
Elk River, MN Real Estate News

By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
... Please don't decorate mine! I know that it's a real big temptation for some who have nothing better to do to try and decorate things that don't belong to them. I understand that chalk is not so messy to clean up as spray paint. But, really, vacant houses aren't an open invitation for you try your artistic talents on my palette. It really just makes my job harder in the long run. Not everyone has your same taste in decorating. Ripped out vanities, dumped over furniture, and smashed fishtanks aren't really tips that I usually give my clients that are about to sell their homes.So, please, won't you please, just leave my homes alone. Yes, I understand that you had nothing better to do at the moment that you decided to break into this home. And, I do understand that you are a talented in...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
It isn't any small committment that are veterans and serviceman give when they sign up to protect our country. Everyday these ladies and gentlemen put their lives on the line to protect our freedom and security. Today is a day to honor those that have gone to serve our country. To continue our freedom. To help us realize our dreams and callings. Today is a day to celebrate the servicemen that have gone on before us and given themselves in battle. Those that have selflessly given of their time, their families, their lives. Today I say thank you.Thank you for being willing to serve. To answer your call. Have a great Veteran's Day! If you are looking for professional real estate services I am only a ring away! I am looking forward to working with you. Lindsey HasfordColdwell Banker Vision2...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
So, you are wondering if it's worth the time of day to move during the holidays?Absolutely!Here's my top list of reasons to purpose to move during the holidays. 1. Life is so busy that you are home anyways - so why not open your home for showings? 2. This is a fabulously famous time of year to have company in which means that you are cleaning anyways... so why not put up with a few extra people coming through and enjoying your nice clean house. 3. You've been doing all that yummy baking, but don't want to eat it? Perfect timing! Put out a plate of fresh baked holiday yummies for your lookers and enjoy the holiday baking smell. 4. You've taken bunches of time to decorate for the season so why not share the holiday spirit with someone looking to move! 5. Everyone has to move at some poin...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
If I told you that you could get a $6500 tax credit to move would you do it? That is EXACTLY what I want to tell you! President Obama signed legslation giving a $6500 tax credit to homeowner's who move. If you have lived in your home for at least five years (five out of the last eight years) you likely qualify for this program! Why now?The offer expires on April 30th, 2010. Now is the best time to get your home on the market in order to get the great deals! Let's sell your house and help you find the best house before the offer runs out! Winter seems an unlikely time for most to put their homes on the market, but no matter the time of year their are always people that need to move. Your home may benefit from one of those buyers! Interest rates are at a very low right now. Their is talk ...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
Hear ye, hear ye... The expansion of the First time homebuyer credit passed legislation!If you are a first time homebuyer (or haven't owned a home in three years) you qualify for this awesome program! Now is a GREAT time to take advantage of this program (that expires at the end of April) and to purchase a home. Why is it so advantageous? Here's a few of my top reasons: 1. Minnesota home sales tend to slow a bit through the holidays and cause a slight dip in pricing. It's quite possible to find a home for less money than you would in the spring months! 2. What a better way to celebrate the holidays than buying your family a home! That is a holiday gift that would be hard to beat. 3. Wouldn't you rather move in the snow than the rain? Really - when the water is in snow form it's less wet...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
It's a Happy Halloween to all my beloved fans! May your holiday be filled with fun and adventure!What a better way to celebrate than to gain an extra hour of sleep, eh? Just a quick reminder to all my trick-or-treating friends that tonight (October, 31st) is the night to turn those clocks back.We gain an hour!! If only my kids would get the memo and enjoy their moment to sleep in....Enjoy your Halloween and at the end of Saturday - don't forget to move those clocks!It's just that time of year!   If you are looking for professional real estate services I am only a ring away! I am looking forward to working with you. Lindsey HasfordColdwell Banker Vision231 Main Street - Elk River - MN 55330763-241-5488 (office)  763-218-1347 (cell)lindseyhasford@coldwellbankervision.comhttp://www.hasford...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
In preparation for their grand opening the Northstar Rail has been sending out practice trains now for a couple of weeks. Have you seen them? Starting service in November will be quite an exciting event for this public transportation system! Running from Big Lake down to the cities everyday with several stops in between (including Elk River) will provide a new and relaxing way for commuters to avoid high traffic during rush hour! My boys love seeing these fast and bright trains fly by on the rails and ask often when they will get their turn to ride. We might just have to take a trip! If you are looking at purchasing a home along the rail line now is the time! With prices at a low and the anticipation of how the train will help with commuting - now is the time! There is still plenty of i...
