
Saugatuck, MI Real Estate News

By Dee Dee Hanson, If you love Saugatuck. . service is what I do
(Dorothy Hanson, Broker)
Spring is here!  Or at least it feels like it.  The snow has all melted and the birds are back.  This is a beautiful time of year to be alive and in Saugatuck!  The willows are greening up and the ice on Lake Michigan has disappeared!  Today it was even warm enough to be out with only a light jacket.  The cars with the Illinois plates are all over town.  That is a sure sign of Spring.                                                                                                                                                                     one    Come on over for the spring flowers. The photo on the left is of my great grandfather's apple tree - one of the few that have survived from his orchard.  It looks like a Monet when it starts to bloom.  The one direcly above is my aunt's b...
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By Dee Dee Hanson, If you love Saugatuck. . service is what I do
(Dorothy Hanson, Broker)
What can your client expect when he purchases a foreclosure?  They can expect a really good deal when they finally locate their property.  What else can they expect?  They can expect quite a bit of work as they look and a lot of frustration in the purchasing process.  You, as their agent, can expect even more.  Since December, three of my clients have purchased foreclosures in Allegan County, Michigan.  One was in Clyde Township, one in Ganges Township and one in Saugatuck Township.  Buying a foreclosure is like walking on hot coals to reach the treasure - It can be compared to an Indiana Jones adventure!My client purchased this home for $95,000 with five wooded acres.  It showed inside and out like a brand new home and included all the appliances.  The purchase price was about $70,000 ...
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By Dee Dee Hanson, If you love Saugatuck. . service is what I do
(Dorothy Hanson, Broker)
I know I am preaching to the choir when I send this out to fellow bloggers but in the current economic climate, it is essential that realtors continue to try something new. It might be a little scarey at first but look like fun and have promise.  I took a vacation recently and went to this water park in Aruba.  I had never seen anything like this!   It was certainly something new, but I tried it anyway I realized that the bucket at the very top under the sign would dump on me if I happened to be right under it when it filled up.  And it did!     Somehow I forgot about the bucket once I got going on the slides.  While I was deciding whether or not to participate in this, I thought that the slides looked like fun.  I though that I would only pass this way once so I went ahead a tried it -...
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By Dee Dee Hanson, If you love Saugatuck. . service is what I do
(Dorothy Hanson, Broker)
It is time to step up for our Harbor!  Saugatuck and Douglas have proposed hiring legal services to prepare for an intergovernmental agency to create the Kalamazoo Harbor Commission and establish its operational requirements and limits.  The Kalamazoo River and Kalamazoo Lake have been the sparkling glory of Saugatuck, Douglas and Saugatuck Township since the land was originally settled.Currently the Army Corp of Engineers dredges the harbor up to Coral Gables to make the River navigitable. This Commission would study the dredging of the Kalamazoo River and Kalamazoo Lake up to the Douglas Marina and possibly silt collection as far up river as the I96th bridge.Just imagine what it would be like to have the river back to the way it was when commercial ships docked here and sea captains b...
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By Dee Dee Hanson, If you love Saugatuck. . service is what I do
(Dorothy Hanson, Broker)
If you have always wanted a home on the western shore of Lake Michigan because it is always more enjoyable to watch the sunset rather than the sunrise, there are a lot of choices - sixty to be exact -between South Haven through Saugatuck and up to Holland. These properties are either on Lake Michigan or have deeded access to Lake Michigan.  They range in price from around $200,000 to well over $2,000,000.Two of these sixty properties are in foreclosure - one with 100 feet of private beach for under $950,000, and the other one is listed for $225,000 with deeded access to the lake.The foreclosures that are priced right do not stay on the market very long so it is imperative for buyers to get a good agent and receive daily e-mails of the listings just hitting the market.  Get your financin...
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By Mario Zarantenello
(@Properties of Harbor Country)
Hello Activerain users.  As an open, proud, intelligent and informed member of the gay and lesbian community, I hold myself out professionaly to all people from every facet of life. I treat all people with respect and dignity, offer everyone the same level of care and hold each and every one of you as if you were my only client or customer.  My reputation as a solid professional, skilled negotiator and informed analyst gives you my client/customer an upper hand as other professionals in this business look forward to working with me. My first love is the hunt, give me a mission and I accept it with determination.  Whether it is a buyer you want for your property, or a home for your own enjoyment it is I who gladly accepts the challenge and looks forward to bringing you satisfaction. I sp...
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By Dee Dee Hanson, If you love Saugatuck. . service is what I do
(Dorothy Hanson, Broker)
Saugatuck, Michigan, and Douglas, Michigan are located in Saugatuck Township, Allegan County.  It is interesting to compare the sales of residential real estate and vacant land in Saugatuck, Douglas, and the rest of Saugatuck Township in all of 2007 against 2006.  This Study covers January 1st of each year through December 31 of the same year.Check out the statistics and you will see it is time to buy and be ready for next summer!RESIDENTIAL SALES                  Residential Sales      Total Dollars           Average Sales Price       Over $1M    2006                      158                   $53,203,565           $279,000                          5    2007                      156                   $48,328,759           $256,250                          3The number of homes sold rema...
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By Dee Dee Hanson, If you love Saugatuck. . service is what I do
(Dorothy Hanson, Broker)
I have some clients who are definitely ready to buy and we just get on with it.  Others can't seem to make a commitment.  Some of this probably has to do with Saugatuck and Douglas, Michigan, being resort communities and these are often second homes.  No one will be living in the street if they do not buy their second home.  However, there is something else going on too.  Clients are watching the real estate news from the media and have decided that they will wait until things get worse.  Are things definitely going to get worse and do these clients have a crystal ball that will tell them the absolute bottom of the market?  And if they are in love with a property, will it still be around when things are worse?I tell them buying a property is not like buying stock.  One share of Dell sto...
