Fair Warning Foreclosure Wednesday May 15th The following properties are set to foreclose under Judaical proceedings on Wednesday the 15th of May 2013 140 Uwapo rd 43-105 Kihei 2-3-8-077-014-0021 2 1.5 750 Kihei Villages Douglas J. Sameshima 5/15/2013 155 Wailea Iki Place 183 Wailea 2-2-1-008-104-0183 2 2 1056 Grand Champions Villas Penny J. Brown 5/15/2013 155 Wailea Iki Place foreclosed for the sum of $600,000.00 to the respective lien holders, back to the bank, a right of confirmation hearing will be set in 30 to 60 days. The Kihei Villages Property was not foreclosed upon today.