the process of selling his land.  But, he had to get rid of all the animals first.  So he went to his neighbors homes and where the man was in charge he gave a horse.  Where the woman was in charge...he gave a chicken. Toward the end of the block he saw a couple out  working in the garden.  "Are you the boss of the home?"  He asked the man "Why, yes I am", he said matter afactly. 'I have two horses left, a black one and a brown one.  You may have one." replied the farmer. "Well, then I will take the black one" the man of the house said. "Oh, NO," his wife chimed in..."Take the brown one!"  The farmer r...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
My Granddaughter had her Sunday School Christmas program today.  This small group of kids did a remarkable job.  This was also a highlight for her as she received her first Bible during this time also.   Today was very memorable as she was waiting with high anticipation for her Bible.  One that she could call her own. Sometimes it doesn't take much to make one's heart fill with joy!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
OK...I know I promised to show off some of the wife's Hundreds of snowmen.  The handful of pictures show about 300 of the nearly 700 when you count the outside and Christmas tree ornaments, lights and pillows among a few of the decorations.   This guy is our Official greeter.  As you walk up the basement stairs.  At this point you have already passed over 100 of the snowy people.   I call this section the 'peanut' gallery.  Many are animated and really make no sense. Just a variety of sorts. Every Christmas collection needs a Nativity scene...this is one of 5. Some of these guys are large.  These guys use 2 tote's by themselves for storage. Every nook and cranny has a few hiding in. This is our Choir group.  All arranged atop the piano waiting to brake into song.  This is my favorite ch...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Last night we attended a School Christmas program where my grand daughter goes to school.  These are always fun, but even more so when you go for several years in a row and see all the kids change. There are times when these programs are set at a time that is not real convenient and you may think that they are not all that important. But, Look at the faces of the kids and tell them that this is not important.  I just DARE you!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Last night my wife and I were visiting some friends.  They had their grandson there who is 5 years old.  They put in a movie for him...It's a Wonderful Life...Very much a classic!   Well, the grandson had never seen a Black and White movie before.  He exclaimed..."Wow Grandma...Is this movie from back in the19's?" I thought right away...I am going to use that when talking to my Grandkids and other young children... Yea...I remember back in the Nineteen Hundreds... We had to walk to school 5 miles uphill both ways!  We lived in a very poor area.  The school only had 1 pencil and we all had to share it...all 15 of us and the teacher!  Someone broke the pencil one day and the school closed for two days until a new one could be found! Our TV was Black and White...and we had to get OFF the c...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
I received an E-Mail today from an AR friend.   Basically stating..."Bill, you haven't posted any good Christmas Funnies yet."   HMMM I thought I had, but I have been a bit busy.  So in response to a 'FAN'  HA goes... A young man walks into a Pet Shop looking to buy a Parrot.  The shop owner only had one left.  "His name is Chester and he is a very special bird." "Well, for $2000 he had better be." replied the young man. The shop owner said. " Here I will show you."  He lit a match and put it under Chester's left foot and Chester broke out in song..."Silent Night, Holy Night"   He then put the match under the right foot..."Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way...." "Here, you try it", coxed the shop owner.  The young man took the match and was holding it under Chester...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
We are all guilty of it.  Walking around with our heads in the clouds not watching where we are stepping and BANG!  We now have a knot on our foreheads.  The blue smoke rolls at first and then after a while, we realize how stupid we were and finally we laugh at ourselves.    Here is another reason to watch our step... Upon entering a little country store, the visitor could not help but notice a warning sign...'Beware of Dog!"  He then noticed an old hound lying bu the cash register. "Is that the dog were are supposed to beware of?" he asked.  "Yup" replied the owner. Very much amused the stranger said..."Well he sure doesn't look that dangerous to me.  Why would you post such a sign?" "Because", replied the owner..."Before I posted the sign, people kept tripping over him!"   Do yourself...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Pets always prove to be a challenge when showing a home.  Dogs in particular.  You have the little ankle biters that yap in a high shrill tone non stop.  Then you have the large dogs that would rather take you leg off than anything else. These two things most always make the buyers decide that this just isn't the place for them.  So not long ago when I arrived at a house I was showing, there was a big sign...BEWARE OF DOG!!  I could even hear the dog in the house barking.  I called the listing agent, who was mortified that I wasn't informed that there was no dog there.  I was a sound system ploy, instead of a burglar alarm.    So, unless your pet is like this little guy, remove them from the home unless you plan on living there a long time. ALSO...Clean the liter box, the bird cage or w...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Glenn is a vibrant 83 year old that has been feeling under the weather the last 2 months.   He found out one of the valve in his heart was failing.  Surgery was schedualed for the first week in January.  I just found out that he was rushed to the hospital this evening. Glenn will have his valve replaced tomorrow and then a pace maker on thurs.  An extra prayer for this family if you can. God Bless.
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
I am having computer problems, AGAIN!   My brother, the computer geek said it was operator Error.   I told him, "No I get a Proxy Error, but never Operator error. The problem I am having is that when I push the Shift button the cap locks comes on.  I get rid of the Cap Locks and I bumped that funny little button between the ctrl and the alt buttons.  ( no idea what they stand for or do!)  When I bumped that button...lets call it a 'flag' button, my internet stuff I was working on disappeared.  So I hit the white arrow in the blue circle up on top pointing to the window, I mean left wall, and nothing happens. So I got fed up and called Tech support... "Hello, and thanks for calling Tech support.  How can we help you?" So I start in with all my problems and about half way through he stops...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Yup...WE is picking on dose poor soudern boys agin.   Truth be told...they only copied us Good Ol' Boys from up here in the Nort land.  Must be why we get along so well!  A tradition in many homes and groups is to every year see who can build the best Ginger breadhouse.  Well, I have seen some pretty nice ones and some that should have been eaten before they were put together. This is one that I have not seen... Merry Christmas and First prize to my Southern cousins!!!
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