Lord Sterling (Upper Marlboro, MD)
By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Marlboro Meadows Homes For Sale | Upper Marlboro, MD - August 2019This is a snapshot of recent sales in the Marlboro Meadows neighborhood of Upper Marlboro, MD. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Click here to sign up for my free monthly real estate market update.Highest and Lowest Sold Marlboro Meadows Home ValuesIn the past 6 months, 33 properties have sold in Marlboro Meadows ranging from a 3-bed, 2.5-bath Townhouse for $208,500 to a 5-bed, 4.5-bath Detached for $389,900.ATTENTION Marlboro Meadows Home Owners - Sell Your Home The Easy Way!Get the inside secrets from the best Marlboro Meadows real estate agent Peggy Yee on the exact strategies she uses to sell homes for top dollar. Get all your questions answered today. Find out how you can Sell Yo...
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By Lanre-"THE REAL ESTATE FARMER" Folayan, I don't make promises.I deliver results.SOLD HOMES
(ERNAL REAL ESTATE GROUP with Samson Properties)
13614 Lord Sterling Place #11-3,Upper Marlboro,MD 20772. This two bedroom,two bath condo in Upper Marlboro MD has been rented courtesy of Lanre Folayan-"THE REAL ESTATE FARMER"-Real Estate Professional with EXIT Advance Realty.       My clients are now currently renting this two bedroom,two bath condo Townhouse in Upper Marlboro MD. One of my client's mother actually found me through my Active Rain blog around a year and a half ago. Cut a very long story short my client and her friend was supposed to buy a three bedroom,two bath townhouse in Capitol Heights MD. But she decided that they are going to rent instead due to the shennigans that we went through with the Listing agent and the Seller.       So in December 1,2012,my client and her roommate moved into this Lord Sterling Place Uppe...
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