Just Stop Asking Me What I Think
By Elizabeth Weintraub Sacramento Broker, Put 40 years of experience to work for you
(Elizabeth Anne Weintraub, Broker)
I suppose you could chalk up my attitude to being grumpy but aren't you tired of businesses asking for your opinion, about what you think? They want to improve their service at your expense. I don't like being followed around, having to disclose my location to every Tom, Dick and Harry when I use an App, and being marketed to like a big ol' pile of faceless money. This is why I like the islands. The solitude. OK, when I play Ingress, Google knows exactly where I am, and although I don't like it, it's a tradeoff for the game. There are times tradeoffs are worth it but most often they are not. I don't like surveys from emails or questionnaires or anything that continues to bug and poke and prod me after the sale is over. I don't think I'm alone with this attitude. You can read more in my ...