What Does (And Dosen't) Come With A Home?
By Dale Taylor, Realtor = Chicago Illinois Homes Townhomes Condos
(Re/Max 10 New Lenox Illinois http://dtaylor.remax.com)
Dale Taylor RE/MAX 10 (708) 439-0165 What Does (and Doesn't) Come With a Home When you tour a house for sale, it’s often staged, complete with appliances, window dressings, furniture and decor. These items can certainly make a place look appealing, but the reality is that most of them won’t come with the house if you decide to buy. So, what exactly do you get when you purchase a house from its previous owners? Do you know which items stay and which ones go? KEEP READING >> Refer a Friend Search Now! Request Report Thank you for reading my newsletter. Please let me know if you have any questions, I am here to help! - Dale Taylor Dale Taylor | RE/MAX 10Realtordale@thetaylormaderealtor.com1938 E Lincoln Hwy Ste 218New Lenox , IL 60451Mobile: (708) 439-0165 I’d love to know what you th...