Minneapolis Votes to Restrict New Construction & Remodeling
By Ben Kolkman, Real Estate Author & REALTOR, Southwest Minneapolis & Edina Minnesota
In an effort that would appear misguided at first glance Minneapolis City Council voted June 29th to restrict the size and scale of new construction and remodeling. The unanimous vote seeks to address concerns over so called "Monster Houses" a.k.a "McMansions". While the concerns are highly warranted in many cases, the concern would be that this effort further hurts a slow housing market, and drives investment capital to less restrictive areas, like Edina and St. Louis Park.The bill authored by Ward 13 Council Member Betsy Hodges basically restricts the overall size of what can be built on a city lot. While it raises a lot of concerns, I feel the bill will actually help builders and home owners in many cases. The replacement housing effort (new and remodel) works under different...