Mid Coast Maine Vacations | Collecting More Maine Lighthouses
By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
Mid coast Maine vacations mean boat rides and sightseeing to collect more Maine lighthouse images!Mid coast Maine is loaded with coastal fun if you are looking for a vacation destination. Maine is a small population, large land mass and offering boatloads of waterfront eye candy experiences. And so affordable and down to Earth easy. No hassle.Maine is called Vacationland for a very good reason and social distancing is easy when you can avoid the crowds.Living in Maine makes accessing the many areas of this big state much easier. We were country before it was cool, living simple and green before a color was attached to the lifestyle. And social distancing before it was the best way to help curb the COVID19 pandemic virus.Last weekend took a couple days to unplug and recharge and mid coas...