
New Market, MD Real Estate News

New Market, MD 21774 Zip Code Home Sales Statistics     Home owners and prospective purchasers want to know the trends of the local real estate market. The following statistics are for the past month and are compared with the same month last year. There were 19 new listings of homes for sale and 21 homes for sale went to pending new contracts. The sold dollar volume for the zip code was down 1.62% from last year. The number of homes sold and settled was 15 from 14 last year. The average time on the market was 38 days from 147 days last year. The average sale price was 95.86% of the average list price. The average sold price was $305,323. The median sold price was $291,000.      Please contact us if you wish to receive statistics for another zip code.  Blooming for Maryland home buyers. ...
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New Market, MD 21774 Zip Code Real Estate Statistics     Home owners and prospective purchasers want to know the trends of the local real estate market. The following statistics are for the past month and are compared with the same month last year. There were 29 new listings of homes for sale and 15 homes for sale went to pending new contracts. The sold dollar volume for the zip code was up 111.98% from last year. The number of homes sold and settled was 21 from 12 last year. The average time on the market was 115 days from 145 days last year. The average sale price was 95.52% of the average list price. The median sold price was $390,000.      Please contact us if you wish to receive statistics for another zip code.  Blooming for home buyers this summer. RealEstate Business Intelligence...
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By Denise Fox
(ReMax Realty Centre, Inc.)
Well, if you enjoy a peaceful afternoon surrounded by 1,000's of your closest friends, good wine and live music in the great outdoors - Have I got news for you!  The new season of the much loved Linganore Wine Festivals start this month! If you've never attended before, the winery hosts a wine festival each month beginning in May with the final one in October.  Each month features a different theme and live band so there's something for everyone!  May 29 - 30   Caribbean month. Featured bands are DC Pan Jammers and Image Band.  June 26 - 27  Swingin' Blues month.  Featured bands are Kelly Bell Band and The Nighthawks July 17 - 18    Reggae month.  Featured bands are Passion Reggae Band and Image Band August 28 -29 Vintage jazz month.  Featured bands are Night and Day Music and David Bac...
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New Market, MD 21774 Zip Code Real Estate Statistics     Home owners and prospective purchasers want to know the trends of the local real estate market. The following statistics are for the past month and are compared with the same month last year. There were 45 new listings of homes for sale and 22 homes for sale went to pending new contracts. The sold dollar volume for the zip code was up 56.65% from last year. The number of homes sold was 17 from 10 last year. The average time on the market was 88 days from 195 days last year. The average sale price was 96.38% of the average list price. The median sold price was $265,000.       Blooming in Maryland. RealEstate Business Intelligence, LLC.ZIP Code Statistics - Higher Price Segment Format ZIP Code: 21774 New Market, MD From: 04/01/2010 ...
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By Kay D. Riddle, Broker
(New Solutions Realty )
WE'VE MOVED!!!!        We have landed at this wonderful new office space,  perfectly located in the middle of Frederick County, MD.  Bright ideas that bring results with full service Real Estate and less costs. No Big Franchise fees.  COME ON IN!!!!!! SEE YOU SOON.
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New Market, MD 21774 Zip Code Real Estate Statistics     Home owners and prospective purchasers want to know the trends of the local real estate market. The following statistics are for the past month and are compared with the same month last year. There were 18 new listings of homes for sale and 21 homes for sale went to pending new contracts. The sold dollar volume for the zip code was up 49.38% from last year. The number of homes sold was 13 from 11 last year. The average time on the market was 61 days from 175 days last year. The average sale price was 95.98% of the average list price. The median sold price was $369,000.     Time is very short to qualify for the home buyer tax credit. The contract deadline is April 30 and settlement must take place by June 30, 2010. The Home Buyer T...
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By Roy Kelley
New Market MD 21774 Real Estate     Home owners and prospective purchasers want to know the trends of the local real estate market. The following statistics are for the past month and are compared with the same month last year. There were 22 new listings and 7 went to pending new contracts. The sold dollar volume was up 64.37 % from last year. The number of homes sold was 6 from 4 last year. The average days on the market was 55 days from 281 days last year. The average sale price was 88.62% of the average list price. The median sold price was $302,500. The 58 active listings include 6 short sale properties and 2 lender owned foreclosures.   Do you qualify for a tax credit?  The Home Buyer Tax Credit now includes current home owners as well as first time buyers. This link provides the h...
