If you are looking for that "get a way" cabin on Lake Hartwell, or simply wanting to re-locate to this amazing community. Please call me and let me help you find just the right home for you.
(706) 436-0414
6(784) 251-9885 More Info
UPS SANTA CLAUS MAN (Not intended for audienced under 10 years of age) Sometimes videos are so entertaining that they just have to be shared! My brother in law is a UPS driver and he said they showed this to them at work! Love it that UPS supports this! At least they do here in Georgia! Hope you all enjoy this as much as I did! Don't forget to thank your UPS Man!
According to S&P/Case-Shiller index, home prices are up by 3.6% in the third quarter of this year. The is the biggest percentage gain in more than two years. And it is more than three times higher than the previous quarter. That being the largest increase since 2Q/2010. Economist are optimistic and believe the signs point to a sustained upward trend in housing prices in the coming years. Supporting this rebound is a combination of a five year low decrease in the number of foreclosures and the historical low mortgage rates. David Blitzer, chairman of the index committee at S&P Dow Jones Indices comments that, "With six months of consistently rising home prices, it is safe to say that we are now in the midst of a recovery in the housing market". We are now seeing home prices back at 2...
I recently had the opportunity to work with a buyer that did mold inspection for commercial buildings all over the country. He made a statement that I thought was interesting. He said that old data on mold and how toxic it was has been proven to be overstated and in some cases completely unfounded. Well, I guess it makes all those guys in funny white suits cleaning mold feel awfully silly! But really, is this right? Well I took a look at the CDC site just to see what their latest take on mold actually is. And this is what I found, "The term "toxic mold" is not accurate. While certain molds are toxigenic, meaning they can produce toxins (specifically mycotoxins), the molds themselves are not toxic, or poisonous. Hazards presented by molds that may produce mycotoxins should be consid...
"Mom, William, get up quick, there is water pouring into the basement" Not what I wanted to hear at 4:00 am just a few nights ago. My youngest son, Patrick fell asleep on our downstairs sofa while watching a movie. Being a deep sleeper he doesn't wake up easily once he's asleep. Well, unless cold water starts hitting him in the face. And that's exactly what happened. Cold water was hitting the table beside him and splashing onto his face. He jumped up and in his stupor looked around to see what was happening. According to Patrick, water was pouring into the basement from every can light and coming through the ceiling in other areas. Not quite awake and not knowing how to process it, he ran outside to see if it was raining. Well, no rain. So in he went up the stairs and as soon ...