Advice for First Time Home Buyers -- Writing a "Win-Win" Offer on your first home
By Kerry Lucasse, Your Urban Nest Atlanta Real Estate Consultant
(eXp Realty - Urban Nest Real Estate Group)
Atlanta Real Estate - First Time Home Buyers in Atlanta GA Once you've found your "dream home", you and your agent will write a purchase agreement. In Georgia, the purchase and sale agreement was written by the Georgia Association of Realtors. While much of the agreement is standard, there are a few areas you and your agent can negotiate: The Price -- What you offer on a property depends on a number of factors, including its condition, length of time on the market, buyer activity, and the urgency of the seller. While some buyers want to make a very low offer, just to see if the seller will accept, this often isn't a smart choice, because the seller may be insulted and decide not to negotiate at all. It's definitely a fine line and one that you and your agent will have to discuss a...