Westphalia Woods (Upper Marlboro, MD)
By Lanre-"THE REAL ESTATE FARMER" Folayan, I don't make promises.I deliver results.SOLD HOMES
(ERNAL REAL ESTATE GROUP with Samson Properties)
So have you been looking for a Upper Marlboro MD Condo unit Townhouse to purchase but don't know where you can find one? Then check out Westphalia Woods II. Westphalia Woods II is a Condo/Townhouse unit situated in a quaint area in Upper Marlboro MD on Chester Grove Rd Upper Marlboro MD. It is off of Westphalia Rd. So what attracts people to Westphalia Woods II Condo Townhouse unit? Three things I would say attract people to Westphalia Woods II Condo Townhouse unit are: Proximity to Major roads -In less than three minutes,you are on Highway.   Nice quiet neighborhood-No matter what time of the day you go around the area,it is always quiet.   Affordable-Currently they are three Westphalia Woods II Condo units Townhouses for sale in that area. These Condos Townhouses are for sale in the 5...
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By Lanre-"THE REAL ESTATE FARMER" Folayan, I don't make promises.I deliver results.SOLD HOMES
(ERNAL REAL ESTATE GROUP with Samson Properties)
EXIT Advance Realty Meet and Greet Networking Event-THE AFTER PARTY VIDEO at 8500 Westphalia Rd Upper Marlboro MD 20772. It was very nice. Didn't get to speak to my boy AKIL WALKER-Sorry Akil. Me along with my Broker was talking to a broker who I invited. Anyway what made me record this video was when I saw my Broker Thurman Battle started dancing. That shocked me. He is the old man in the gray suit. And Mr.Calvin Crawl was having a good time too. He is the old young man in the black sweater and gray slacks. And he just turned 70 this week. Pray that I can dance like that (Or move for that matter) like him when I am 70. I am exactly half his age. Glad I had my camera phone on me. Anyway I hope you enjoy this video of my broker in the gray suit dancing.      
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By Lanre-"THE REAL ESTATE FARMER" Folayan, I don't make promises.I deliver results.SOLD HOMES
(ERNAL REAL ESTATE GROUP with Samson Properties)
On March 31,2011,there is going to be a Meet and Greet at our office EXIT Advance Realty 8500 Westphalia Rd Upper Marlboro MD 20772. Our speaker is Thurman Battle. He is the Broker/Owner of EXIT Advance Realty. He has been in the real estate business for over 15 years. Find out what he is doing to continue to be a top producer in this Real Estate Market. Real Estate Agents,Brokers,Lenders and Title companies are invited to this event. There will be many real estate agents from various companies along with plenty of food and entertainment. If you are interested in attending,please let me know. I would be delighted to have you as my guest. And if there is anybody else who you think would be interested in attending this event,please let me know. This event is by invitation only. This would...
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