The Social Life of Vegetables and Fruits in the Kohala Garden
By Elizabeth Weintraub Sacramento Broker, Put 40 years of experience to work for you
(Elizabeth Anne Weintraub, Broker)
One of the places I rarely go online is Facebook. Probably because I'm too busy chatting about real estate on Active Rain and also because I can get sucked into it. Just like I can get sucked into Twitter. Start reading it, and the feed never stops, never, it just keeps going, and I never catch up to where I started, and it drives me crazy.If you give in and turn your life over to Facebook, well, I envision only bad things happening. But every once in a while, it's fun to pop in and say hello, see what everybody has been up to. The trouble is then a precedence is set and people expect you to be friendly and chatty all of the time. Sort of like the woman from Watsonville I met on the beach yesterday with her 4th husband. When she heard I sell real estate, she said she could never be in r...