
Quincy, MA Real Estate News

By Melissa Juarez
(Massachusetts Buyers Broker Agency, LLC)
Many of my readers know that Ginger Betty's, located at 215 Samoset Avenue in Quincy, is the most extensive gingerbread making shop in the greater Boston area.  Although the store operates year round, the busiest time of year is now, two weeks before the holidays. To keep up with demand, the store is baking and decorating round the clock. Please stop by and support this great local business.  I often purchase a gingerbread house or two for presents for my clients. The store is open Tuesday to Sunday. Go on and take a look, there is something here for everybody.  
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By Melissa Juarez
(Massachusetts Buyers Broker Agency, LLC)
The Quincy Veteran's Council will be holding a remembrance event Tuesday, December 7 at the Wollaston Cemetery's World War II Memorial, located at the corner of Sea Street and the Southern Artery at 10 a.m. There will be a wreath laying ceremony and free coffee and donuts after the ceremony. Stop by and enjoy some coffee and conversation while at the same time remembering those who served our country during World War II.  
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By Melissa Juarez
(Massachusetts Buyers Broker Agency, LLC)
Quincy's Annual Veterans Day Parade will be held on Thursday, November 11th, 2010. The parade starts at 10:30 a.m. at the Quincy Credit Union at Scammell Street and Quincy Avenue. The parade route continues down Quincy Avenue to Hancock Street, and ends at Adams Academy. Please join us as we honor our veterans and celebrate Quincy.
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Another closed condo for Susan Morrison at 21 Edinboro Road Quincy MA 02169. Today Susan Morrison closed on a 550 s.f., totally renovated condo at 21 Edinboro in Quincy MA.  This adorable unit had a totally renovated kitchen with new cabinets, granite counters, new appliances, breakfast bar and fixtures.  The condo fees are very low and this condo closed at $170,000. For a Free Market Analysis of your property call Susan Morrison at 67-686-8178.
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By Melissa Juarez
(Massachusetts Buyers Broker Agency, LLC)
Marina Bay is a unique Quincy neighborhood located 9 miles from downtown Boston, MA.  Marina Bay consists of 5 housing complexes, including detached, high-rise and townhouse properties.  Marina Bay also has numerous restaurants, a marina and a seaside boardwalk.  The benefits of living in Marina Bay include enjoying a great lifestyle and a short commute to Boston and the South Shore.  There is a weekly shuttle to the North Quincy Train Station.  Marina Bay has enjoyed steady market growth and continues to be a great place to live as well as a great investment. There are 23 open houses in Marina Bay this weekend, and prices range from $289,999 to over $999,999.   If you are a potential home buyer and you are interested in Quincy, please contact me to start receiving listings and open hou...
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By Melissa Juarez
(Massachusetts Buyers Broker Agency, LLC)
Quincy, MA is a great city with a lively restaurant scene.  You don't have to go to downtown Boston to get a great meal.  Many entrepreneurs have their eyes focused on Quincy as a prime location for high-quality restaurants.  On Tuesday, the City licensing board approved three new restaurant licenses.  The first is for the Texas Saloon, located at 1546 Hancock Street.  It will be a Country-themed restaurant.  Also, a restaurant called Remick's will open at the corner of Hancock and School Street.  Lastly, Wild Willy's Burgers will open at 588 Washington Street, Quincy Point. Welcome to Quincy, we look forward to visiting!
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By Melissa Juarez
(Massachusetts Buyers Broker Agency, LLC)
A funny thing is happening at my company.  Buyers who are calling to look at properties are now clearly stating to me that they don't want to look at any foreclosures. Period.  A year ago many of my buyers did in fact consider such properties, but the tone has changed.  Have recent news reports of robo-signing and faulty paperwork chilled the market so much that buyers won't even consider looking at a foreclosed property? My experience the past week tells me yes.  I know there are still investors and other buyers who are looking for great deals. But many simply will not risk getting a great deal today only to end up in a title dispute down the road.  Sellers on the fence should hurry-up and put their properties on the market.  Now would be a great time to do it!
