Nouvelle Natick Market Report 1st qtr 2011
By Ed Daniels, A Team Working for You!
(Vesta Real Estate Group)
The marketing push for the Nouvelle at Natick luxury condos is still going strong in the 1st quarter of 2011. The Realtor community is hearing from the in-house staff often, letting us know that they are almost completely sold out (90% sold was stated in last email from them). I have put together some information on the 1st quarter sales that I gathered from MLSpin, the Massachusetts MLS service. In the 1st quarter there were 8 sales ranging from $369,900 to $599,900. (Avg. of $438,275) Unit N345 1 BR, 2BA + study with 1244 sf of living area $369,900 Unit T922 2 BR, 2BA with 1330 sf of living area $399,900 Unit S609 2 BR, 2BA with 1382 sf of living area $413,900 Unit T736 2 BR, 2BA + study with 1472 sf of living area $419,900 Unit N243 2 BR, 2BA + ...