If you are in Elk River this evening and looking something to do... (September 11th, 2010)... you might want to take a stroll in historic downtown and check out the events. Tonight is the first of several Saturday evening movies being hosted in the Riverfront Park. At dusk (8pm) they will be featuring Disney's movie "UP!" which is a great family fun movie! So, grab a bite to eat at the world's #1 hamurger joint (you can miss it on Main Street), a bowl of soup at Old Main Eatery, an icecream cone at Daddyo's, a bag of popcorn at Sweet P's, a candy bar at Kemper Drug and a drink at Sunshine Depot (or something like that) and then grab a blanket or two and snuggle up in the park for a fun filled family evening of entertainment at the park! Throughout the fall the downtown will be hosting ...