
Elk River, MN Real Estate News

By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
    This time of year is full of such color and beauty in Minnesota!I couldn't help but share a few of my favorite scenes. Well, that isn't totally true. Every corner I turn this time of year gives me a new "favorite" snapshot of color and beauty! Every last tree has something wonderful to share this time of year!         The fruit trees are all bearing fruit... sharing their bounty.Shade trees are showing vibrant colors - sharing light even on the cloudy and rainy fall days.Some trees are showing their strength and staying green as ever.           No matter where you turn...No matter what town you are in...or road that you are traveling...Fall brings something special. It brings memoriesof diving into leaf piles growing up.It brings memories of raking leaves as a teenager.And now it's...
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By Chuck Carstensen, Minnesota/Wisconsin Real Estate Expert
(RE/MAX Results)
About two weeks ago there was a fire in an Elk River, MN which burnt an apartment complex causing several families to be displaced.  Many families lost everything in that fire.  Many are still trying to find housing and living in local hotels.  There are a lot of hurting people. Anyone wanting to help these families can get more info or donate to: 763-262-HOPE Donation can be sent to: Hope Filled Hands PO Box 150 Elk River, MN 55330   I personally am working with a family who was living there who had an offer accepted on a bank owned home that were are waiting to close on. The people really need this to close.  So I would like a special prayer request for them that their closing would happen this Friday at 1:30pm.  These people lost everything in the fire and jus...
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By Joel Friday, Make sure your home is "SOLD by Friday!"
(Keller Williams Classic Realty)
Who said the market is slow? Certainly not in Elk River right now. On one street with 20 new townhomes that all went back to the bank, there are currently 11 pending sales. That is unheard even in the best of times. Granted these homes are selling at about 60% of their value when built, but we are really seeing homes sell fast here. I know this is a very small micro market and this does not signify anything huge but, I think this may by a sign of a bottoming out. This also may be another reason to oppose the bailout as the free market seems to be working fine.   Make sure your home is "SOLD by Friday!"   612-868-6287
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By Patti Ann Kasper, Blaine & North Metro Minneapolis St Paul Real Esta
  Based on information from the REGIONAL MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE OF MINNESOTA, INCfor the period of July 1, 1007 through July 31, 2008. Participant in the *National Real Estate Stimulus Program* Buyers: Receive a CASH BONUS of 2% of the sale price up to a maximum of $10,000.00 after closing when you purchase a home with Patti Ann Kasper. Sellers: Your home SOLD in 39 days or less GUARANTEED, or I'll pay you up to $10,000 after closing!  That's right, a tax free cashiers check is mailed after closing, upon receipt of proof of purchase, and verification of identity.  Could you or someone you know do something with that? If you are thinking of buying or selling a home, call Patti Ann Kasper to find out howyou can receive your own National Real Estate Stimulus Program CASH BONUS!   For mor...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
As of August 1, 2008 all residential homes in Minnesota are required to have CO Detectors. Carbon Monoxide is a serious threat in Minnesota during the winter heating season. With the cool starting to inch it's way back into our northern climates we need to be thinking about the effectiveness of our furnaces. If you don't already have one, now is a great time to get your CO detector installed. Whether it's a battery, plugin or hardwired is worth the time it takes to install. Maybe now is the time to have your furnace cleaned, serviced and filter changed. For more information on the new law visit If you are considering OR have your home on the market - it is a great idea to make sure that you are ahead of the game. This new law will require CO detectors ins...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
  This last spring Burger Time closed and a "for sale" sign went up on the property. Yes, it's true....After years of enjoying the walk-up Burger and "biggie" fries of Burger Time they closed their doors for their very last time. One could only imagine what would go up in it's place. The tiny little lot that sits between the clinic and SuperAmerica. It didn't take long to find out!In short fashion Sonic stuck it's sign up on the edge of the property and within weeks we watched the old building come down and the new building going up. The anticipation of the new fast food joint grew and grew. Daily I heard rumors of it opening soon.Then, one day, it did.It opened in a BIG way!They hired security guards and put cones up all the way down the main drag in town.I think that they over-anticip...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