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By Chuck Carstensen, Minnesota/Wisconsin Real Estate Expert
(RE/MAX Results)
This weekend Elk River, MN will have a community wide Realtor open house.  I will be at Mel Beaudry's listing below:  The home will be open from 1- 4pm this Sunday! view all photos (10)           10496 181ST LN NWELK RIVER, MN 55330 $220,000 3 Bedrooms 2 Full | 1 Partial Bathrooms 3,000 Est. Sq. Ft. Listing # 3670280   Chuck Carstensen - 612-290-3809  
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
If you didn't read my previous post.... here is my update. I have been asked and kindly volunteered to help raise money for the local area children with muscular dystrophy. They are having a fundraiser to help send these children to camp!!!! Before August 27th I have pledged to try and raise enough money to send two children to camp and could really use your help!!!! Please click HERE to help me make my goal. If I haven't raised the funds on that day I will be arrested and brought to the MDA headquarters in Rogers until my bail has been reached. If everyone that I know donates just $3 I could make goal quickly. Please help! If you are looking for professional real estate services I am only a ring away! I am looking forward to working with you. Lindsey HasfordColdwell Banker Vision231 Ma...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
If you haven't heard the good word then you are missing out on the fun! There are signs starting to pop up all over Elk River advertising the community wide open house.This Sunday from 1 to 4 there will be more than FIFTY homes on open display for your easy shopping convenience! I have attached a list of homes and the map to find them here... ...and I hope that you take the time to visit me at my open house!!!!I'll be at 10492 181st Ave, Elk River If you have questions regarding the open or how to get started on the home buying process give me a call! Now is a great time to buy. OPEN HOUSE Sunday, August 16th from 1-4pmElk River, MN If you are looking for professional real estate services I am only a ring away! I am looking forward to working with you. Lindsey HasfordColdwell Banker Vis...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
Did I tell you that I'm getting locked up?Thrown in the cell...I only hope that they don't lose the key! Can you help me earn my bail?I'm looking for all the help that I can get! In just a couple of short weeks the Muscular Dystrophy Association will be stopping at my doorstep to collect me and drag me off to the slammer! In effort to support their summer camp program they've asked me to put my reputation on the line and that's where you come in. Help me help these kids go to camp! PLEASE!!!!! I'm asking... begging... whatever you can give.... just CLICK the link below and show your support.I appreciate it! (and so do the kids at the MDA) KEEP ME OUT OF JAIL!!!   If you are looking for professional real estate services I am only a ring away! I am looking forward to working with you. Lin...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
As the fourth of July approaches I though that I'd take a moment and remind you that Elk River won't be holding fireworks this year. (2009) For the first time in many many years - as long as I can remember - it's the first time that there haven't been any sparkling shows lighting the skies at dark. The fanfare and excitement will be strangely missing as we celebrate the all american holiday on Saturday. If you find yourself at Orono Park with nothing going on - just remember that you aren't the only one missing all the local fun. Here's to a HAPPY INDENDENCE DAY to all my local friends!Let's hope that next year Elk River finds a way to bring back the fun.  If you are looking for professional real estate services I am only a ring away! I am looking forward to working with you. Lindsey Ha...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
Lindsey Hasford | Coldwell Banker Vision | 763-241-5488 16334 235th Ave, Orrock Twp, MN 3.80 acres of beautiful wooded land complete with barn, shed, and farmhouse. 3BR/1BA Single Family House offered at $115,000 Year Built 1904 Sq Footage 1,600 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 1 full, 0 partial Floors 2 Parking None Lot Size 3.80 acres HOA/Maint $0 per month see additional photos below PROPERTY FEATURES • Central heat • Walk-in closet • Family room • Living room • Refrigerator • Stove/Oven • Washer • Dryer • Laundry area - inside • Yard OTHER SPECIAL FEATURES • Lots of room for your every want or need! • Could be horse or animal ready in a hurry. • TLC needed but ready for your dreams and finishing touches. • Mature trees and landscaping already in. ADDITIONAL PHOTOS frontBarnYardCarportShed Cont...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