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By Melissa Juarez
(Massachusetts Buyers Broker Agency, LLC)
Fall is the season for craft fairs in New England, especially the South Shore area of Massachusetts. Craft fairs are held to raise money for charity or to raise money for special programs. I always find that I can find a unique gift at the fairs. It is also fun to introduce yourself to new people! There are many fairs scheduled in different towns, but I'd like to share with you a list of a few of them below.  To see more craft fair schedules, visit the Enterprise online calendar, as it is updated daily. Abington Hospice of the South Shore, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.  Saturday, Oct. 23, VFW, 30 Central St. BraintreeGrove Manor Estates, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 23, 180 Grove St. HolbrookHolbrook United Methodist Church, 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, Nov. 5, and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 6, 60 P...
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By Melissa Juarez
(Massachusetts Buyers Broker Agency, LLC)
Today is the first day of the City's Fall and Winter street sweeping.  Residents who park on the affected street on the day of a sweep are asked to remove their vehicles from the street or risk having their vehicle towed. The last day of street sweeping is December 10. The city posts signs on the street mid-morning before the scheduled day.  You can look up designated streets by visiting the city's website:  
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By Melissa Juarez
(Massachusetts Buyers Broker Agency, LLC)
Those of us who live in Quincy and have business in town often follow Route 3A all the way to the Neponset Bridge to get to 93. Remember Java Java Coffee, located at 60 Quincy Shore Drive just before the bridge? It has been nearly 6 years since the store-front first appeared and it is now officially open for business. Java Java cleared their licensing dispute with the city and received the green light to open in July. I stopped by yesterday to grab a cup of coffee and it was delicious! It is important to support all of our local business since they make living and working in Quincy a pleasure. Welcome to Quincy Java Java and here's hoping that your business is successful. 
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By Melissa Juarez
(Massachusetts Buyers Broker Agency, LLC)
If you are a resident of Quincy, you know that the library system is excellent and is our pride and joy.  But, did you also know that the libraries have taught adults to read for the past 25 years? The literacy program was recognized in a ceremony held yesterday for its hard-work in helping more than 2,000 city residents learn how to read. I always tell prospective home buyers that in addition to everything else Quincy has to offer, the library system is a true gem.  Congrats to everyone who works at the library! Melissa A. Juarez/Owner-Broker Quincy's #1 Buyer's Agent  
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By Susan Neal, Fair Oaks CA & Sacramento Area Real Estate Broker
(RE/MAX Gold, Fair Oaks)
Today is an important anniversary that you might not even know about!  If you have ever ridden on a train, you have benefited from some inventions that were developed for this small but important piece of history. Quincy, Massachusetts is home to America's first commercial railway - the Granite Railway, built in 1826 specifically to transport Quincy granite to Charlestown for the construction of the Bunker Hill Monument. The Granite Railway is called the first commercial railroad in the United States, because it was the first chartered railway to evolve into a common carrier without an intervening closure.  The Bunker Hill Monument was built to commemorate the Battle of Bunker Hill. The 221 foot granite obelisk was erected between 1827 and 1843 in Charlestown, Massachusetts with granite...
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By Lynda Longmire
(Virtual Homes Real Estate)
Quincy MA Condos for Sale- Condominium Buying Guide If you are involved in purchasing a Quincy MA condo, it is important to understand the legal ramifications of this type of ownership. Since you will be sharing land, amenities, common areas and amenities, there are rules and regulations that you must be familiar with. There are a benefits to condo ownership however certain Quincy condos may have restrictions that will affect your lifestyle. Visit Quincy MA real estate for information that will assist you in evaluating all property for sale. What is a Condominium A condominium is a form of land ownership which is governed in Massachusetts by laws found in the Massachusetts Condominium Act. This act covers the requirements for unit owners and condominium associations including matters r...
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By Melissa Juarez
(Massachusetts Buyers Broker Agency, LLC)
Mayor Thomas Koch will host two citywide community meetings on the City's Quincy Center redevelopment plans, the first at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, October 6th in the North Quincy High School auditorium and second at 7 p.m. on Wednesday October 20th in the Quincy High School auditorium. Come join me and your fellow neighbors to find out all the details about the plan since the Quincy Center project will benefit the entire City well beyond the boundaries of downtown. If you are considering buying in Quincy, you will also benefit from this great informational meeting. Please stop by and introduce yourself!
