New Construction with Feng Shui in West Palm Beach, Florida
By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Over the past two days, I have been in Florida, specifically between Delray Beach and West Palm Beach, to initiate a Feng Shui analysis. The site has an intriguing history as a family owned and operated hotel (est. in 1925) that is currently functioning as a hostel. During the analysis, we observed which part of the current building's facade would be preserved and integrated into the newly designed hotel. Inventory of the hotel’s 1925 original furnishings was also taken into consideration, which will be incorporated into the new hotel once it is constructed. Here are a few photos of the current interior of the hotel. One of the photos showcases an antique mirror that is an original piece and we hope to repurpose it in the new design. In Feng Shui we are very mindful of mirrors, howe...