Maui Hawai'i - The February Maui Lifestyle newsletter
By Georgie Hunter R(S) 58089, Maui Real Estate sales and lifestyle info
(Hawai'i Life Real Estate Brokers)
The February Maui Lifestyle newsletter for your convenience I'm posting a link to a newsletter I send out once a month, highlighting the Maui lifestyle. This month there was a lot about the local food and food security. We live on an island, and it's something we think about a lot since so much of our "food" is imported. The reality is that many good foods are grown here and we should be concentrating on eating more of that, and less of the stuff they ship in. Much of the imported stuff is processed and packaged and not all that healthy anyway.A broker's open at a local musician's home/farm in Kahakuloa was a real treat because he's also a farmer who loves his community. We toured the farm, ate a nice lunch of local foods, did an art project, and sang along with George. You can re...