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New Market MD 21774 Real Estate - Frederick County     Home owners and prospective purchasers want to know the trends of the local real estate market. The following statistics are for the past month and are compared with the same month last year. There were 26 new listings and 21 went to pending new contracts. The sold dollar volume was up 157.09% from last year.  The number of homes sold was 12 from 5 last year. The average days on the market was 79 days from 119 days last year. The average sale price was 93.41% of the average list price. The median sold price was $364,950.   Take action now if you need to be under contract by the end of April to qualify for the tax credit. This is for first time home buyers or current owners that have owned for 5 years.   Do you qualify for a tax cred...
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By Roy Kelley
New Market MD 21774 Real Estate - Frederick County     Home owners and prospective purchasers want to know the trends of the real estate market. The following statistics are for the past month and are compared with the same month last year. There were 14 new listings and 12 went to pending new contracts. The sold dollar volume was up 25.11% from last year.  The number of homes sold was 7 from 6 last year. The average days on the market was 63 days from 113 days last year. The average sale price was 94.37% of the average list price. The median sold price was $292,000.   Please let us know if you need to purchase by the end of April to qualify for the tax credit. This is for first time home buyers or current owners that have owned for 5 years.   Do you qualify for a tax credit?  The Home ...
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By Lenn Harley, Real Estate Broker - Virginia & Maryland
(Lenn Harley,, MD & VA Homes and Real Estate)
FREDERICK COUNTY MD HOMES FOR SALE ARE PRICED RIGHT, NEW, RESALES AND HISTORIC HOMES. NEW MARKET in Frederick County is a popular location for home owners who like a rural atmosphere but want to be close to major commuting highways.  Close to Route 70, Route 270, Route 40, New Market is convenient and offers small town living. HOMES IN NEW MARKET ARE PRICED RIGHT.  The home below offers a completely remodeled interior and exterior with "state of the art" appliances, upgraded flooring, systems and attention to detail hard to find in new homes in the $450,000 price range. VISIT HERE TO SEE PHOTOS OF THIS RENOVATED PIECE OF NEW MARKET HISTORY.  Property Details for listing # FR7169128 Price:  $449,900 City:  NEW MARKET Bedrooms:  4 Bathrooms:  2 full  1 half Type of Home:  Detached Style: ...
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By Kay D. Riddle, Broker
(New Solutions Realty )
  This credit is available to qualifying buyers who sign a binding contract by April 30, 2010, and who close on a new home between Nov. 7, 2009, and June 30, 2010. To qualify, you must have continuously owned and lived in a home for at least five of the eight years leading up to the purchase of a new home. If you have owned and lived in your current home for at least five years, for example, you can qualify. If you bought the home you're living in now less than five years ago, however, you won't qualify. The credit is 10% of the purchase price, up to $6,500. As with the first-time-buyer credit, this one is available only for the purchase of a principal residence, not a vacation home or rental property. And if you sell the place or move out within three years, you have to pay back the cr...
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By Kay D. Riddle, Broker
(New Solutions Realty )
 The Many Benefits of Living in Lake Linganore, New Market, MD Staycations. Take the week and visit all 3 pools, 2 beaches and take a couple hikes around the lake.   Lose that gym membership. Kayaking, canoeing, hiking, mountain biking, swimming will keep you in shape.   Use your golf cart. Explore the neighborhoods and take the kids to and from the bus stop. Eco-friendly and socially inviting environment. (I have witnessed 6 golfcarts at the bus stop!) Low Maintenance Yard. The typical .25 acre yard with mature trees, shrubs, and rock outcroppings is unique and low maintenance. Take active part of your community. Lake linganore attracts outdoor enthusists, runners, triathletes, fisherman, youthful, outdoor type people who are involved throughout the communities. Swimteams and trailblaz...
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By Kay D. Riddle, Broker
(New Solutions Realty )
Top 5 midrange renovations by return on investment Project Job Cost Resale Value Cost Recouped Deck addition (wood) $10,601 $8,676 81.8% Siding replacement (vinyl) $10,256 $8,274 80.7% Minor kitchen remodel $21,246 $16,881 79.5% Window replacement (wood) $11,512 $8,946 77.7% Window replacement (vinyl) $10,537 $8,132 77.2%    
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By Kay D. Riddle, Broker
(New Solutions Realty )
  Yesterday I watched and learned. I joined an experienced bidder and watched the process. Bidding on the court house steps is a specialized business. One must do their homework and even then they get surprised to find that between seeing the home and winning a bid and finally getting into the house, that a lot of damage was done. There are also the additional issues if the home is still occupied. I appreciate the education I gained from watching the experts on the steps. Three auction criers rattled off lists of homes available, barely audible over the street noise. Bids were handwritten on a sheet of paper as bidders - many of whom are regulars - called out their price. It seemed as though most opening bids were on behalf of the lender the auctioneers call out the opening bid on behal...