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By Dee Dee Hanson, If you love Saugatuck. . service is what I do
(Dorothy Hanson, Broker)
There is lots going on in Saugatuck in the winter so if you need a get away, come on over.  There are movies at the Saugatuck/Douglas library for adults every other Tuesday.  Right now we are having Carole Lombard movies and free popcorn.  There are also activities for children and young adults throughout the week. Their number is 269-857-8241. Several of the restaurants are having music on the weekends and lots of them remain open in the winter. There is a wine series dinner at Clearbrook Restaurant on the 18th. 269-857-2000. and a women's pamper weekend at Twin Gables Inn 269-857-4346. The newest addition is the bowling alley in Douglas which has just been renovated and has a new chef and very affordable and delicious meals.   The Bowling Alley has piano music on Wed and Fri and karao...
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By Dee Dee Hanson, If you love Saugatuck. . service is what I do
(Dorothy Hanson, Broker)
Happy New Year from Saugatuck!  Last night during a large number of elegant and not-so-elegant house parties in the communities of Saugatuck and Douglas, we were visited by a winter wonderland.  Coming home was a little slick but we all live close.  This morning we woke  to natures gorgeous display.  The party I was fortunate enough to be invited to featured  shrimp cocktail, salmon from Scotland - our hostess being a native of Scotland and along with being an excellent hostess a first rate artist-. rack of lamb and all the trimmings topped off by chocolate moose and fresh berries.  The fireplace was going and the snow was falling outside as we spent time with friends.  I couldn't help thinking how lucky I am.This is a small community.  We don't even have mail delivery in the two towns ...
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By Dee Dee Hanson, If you love Saugatuck. . service is what I do
(Dorothy Hanson, Broker)
Although the City of Saugatuck and the City of the Village of Douglas seem to be holding their own in the number of sales of homes and condos the last six months of this year as compared to the same time frame last year albeit the total dollars spent are less as reported in my last market condition report, the surrounding townships are offering even better valuesIn the last six months in Saugatuck Township, Laketown Township, and Manlius and Ganges Townships, not including Saugatuck City, Douglas or  Fennville, there have been 78 sales of single family homes for a total dollar amount of $19.2M.  Last year in the same six months there were 82 sales for a total of $21.9M.  The number of sales are down 8% in these townships as compared to the same time frame last year AND total dollars exp...
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By Dee Dee Hanson, If you love Saugatuck. . service is what I do
(Dorothy Hanson, Broker)
If you are thinking about a retirement or second home in the Saugatuck or Holland area, now is the time to make your move.  Two of my clients recently purchased condos in Holland at a considerable discount from previous years.  There are nice, roomy condos in Holland available for under $100,000.  Other clients have been picking up estate properties and foreclosures as investment and rental opportunites at considerable discounts from previous years.  As long as you do not fall in love with a property and can take one of several choices, you can locate your home at a good price.  If you are willing to accept the property "as is" and make repairs yourself, you can get an even better deal!In the last six months of 2007, several more properties have sold in the Village of Douglas and Saugat...
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By Dee Dee Hanson, If you love Saugatuck. . service is what I do
(Dorothy Hanson, Broker)
Lake Michigan was beautiful yesterday and today while in a very angry mood.  A lot of us drove out too see the colder weather coming in from the West.  As we drovedown to Oval Beach, we could feel the wind picking up.  The mile trip through the dunes is an experience in itself - up and down and through a heavily wooded area.  Wanted to share these photos with you all.  This is the perfect place for your second home. Then you can experience the moods of Lake Michigan for yourself.                  
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By Dee Dee Hanson, If you love Saugatuck. . service is what I do
(Dorothy Hanson, Broker)
This is the Oval Beach in Saugatuck in September, 2007.  I think this is the best beach in Michigan but I may be prejudiced.  Anyhow we areonly two hours from Chicago and about four hours from Detroit.  Many people from Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Missouri, and Indiana have their second homes here.  We have our own historical museum, the summer school of the Art Institute of Chicago (Ox-bow), our own performing arts center, numerous galleries, lots of bed and breakfast establishments, fine dining.  All in all, a great place to come and just chill out.  Right now the fall colors are at their peak.  Red rover, red rover.  Why don't you come on over?  Very friendly place with lots to do or nothing to do but go to the beach.  Your choice.
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By Dee Dee Hanson, If you love Saugatuck. . service is what I do
(Dorothy Hanson, Broker)
The historical farm house that I spoke of in my last blog is now sitting in its new location still on the wheels and waiting to be put on the foundation that is being prepared for it.  It is in a lovely South Western Michigan area surrounded by trees.  The second floor has not been moved yet.  I will keep you updated as this progresses. It is very exciting to be part of this.
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By Dee Dee Hanson, If you love Saugatuck. . service is what I do
(Dorothy Hanson, Broker)
Recently I have had the privilege of being involved in the preservation of two historic homes in the Saugatuck, Michigan area.  I didn't get paid for finding new locations for these homes but have the joy of being able to see the homes lovingly removed from a location where for one reason or another they could not longer remain.  One if these just pulled out down Blue Star Highway today or at least the bottom half of it.  On the left is the lower portion of the home as it goes to its new location. the building on the right is our Coldwell Banker office.  This portion of the home is the bottom half of  a well maintained farm house about 135 years old on its way to Glenn.  Cost to move the home was under $100,000 and everyone involved is glad we were able to save it.  Home had to be slice...
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