The Georgia Craft Brewery Tour - Braselton Brewing Company
By Thom Abbott, Midtown Atlanta GA Condos For Sale
( |770.713.1505 | Intown Atlanta GA Condo Living)
So when I got the idea for The Georgia Craft Brewery Tour, it was 2019. Late 2019 in fact. And while I have been to a few since then, the blogging about it kinda went to the wayside with this b*tch called COVID! It really threw a monkey wrench into a whole lot of activities, right? But....let's fast forward .... 26 MONTHS!!! .... and the tour has returned. Now I first have to admit, beer and the desire to drop some pounds from your waistline are not the best match. UGH! There's a reason it's called beer belly.....but...I'll just have to work harder to work it off! So, yesterday (Saturday) with the not so warm winter weather of Atlanta making me stir crazy and a case of cabin fever, I said to my husband, "Let's go for a drive. Someplace." We ended up headed North on I-85 towards Commerce...