Life is Too Short to miss Spring in Saugatuck, Michigan
By Dee Dee Hanson, If you love Saugatuck. . service is what I do
(Dorothy Hanson, Broker)
Spring is here! Or at least it feels like it. The snow has all melted and the birds are back. This is a beautiful time of year to be alive and in Saugatuck! The willows are greening up and the ice on Lake Michigan has disappeared! Today it was even warm enough to be out with only a light jacket. The cars with the Illinois plates are all over town. That is a sure sign of Spring. one Come on over for the spring flowers. The photo on the left is of my great grandfather's apple tree - one of the few that have survived from his orchard. It looks like a Monet when it starts to bloom. The one direcly above is my aunt's b...