Should A Family Move Just To Get Into A Better School District?
By Noah Seidenberg, Chicagoland and Suburbs (800) 858-7917
(Coldwell Banker)
I'm sure you've heard friends or neighbors mention how they wanted to move because they wanted to be in a better school district for their kids or they didn't have kids yet but they wanted to make sure they found a home that was in a school district they wanted. It's one of the top ten reasons people choose a certain house to buy. But is it all Worth the trouble of excluding homes just due to the school district? Big question? MSN has an article about whether that is, in fact, something you want to focus on that it causes you to move. A house can cost more if it's in a highly desired school district. So before you choose to go that route, you'll want to ask yourself these questions: How many children do I have/plan to have?How secure is my job?How long do I plan to stay in this ar...