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By Melissa Juarez
(Massachusetts Buyers Broker Agency, LLC)
Did you get your Quincy Fall Haz Mat collection notice in the mail this week? I did. The Fall Haz Mat collection is the designated day when you can get rid of hazardous materials at the Department of Public Works for free.  This year's Fall collection day is Saturday, October 2 from 8 to 10 a.m. The Department of Public Works is located at 55 Sea Street.  For a list of accepted items and instructions, you can visit the Quincy city website at:  
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By Melissa Juarez
(Massachusetts Buyers Broker Agency, LLC)
Are you still not ready for Fall to begin? Did you miss visiting the Cape this summer? No worries! All are welcome to attend a Lobster Boil and Fish Fry Dinner from 5:30 to 8 p.m. this Friday, October 1 at the Hough's Neck Congregational Church. The church is located at 310 Manet Ave., Quincy. All denominations are welcome at this community event. The dinner will feature a choice of a full lobster or fish dinner, including salad, baked potato, corn on the cob, homemade bread, drink and dessert. Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for children 12 and under. Meet your fellow Hough's Neck neighbors and bring the family. For reservations, call Nancy Jacobs at 617-479-6441.
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By Lynda Longmire
(Virtual Homes Real Estate)
Quincy MA Homes for Sale - Home Buying Guide Purchasing a home can be a very stressful and complicated process especially if you are a first time buyer. It is advisable to utilize the services of real estate related professionals who can offer client level services to assist you in purchasing Quincy Massachusetts homes for sale. Buyers often interview lenders, Realtors, attorneys, home inspectors, accountants and financial advisors. Financing a Quincy Home Purchase Most home buyers will finance the purchase of their home and there are various first-time home buyer financing programs offered by state agencies, local banks and national lenders. A common source for mortgage funding is the FHA (Federal Housing Administration). The major benefits of their programs include low down payment op...
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By AJ Marchionne, Condo Association Insurance Boston, MA
(AJ Marchionne Insurance Agency Inc)
Are Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water covered by my condominium master insurance policy? EARTH - The earth violently shakes: earthquake. Your standard condominium association master insurance does NOT cover damage caused by earth movement. However, your association is able to purchase earthquake coverage. Since the northeast does not experience earthquakes all that often, the coverage is priced accordingly. FIRE - Your standard condo association insurance WILL cover damage caused by fire. The condo's master insurance policy will pay to have a building restored to its condition before the fire occurred. The common causes that ignite fires are older or faulty electrical wiring, a candle, or a space heater.  WIND - Wind storms and hurricanes that cause damage to your condo's building WILL be a ...
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By AJ Marchionne, Condo Association Insurance Boston, MA
(AJ Marchionne Insurance Agency Inc)
Is water damage covered by our condo association's master insurance policy in Boston, MA? The depends. We know this is not the answer people are hoping to read, but this explanation should clear the muddy water. If you have further questions call me for clarification.FLOOD or GROUND WATER are a couple of the UNCOVERED causes of water damage. A condo association would have to purchase flood insurance to cover the water damage sustained by flood or ground water. Coverage for BACK-UP of SEWERS and DRAINS maybe purchased or included within a condo's master insurance policy. The term back-up of sewers and drains refers to water that backs-up through your sink, bathtub, shower, or drain etc and causes water damage within your condo complex or unit.BROKEN or FROZEN PIPES that cause...
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By Melissa Juarez
(Massachusetts Buyers Broker Agency, LLC)
One of the most interesting developments that came out of the Quincy City Council hearing last night was that the city is again considering buying the street lights from National Grid in order to save on maintenance costs.  Jack Gillion (City of Quincy) told the Council that other communities including Randolph Stoughton & Worcester have gone ahead and purchased the street lights and have seen cost savings. This plan was previously suggested back in 2008 but never got off the ground. I believe that with the new economic climate the timing for the purchase would be perfect IF the City can prove to us that it will indeed save us money.
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