AllWays Wireless - Algiers, LA
By Lisa Heindel, New Orleans Real Estate Broker
(Crescent City Living LLC)
Those of you that have teenagers, or even know a teenager, know that they can send text messages faster than the speed of light. They are quite adept at holding a conversation and texting without even looking at the phone!While this is probably not a skill that will get them into a good college, it does appear that it is the #1 choice in communication between teenage girls today. Now that my 16 year old has her first job, she is responsible for paying her own cell phone bill. It didn't take her long to figure out the benefits of a texting package on her phone after she forked over that first hefty amount to good old Dad. She has been pestering me for over a week to change her plan so that she no longer has to work in exchange for text messages.In Algiers, the only place I go for any...