On Thursday night my kids and I headed down to Riverfront Park in Elk River to enjoy the free musical sounds of Lamont Cranston and his kickoff to the Riverfront Concert Series for 2009! It seemed that MANY other Elk River  patrons had the same idea as the entire park was filled with music listeners, dancers and friends. It will be loads of fun to see the concert tour this summer and to enjoy the warm and friendly sounds of music in the downtown park. Check out the tour list below and I look forward to seeing you there this summer!   Concerts are held EVERY Thursday night through the summer and River's Edge Commons Park at 7pm. June 11th  Eagle RiverJune 18th  Michael MonroeJune 25th Davina & the VagabondsJuly 9th A Hard Days NightJuly 16th Tim MahoneyJuly 23 Roseville Community BandJu...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
My brother recently had a bear hanging from a tree just two doors down from them in downtown Elk River. They watched excitedly as the young bear just hung out for awhile before feeling scared and lumbering himself back to the river and along the way. Which leads me to wonder? Do you know what lives in your neighborhood?This spring I've been having a blast photographing different footprints that have walked along our driveway. I know that I'm not catching all of them - and realistically - not all animals USE our driveway as means of access.Aside from what you see here I know that we also have cats, raccoons, skunks, pheasants and wild turkeys that entertain us off and on. (some more than others!) Can you figure out what lives in our yard? If you are looking for professional real estate s...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
My mom and I made a goal last summer that this summer we'd make it to a car show. We've never been to one and thought that it'd be a blast! Seeing the old antique cars just takes you back to a time and place you've never been. Seeing as we've never been to a car show, it's quite obvious that we've never made it to a car "swap" either. So when my friend asked me to help spread the word that this swap meet was coming to town - I couldn't help but get excited! For you car lovers here is the info: Tri River Rodders SWAP MEET in conjunction with ELK RIVER LIONS CLUB CAR SHOW Shereburne County Fairgrounds. May 25th, 2009 - 10 am to 3 pm gate opens at 9 am for participants. Swap space 10X20 $10.00 PRE-REGISTER by 5/20/09 get second space FREE.Call Jim at 763-355-2784 or email @ sellitjp@aol wi...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
This Saturday (May 9th) is the annual walk for the Abba Crisis Pregnancy Center in Elk River. It's a short family-style walk (about two miles) bringing in support for the organization. The Abba Center helps many women - both younger and older - with their newborn little ones. They offer counseling to many, training on caring for your little ones, and help with baby food and clothing and even furniture if a mom is in need. If you are interested in helping they take cash donations or other. They can use baby clothes, diapers, baby food, bottles, cribs... you name it. They accept donations for up-to-age-two. All donations are tax deductible gifts. If you'd like to walk on Saturday to help support the center they will be meeting at the center at 9:30am and walking at 10:00am. Hope to see yo...
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
OPEN HOUSE:Saturday, May 2nd12:00PM to 2:00PM10492 181st Lane, Elk River, MN 55330 This is the first open house for this gorgeous townhome property in local Elk River. You can't miss this clean and just-like-new home! Three bedrooms, three baths with over 2700 finished square feet! Backing up to wildlife area in prestigous Trott Brook Farms. Directions: Take Hwy 10 to Main St right to Nixon left to home 181st left to home on left. If you are looking for professional real estate services I am only a ring away! I am looking forward to working with you. Lindsey HasfordColdwell Banker Vision231 Main Street - Elk River - MN 55330763-241-5488 (office)  763-218-1347 (cell)lindseyhasford@coldwellbankervision.com  
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
If you are looking for professional real estate services I am only a ring away! I am looking forward to working with you. Lindsey HasfordColdwell Banker Vision231 Main Street - Elk River - MN 55330763-241-5488 (office)  763-218-1347 (cell)lindseyhasford@coldwellbankervision.com
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By Lindsey Hasford, Bringing you home...
(Edina Realty)
Sometime this week Minnesotans should be receiving a blue bag in their mailbox from their local post office as a reminder that Saturday, May 9th, is their yearly "Stamp Out Hunger" event! As mail carriers throughout the state are dropping mail in mailboxes on Saturday they will be collecting their blue bags and are asking that we, the consumers, fill the bags with food to donate to our local food shelves. This is an easy and great way to collect food for the hungry! If you can't leave food for the mail carrier to take at the mailbox don't despair. The post offices have partnered this year with TCF banks and some other banks to add collection sites to their program. You can also drop food at the local post office on Saturday! Last year a million pounds of food were collected for this pro...
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