Almora Heights, Elgin, Illinois - April 2018 About Almora Heights Almora Heights is a single family home neighborhood built in the early 1960s. Almora Heights is located in Elgin, Illinois on Randell Road South of Highland. Average taxes in Almora Heights $4,531 Average association fees in Almora Heights $0 Average home size in Almora Heights 1,664 ft2 Average lot size in Almora Heights 0.42 acres Average year built in Almora Heights 1966 Homes for sale in Almora HeightsNoneSales Summary for Almora Heights (Apr 26, 2017 - Apr 26, 2018) # of Sales Average Days on Market Average List Average Sale Ratio% 6 74 $225,767 $221,000 97.9% HomesByMarco has sold 32 homes in Elgin Thinking of selling your home in Elgin? We are experts in the area. We'll sell your home quickly and for the highest ...