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By Laura Gray
(RE/MAX Realty Group)
  Mid-Summer Pool Party  Where: Coldstream Pool    When: Saturday , July 25 , 2009    What Time: Noon to 5:00 PM    Entertainment  * Stilt walking characters   * Mimi & her Posse   * Famous Balloonologist - Mike Kenyon    * Music by DJ Val Dickerson    FEATURING    * Comedy Skills by Mike Rosman **   Two shows scheduled    Hire wire act and more !!!  Support your local Boy Scouts   Food & Beverages Sold by Boy Scout Troop 371     Come on out and have some fun and party with your neighbors !!    ** A featured act at the Maryland Renaissance Festival
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By Laura Gray
(RE/MAX Realty Group)
                                                              THAT 70's POOL PARTY ! When: Saturday June 20 ,2009 Where: Coldstream Pool When: Noon to 5:00 PM Experience psychic magic, thought transference and mind reading featuring "Mentalist" Jym Elders Shows & Audience Interaction between 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Balloonologist Mike Kenyon's Wild & Crazy creations Music by DJ Val Dickerson Food & beverages SOLD by Local Boy Scout Troop #371 Come out and have a Groovy time with all of your neighbors and friends !  
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Metropolitan Regional Information Systems, Inc.   ZIP Code Statistics - <$100K to >$5M Format ZIP Code: 21774 New Market, MD From: 03/01/2009 to 03/31/2009                Statistics generated on: 04/08/2009   ResidentialUnit SalesNumber of Bedrooms Active Listings   Time on Market Price Class 2 Or Less   3 4  or More   CondoCoop GroundRent Residential   CondoCoop GroundRent of Units Sold(No. of Units) Under $100,000 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -30 Days 2 $100,000 - 149,999 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 31-60 Days 2 $150,000 - 199,999 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 0 61 - 90 Days 1 $200,000 - 249,999 1 1 0 0 0 8 0 0 91-120 Days 0 $250,000 - 299,999 0 2 1 0 0 23 0 0 Over 120 Days 6 $300,000 - 349,999 0 1 2 0 0 22 0 0 Total 11 $350,000 - 399,999 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0   $400,000 - 449,999 0 0 2 0 0 10 1 0 Type of Financingof Units Sold...
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Mark your calendars and tell all of your friends  ! COLDSTREAM FARMER'S MARKET When: Tuesdays starting June 2 , 2009 Time: Starting at 4:00 PM until 7:00 PM Where: Coldstream Pool parking lot Local Produce , Breads , Coffee and more ! Brought to you by the local farmers and co-ops from the Frederick County and surrounding areas.
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By Laura Gray
(RE/MAX Realty Group)
             Saturday, May 30, 2009          Deer Crossing Elementary School 10601 Finn Drive New Market , Md 21774 *Parking will be limited. Please carpool if you can TIME: 8:30 a.m. (5K) COST                                                                              By May 8th:                                                       -- Adults $20                                                                                                                       -- Students/Teachers $10                                                       -- Family $45 (Children and up to 2 adults)                                                                                                                After May 8th:                                                                  -- Adults $25 ...
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By Pam Canova, Realtor, Montgomery, Frederick, Carroll Cty, MD.
(Long & Foster, Aspen Hill/Leisure World Plaza)
Morgan's American Grill in New Market, Maryland Morgan's American Grill, located in New Market, has just about everything one could ask for in a moderately priced restaurant.  The décor is a bit edgy, with dark colors and dramatic art on the walls.  The ceilings are black, and there is a separate party room  as well.  All of this gives the place a very modern feel.  The fireplace, and  the tables around it, are very popular in the winter.  Now for the food: It is hearty and well prepared.  If you are not hungry for a complete meal, you can order  the quesadillas or the pork sliders.  In any case, the hot bread is really fresh and comes with generous amounts of real butter.  Desserts  are unbelievable, with several  kinds of cheesecake, crème brulee, and  a walnut concoction that is so g...
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