Masters Degree Required to Post on Craigslist?
By Lisa Coates, Residential Home Sales Specialist
(Level Ten Construction Consultants)
Everyone knows WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get...right. We learn that in grade 3. So why is it so hard to learn how to make decent looking Craigslist Ads? Now seriously folks, unless you use a simple text and image ad. It suddenly, becomes a University Level Credit Course to learn how to Write the Code Save Photos on Servers Link Code to Picture Code to Ad Counter Code, etc, etc, etc LOOKS SANDY AND DONE BY 1ST GRADER Or you can upload "Free" WYSIWYG software and write your own ad copy. Write the ad Insert the image Save Post to Craigslist NOT EVEN CLOSE TO WHAT YOU WROTE missing color, font and PHOTOS At the time I wrote this post, I'd been in bed for two days with a bad head cold and taking advantage of the down time to Master The Skill of Posting to Craigslist (I thought) Ma...