
North Branch, MN Real Estate News

By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Saying that one home sale is like another, is like saying all trees are the same.   Not all homes are created equal and quality varies a lot. That is one of the reasons for home inspections.  It is also why some homes that look identical...are more expensive. If you are not worried about the Bells and Whistles, the cheaper home may fit your needs.  But if quality is a must...expect to pay more.  It will pay in the long run.
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
I was helping an elderly lady with some odd jobs this week.  She calls me once a week or so to work a small list.  She is 85, has one arm that is paralyzed and still lives alone.  When I am done, we sit and talk for short time.   I sometimes think she just wants company. Like many of the elderly, she will tell a cute story evey now and again. She said she went to play Bingo at one of the local churches last week.   "Do you know how to make an 80 year old lady swear in church?"  She asked me. With as serious look as I could muster I replied..."No." "Have another 80 year old lady yell...BINGO!!!!"
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Many people will get an early start by heading out tomorrow.  But, know your route.  You may see many signs like this...   Or This...   There are a lot of these signs all over the State.  2 projects involve State Hwy 95, in Cambridge and in North Branch.  There are minor Detours on both and both projects are moving forward a t a good pace, BUT, with the extra traffic, could slow things dramatically.  The North Branch project could involve Interstate 35 at times  also. These are just 2 of the issues all over the State.  Check your route and see if an alternate route should be considered! BE SAFE !!!!
Comments 7
By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
The phone Rings..."Helloo!" "BILL, I Need help!  I have a monster in my yard!" That is what the frantic voice on the other end yelled.  My caller ID let me know it was my 88 year old neighbor lady who still lives alone!  (If I can be that lucky at that age) "A Monster?  What kind of monster", as my mind searched for what it could be. "I Don't Know...But it is ugly.  I have never seen this thing before!" Well, that got my curiosity up and I jumped into the car and down the road I went.  When I arrived, Jennie was waiting in the drive for me.  She led me out back and sure enough...A Prehistoric Monster was digging in her flower bed. (And Jennie was NONE to happy about it!) This is what I saw...  Some call it Ugly, some call it Dangerous...I call it Delicious!  In common folk language it i...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
This is for my horse loving AR friends.  Hope you enjoy... An out of towner ran his car into the ditch.  The local farmer came to lend a hand with one of his big draft horses.  The farmer said..."OL buddy will have you out in no time." The farmer hooked up Buddy to the front of the car and commanded.... "Pull, Nellie...Pull".  Buddy just stood there. "Pull Rosco...Pull", commanded the farmer.  Again Buddy just stood there. "Pull Buddy...PULL".  Easily Buddy pulled the car from the ditch.  Confused, the out of towner asked the farmer..."Why did you call your horse by the other 2 names before calling him by his own name?" To which the Farmer replied.."Well, you see, Buddy is blind and if he thought he was the only one pulling, he wouldn't even try!"
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Never question a person who is not in there right mind... A Psychologist was checking in on two of his patients. The first was sitting on the floor moving his hand back and forth like he was sawing wood. The 2nd patient was hanging from the ceiling. "What are you doing" the Dr. asked the first guy. "I am sawing wood, what does it look like." "Well, what about your friend?" "He thinks he's a light bulb." said the first. "Well, don't you think you should tell him that he isn't a light bulb". asked the Dr.? "What?" replied the first guy. "And work in the dark!"
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
That monthly Polka Dance is TODAY!.  Whispering Pines Realty will again be serving the lunch for this Gala.  For those that come there will be a loss of calories, a gain of laughter and some good ol' Fun happening.  So come and enjoy us for an afternoon of joy. A small admission and a free will offering for lunch.  A great time for all.  From 1-4 TODAY!  
