The Mighty Mississippi and the Sacramento River
By Elizabeth Weintraub Sacramento Broker, Put 40 years of experience to work for you
(Elizabeth Anne Weintraub, Broker)
When I was a kid growing up in Minneapolis, we spent a lot of our time outdoors at Minnehaha Falls and playing along the Mississippi River. Unlike some people, I find Mississippi easy to spell. In fact, we learned how to spell Mississippi in grade school as a jingle: mis - sis - si - ppi. I still can't spell Connecticut or Cincinnati because there are no jingles, but fortunately I don't have to spell either of those words very often. Many cities, though, were formed along river banks. It's where our Native Americans settled, to be near a water source.Now that I live close to the Sacramento River in Land Park, Sacramento, I find myself intimately familiar with wild skunks. We don't do much with the river except go bike riding along the levee or glance at the water as we drive over Busine...