What a week it's been in the Short Sale World!!!
By Nakia Brooks, #wearedifferent
(BKG - Brokerage Atlanta)
This week was a week that we love in the Short Sale Industry. We had a lady come to us on Friday (October 26th), she needed to rent a home for her family. She stated that her home was going to be foreclosed on November 6th. She was very upset and stated she didn't know what to do. Bill started talking with her and she had been laid off for some time now. She had some medical issues and stated that she had NEVER been late a day prior to this employment layoff. Bill asked her if she would be willing to help him by filling out a couple key papers, an authorization to allow us to contact her mortgage lender, and then set up a time to talk with Nakia for a short sale intake consultation. She did. We processed the authorization, over the weekend, we priced the property appropriately t...