If you are thinking of buying a home... now is a great time to do it! There is a $7500 tax credit available to you. The upside of this credit is that it gives you power to buy if you don't have much to work with. The downside of this credit is that it's payable back over 15 years. If you are to sell your home before that time the credit will be prorated and collected back at the time of closing. To find out if you qualify for this credit give me a call today! I will put you in touch with a lender that can help you work through all the details! If you are looking for professional real estate services I am only a ring away! I am looking forward to working with you. Lindsey HasfordColdwell Banker Vision231 Main Street - Elk River - MN 55330763-241-5488 (office)  763-218-1347 (cell)lindseyh...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
Time sure flies when no one's looking doesn't it? It's time to head out that door and around the corner to the local superstore to pick up this year's necessities. There are a couple of great ways to find out exactly what the little ones (or not so little) will need this year heading back to school. When I was growing up they always posted the "list" of needs on the windows of the school and we'd have to drive up to look and write down our particular needs. Now, with a more sophisticated system, you can go a few different routes. The local Target and Walmart  and Office Max carry those lists for you.You can go online and check out the lists for your age child. If you AREN'T the parent of a school ager (yet or anymore) you can still jump in the fun!CAER Foods is a local community food sh...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
This is my friendly reminder that the 2008 elections are drawing near!As the excitement grows and the candidates fall into placeyou'll want to be ready! If you've never voted before you'll want to be registered before the polling dates arrive.VOTING REGISTRATION INFO You may register to vote on voting day, but most polling places for this presidential election will be filled with lines and people waiting to share their voice on the matter.Take the couple minutes that it takes and sign yourself up today and let your voice be heard!   If you are looking for professional real estate services I am only a ring away! I am looking forward to working with you. Lindsey HasfordColdwell Banker Vision231 Main Street - Elk River - MN 55330763-241-5488 (office)  763-218-1347 (cell)lindseyhasford@cold...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
Just a couple of years ago we sat in our office meetings continually wondering how our buyers would ever be able to find a home that they could afford. With prices going higher and higher and higher it was getting nearly impossible to find homes that were affordable to the lower income buyer. Now we find ourselves in an opposite seat. Going from nothing available under 150k to plenty available under 100k...We are wondering where to find the buyers that were so plentiful just not so long ago. The point is - if you are a buyer and you couldn't afford a couple years ago.It's time to start looking again.You'll never know what there is to afford without first searching it out!Give me a call today and I'll show you what is available!With options being so plentiful it's worth a shot. Call toda...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
It's raining you say? There are STILL a lot of fun things to do in the area...No reason yet to get bored! 10. Head to McDonalds for an icecream cone while the kiddos play in the super huge play area. 9. Head to the movie store ) either Coborns or Hollywood Video and rent that movie that you've been meaning to watch. Maybe with a tub of popcorn? 8. Visit the arcade at the Elk River 10 cinema while you wait for that all-new favorite flick to come on. 7. Head to Otsego and enjoy the pizza buffet at Godfather's and play a couple games of PacMan when you are stuffed to the punch and can't walk anymore. :-) 6. Take a stroll through the Guardian Angels Senior Center and visit with all the grandma's and gramp's that could use a friendly smile or chat. 5. Head to Monticello for an afternoon of r...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
Are you getting bored of having your kids at home?Looking for something fun to do between now and school starting in September? Been spinning your wheels doing the same thing day after day and looking for a little something new to do?Have I got some ideas for you!1. The Kelly Farm located just outside Elk River is a living history center. You can find farmers and animals and gardening fun on any given day! This time of year they offer lots of programs for the kiddos to learn all about what farming is ALL about!2. There are lots and lots of parks and trails in Elk River and the surrounding areas! What a great place to bring a picnic, take a bike ride, walk a trail or two... 3. If you have exhausted Elk River and you are looking for something more WILD - there are always the Como Zoo or M...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
It's true. There are lots of reasons that buying now is a good idea when it comes to real estate. 1. Prices are good and in some ways getting "gooder." 2. There are LOTS of choices to pick from so you probably will find something that you like.3. Maybe my most important for the evening.... The Nehemiah funding program is going ba-bye and very soon. If you are a FIRST time homebuyer this is a great option to help with down payment assistance and/or closing costs. They voted this week to discontinue the program and it will happen very soon! Before the end of September the program will no longer exist. If you AREN'T quite ready to take the plunge don't despair!With our changing market there are programs leaving and new ones coming. The best thing to do is to work with your trusted lender s...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
