Fair Warning Tuesday - Wailuku Maui Hawaii Foreclosures
By Jeffery Griffin, Broker Owner
(Jeff Griffin LLC )
Foreclosure Tuesday 4/6/2010 Maui Hawaii The following properties have been foreclosed upon by their respective lien holders 2747 South Kihei Road Kihei, HI 96753 Unit C- 007 Kihei Shores was foreclosed upon for the sum of $144,000.00 397 Kea street Kahului, HI 96732 was foreclosed upon by the lien holder for the sum of $698,749.49 If you have any questions about where the market is heading current short sales or foreclosures call me 808-280-3442 Jeff Griffin Broker with Kamaaina properties inc. 2008 Main Street Wailuku, HI. 96793