Big Canoe Thanksgiving Safety tips
By Charlie Ragonesi, Homes - Big Canoe, Jasper, North Georgia Pros
I am starting to see cars come into Big Canoe with folks who are going to spend a fun Thanksgiving week in the mountains. So her are a couple of tips that will help to make your week safe. 1 Even though we have trucks that clear roads there are a lot of wet leaves on the ground this year. Be careful. As you are going up and down the mountains wet leaves can cause you to skid. So drive slowly and arrive 5 minutes later...but arrive. 2 If you are using a fire place , and why not, make sure the Dampener is open. Also make sure you do not have combustible materiels , like a nice basket of pine cones near the heat. 3 If you are bringing your pets KEEP THEM ON A LEASH. Fido may not have seen deer before . When he goes off into the woods to chase them he may get very lost Have a great and Happ...