Feathersound, Bolingbrook, Illinois About Feathersound Feathersound is a single family home neighborhood. Feathersound is located in Bolingbrook, Illinois east of Pinecrest Road and north of Boughton Road. Average taxes in Feathersound $8,995 Average association fees in Feathersound $0 Average home size in Feathersound 2,672 ft2 Average lot size in Feathersound 0.25 acres Average year built in Feathersound 1998 Homes for sale in Feathersound Address Beds Baths Built Price 1 Burr Oaks Ct. 3 2.1 1998 $379,900 Sales Summary for Feathersound (Feb 8, 2012 - Feb 7, 2013) # of Sales Average Days on Market Average List Average Sale Ratio% 6 178 $214,367 $187,650 87.5% Recent home sales in Feathersound Address Beds Baths Sold 685 Gannet Ln. 3 2.1 $191,000 646 Feather Sound Dr. 4 2.1 $199,900 4...