How To Deal w/ Annoying People by Leander McClain, MD Realtor
By Leander McClain, Cecil & Harford County Realtor
How To Deal With Annoying People by Leander McClain, Realtor If you are looking for a quick and easy solution, stop reading now. What I am going to tell you is not easy to implement, but it is effective. As we go throught life, we all come across some annoying people. If you are a Realtor and you have never encountered an annoying may be because the annoying person is you. But I digress. So how do you deal with these annoying people? The easiest way is not to deal with them at all. Walk away from the situation, get some air, do something that you enjoy. I am typically not the best Realtor for every person that walks into my office. And that is ok. In order for us to work together, you must trust me, like me and want to work with me. If all of that is true, you won...