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
After a few liquid libations...sometimes it is hard to notice even the obvious.  Case in Point... 2 long time friends were talking in the Bar."If I ask you a question, do you promise to answer me honestly", asked the first. "Sure" replied the Friend. "Well", said the first guy, "Why do you think everyone around here finds my wife so attractive?" "Well, I think it's because of her speech impediment" said the friend. "Speech impediment?  What speech impediment...My wife doesn't have a speech impediment!" "Well", replied the 2nd guy..."You must be the only guy here that hasn't noticed that she can't say NO!"
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
I said I would post a few photo's of our fishing excursion.  We had a lot of fun although the fish did not cooperate the best.  We caught enough for a meal...that was the goal in the long run.  This sunfish was a very nice size for the lake we were fishing.  It gave this angler a thrill for the weekend. My biggest one was a challenge.  A Huge Northern hit my spinner bait and took off with out much I coud do.  I would bring him to the boat and it would make another run away.  It finally made a run towards shore and a blown down tree.  Yup, you guessed it.  He got into the fallen tree and color him.... GONE!  So here is the picture of the one that got away! The best stories are sometimes of the one that got away!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
NO!!!! Don't panic!!! This happened to me this weekend.  Fishing with some friends that just get out once or twice a year.   They are not very proficient in their casting abilities, but I take time to teach them.  Everyone on the pontoon is being careful but accidents do happen, and all of a sudden...I KNOW how the FISH feels! There is a fish hook the is impales into the side fo my cheek.  WHAT DO I DO NOW!?  Panic...Jump over the side and swim for shore...UM, NO, we are in 5 feet 10 inches of water and I am only 5 feet 9.  I will drown because I don't swim a bit. My wife suggests we head to shore and go to the Emergency room. ( As she slowing sits down before almost passing out).  NO, not on a beautiful fishing day like this. So, what do you do?  First of all, unhook the hook from the ...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Attorney's....They get a bad rap and many time they deserve it.  A friend of mine was following some advice given by his counsel and almost lost everything he owned.  Bad advice.  So here are a few things to watch for when using an Attorney. You know you need a new atty. when... You met him in prison. During your consultation he tries to sell you Amway. He tells you his last good case was a Budweiser. When the prosecutors see him coming they High Five each other. He picks the jury by playing Duck-Duck-Goose. He tells you he has NEVER told a lie! He askes a hostile witness to Pull his finger. AND...Drum Roll..... When a prison guard is shaving your head!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
It is finally here.  Everyone who follows me knows that it wi the Fishing Opener.  I head out early this morning to get things ready for the group of friends that will be joining us.  So let's start the weekend with a smile... The Game Warden had been watching a popular stream for fishing.   Everyone seamed to be catching a few except one older gentleman.  He would walk by upstream and go until out of site and about an hour later came back with all kinds of fish. After a few days like this the Game Warden decided to follow him.   As he followed the old man the trail got narrower and narrower until it was blended into the brush.  There he watched as the old man walked up to the river band and push an old rickety boat into the water. Seeing his suspect almost getting away he steps out of ...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
It is a dreary day here in Minnesota, but we needed the rain badly.  So, our spirits are high with good weather for the weekend.  So to amuse ourselves we toss around little ditty's like this... Young Tommy was just potty trained.  But when he went to the Bathroom...he hit everything but the toilet.  after a couple of weeks his Mom had had enough and took him to the Dr. After the exam, the Dr. says..."Well, his unit is to small.  But, there is an old wives tale that if you give him 2 slices of toast...his unit will grow so he will be able to hold it and aim straight." The next morning Tommy comes down the stairs and sees '12' slices of toast on the table..."MOM, the Dr. said I only had to eat 2 slices of toast." "Yes Dear, I know.  The other 10 are for your Father!!!"
