Worthington Oaks Market Report - Powder Springs
By Bob Southard, e-Pro - Cobb,Cherokee,NorthFulton,Paulding,Bartow
(Atlas Realty Service, LLC)
Below is the entire market report from the last three months for Worthington Oaks subdivision in Powder Springs, Georgia.The trend in worthington Oaks seems to be following along the trends of the entire metro Atlanta area. There were a large number of expired and withdrawn listings in the time period. In my opinion this may be a good thing in the long run. There are only 8 homes actively for sale at this time. For a neighborhood the size of Worthington Oaks this is a very reasonable number of homes for sale without being oversupplied. Hopefully this will lead to a good Springtime selling season for these homes. However, if a lot of the expireds and withdrawns jump back in the neighborhood market could become diluted causing slower selling times and lower than expected pricing.Compar...