I had some time today in between clients and ran downtown to enjoy the beauty of the newest renovation in town! I have to give Elk River a big THUMBS UP! This park overlooking the river definitely has it's positives in every way. Located right off Main Street and Jackson this park shows off the Mississippi in the best light possible! The kids love the park (or the water within)andparents love watching the kiddos playing in the water. I must have gotten there early today as it was me and me alone taking photos of the fun!With the weather hitting the low 90's there has been lots and lots of activity under the fountain!!! If you aren't sure that you want to get wet? There are park benches within easy distance to it's spray and you can enjoy the cool/warm summer sun with the best of them! O...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
Who doesn't love a Parade?All that candy...The goodies thrown from shiny floats to make every child's day happy?!?!?! From the firetrucks to the towtrucks...From the clowns to walking cell phones....From the horses to the gocarts... There was definetely something for everyone to see! Starting promptly at 6:30 with the horses and the fanfair...Onlookers cheered as the 2 hour journey of floats passed by. From the remote controlled police car... To the brave young unicyclist... To the babies throwing candy our the makeshift train... To Elvis entering from the right! It was an evening of entertainment, joy and laughter. A time when neighbors and strangers came together to, fun and the fair! Ending with the booming of the awesome Elk River High School marching bandthis parad...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
This 4 bedroom 3 bath home boasts of apx 35oo sq ft of finished space.  2 fireplaces and a 3 car garage. If you like the "Natural" look, Wild flowers and natural grasses abound.  There is a garden area, and a large deck overlooking the back.  Situated on just over 1 acre, access to main roads and shopping are just blocks away. This doe had no interest in running away..She was laying just 40 feet from the driveway. The 2 year old wood shakes give this home that natural feel.
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
The summer heat in Minnesota is a BEAUTIFUL thing!Who can resist the thought of a nice swimming pool in the humid and lasting heat of summer?As you enjoy the fun of summerhere's a few rules to always remember.1. If the pool is in your yard... always make sure to follow the city guidelines.In some cities pools must have a cover and the stairs must be removable. You must also remember to get your permit from the city. 2. Remember that kids are curious and most love water. Watch the kiddos when they are outside so that they don't find themselves taking a dunk while you aren't available to them.3. Have lifejackets/safety gear on hand. It's great for the little ones to have floatation devices even in kiddie sized pools! (If nothing else - they think that they are cool!)4. Don't forget your s...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
On Friday, July 18th, the Sherburne County Fair in Elk River will start off with a parade! Get the kiddies out...Bring your chairs, and goodie bags, sunglasses and a little bit of bug spraycuz this is a "must see" event!Last year the parade lasted about 1-1/2 hours and we walked away with more goodies than you could buy in a store.It's plenty of free entertainment to watch the floats go by... ONLY to be followed up with by the fair. Do you love the rides?The food?The 4-H building and animals?How about the tractor pull and demolition derby?The entertainment?Make it a weekend long event with the fair running from Friday thru Sunday!!!!! The weather promises to be nice this year so I'll plan on seeing you there!   If you are looking for professional real estate services I am only a ring aw...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
The fourth of July in Elk River is a day of celebration! Starting at noon thru fireworks it's a family friendly celebration here in town! From the carnival to the stage shows thru the fireworks there is something for everyone! Bring you swimsuits and picnic baskets and come join the fun! The party is at Orono Park off Highway 10 in Elk River. You will find parking in the fair ground parking lot. Plan on coming early if you are attending the fireworks... you'll need some parking time... Don't forget your sunscreen, bugspray and picnic blanket or chairs! Looking forward to seeing you there. The following info courtesy of the Elk River Chamber of Commerce..... Date: July 4, 2008Time: 12:00 PM - 11:00 PM All Day Carnival & Amusement Rides Midwest Rides & ConcessionsNoon Opening Ceremonies A...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
Yummmm! The garden's are growing and there are plenty of yummy fruits to share. June is a great month to go strawberry picking. The beauties are ripe and beautiful! My 2-year old is really good at finding all the red on the vine. He even shared one of them with me this weekend! My hubby does a great job on our garden. He has the patience to nurture the young plants into existance and he loves each one to it's perfect growth! It makes for great summer eats and a gorgeous landscape to watch.   Having the fruit starting to grow in our garden reminds me that the local food shelf is asking for all garden growers to add a row to donate to their shelf. With the number of families visiting the food shelf growing every month they could really use the support! Kind of a cool idea. If you are in ...
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