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
That is right...Opening Fishing is a State Holiday for many.  Construction will come to a halt after Thurs., Wed for some!  Is this a paid Holiday...Well, No but many employers will allow longer days this coming week to make up for the day off. This weekend for many is the best weekend of the year, for's just another day.  A lot of fish will be caught.  A few lies will be told and many stories embellished.  (One or two by yours truly!;-)  ) One thing is for sure...This is a time for people to get together and renew old friendships and family gossip. For all...Please BE Safe!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Even tho this is a humorous story, if you think about it, our marketing many times is not all that different.   We must change and adapt to current conditions and experiment until we find what works. 2 guys went Moose Hunting every fall and never shot a Moose.   This year one of them came up with a fool proof plan to take their first moose. They acquired a life like moose suit to wear as a decoy.  Then they learned the mating call of a lovesick cow and went into the woods dressed in the costume.  The plan was when the Bull came looking for love, they jump out of the suit and shoot their first moose. Set up in a clearing they started their Love call.  Soon, a big Bull came crashing through the brush.  The bull was coming closer and closer and finally the guy in front said..."OK, let's ge...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
If you are fishing Minnesota's Fishing Opener, this is your last weekend to get ready.  You don't want to be running around on Friday night 6pm trying to get out of town and not know if the motor is going to start. I have a small cabin just off the lake.  This weekend is for opening it up.  Hooking up the water and making sure that everything still works.  If not, I have all weekend to get it working. I DON'T plan on fixing stuff when I should be on the water!!!  My plan is finding a nice meal and sharing some time on the lake with family and friends. The boat is ready, all the gear checked and ready.  Just finish the cabin and stocking the shelves so next weekend it will be relaxation all around. If you don't get things ready for you, do it for the people around you so they have an enj...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Here is a great example how we have become overly dependent on modern technology.  I live in a rural part of Minnesota.  Not out in the sticks, just not in town.  I include very precise directions for my listings.  I had an agent call on Friday and was lost.  Could not find the home.  Her GPS would not pick up the address.  I told her, just look at the listing..the directions are right on the front.  "You can't miss it." I said.  Her reply..."I'm not sure how to follow the directions."      "WHAT?" The agent was sitting at the starting point of my directions.  A major highway intersection.  She needed to take the road off the hwy going west, (the only direction you could go)  Go 1.2 miles to XYZ ave.  Turn right 1.3 miles to the property where my sign was. I then went over the direction...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
I was sent this by a friend of mine.  He understands what we are going through so he thought WE could all use a chuckle. A father sent his son to college.  After a few months, the son was out of money.  He was partying way to much.  He was trying to figure out how to ask Dad for a bigger allowance, when the phone rang... "How is School Son?" the father asked.  "Great, dad, but you would never believe it.  They have a new course in which they will teach our dog how to use the computer.  It's only $1000 for the course." "I will be there tomorrow with the dog and the cash."  After a couple of months, the son was again broke.  He calls home and Dad askes..."How is the dog doing?"  "Awsome Dad, he has done so well, that they want to enroll him into the only course around to teach him to talk...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
I had not thought of this reason before.  I had several of my own, but, this is also a great reason. With all the advancements in technology of late regarding fertility, a lady at the age of 56 gave birth.  After being discharged from the hospital, she went home to start her mothering duties.  After a few days a friend stopped by for a visit. "May I see your new baby?" she asked. "Not yet, I will make us some coffee and we can visit a bit first."  After talking for 30 min. the friend asked, "Can I see the baby now?" "No, not yet." was the reply. Another 10 min. passed and again the friend asked..."Can I see the baby now?" "NO Not yet," the mom replied. Getting impatient, the friend asked, "WELL when can I see the baby?!" "WHEN HE CRIES." was the reply. "WHEN HE CRIES?! WHY MUST I WAIT U...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
People have all kinds of pets, but the dog and cats are the most popular.  For many reasons.  Foods for the animals have always brought a raised eyebrow to me.  Lets take Dogs first...many foods are vegetable based.  In the wild, they are meat eaters. How about cats.  Now here is wide range of foods.  Fish, chicken, shrimp, fish and chicken, liver Blah blah blah... Cats in the wild don't catch fish or shrimp.   They catch Mice!!! So, why hasn't anyone come out with...MOUSE FLAVORED CAT FOOD?
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