Attention Realtors: Got Blog? CREST Wants to Know!
By Kevin Sandridge, Winter Haven Mortgage Broker
(Signature Home Funding)
(Image courtesy of If you're a Realtor and you use social networking and blogging to get your message out to clients and colleagues, then the Center for Real Estate and Social Technologies (CREST) wants to know about your direct experience in this and related media. The good folks at CREST urge you to take the second CREST survey, and help them determine exactly how much ROI and ROT (Return on Time?) you are gaining from your blogs and what social networking tools you use to supplement or enhance your blogging efforts. The cool part is that everyone who completes the survey gets a copy of the executive summary, so be sure to fill it out! Note: The survey closes at 9 a.m. EDT on August 21, 2008. For those of you who are interested, the 1st CREST survey is...