
Trinity, FL Real Estate News

By Toni Weidman, 20+ Years Selling Homes in New Port Richey, FL
(Sailwinds Realty)
You must see this lovely villa in Seven Springs Golf & Country Club. The price has just been reduced to $139,900. from $159,900. Convenient to Trinity shopping, YMCA, schools. No age restrictions. This 2 bedroom patio home also has a den that can be converted to a third bedroom. Lovely fireplace in the great room and a super sized kitchen. For more info/photos go to, click on the photo.
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By Dick and Dixie Sells, Realtors, Tampa Bay Florida Homes For Sale
(Sells Real Estate, LLC)
Trinity Oaks  - Trinity Florida October 2009 Real Estate For Sale Market Place ReportBy Dick and Dixie Sells - Tampa Bay Realtors   In the Trinity Oaks  - Florida Real Estate Market, there are currently 12 properties Active for sale on the market, as well as 1 Home under contract (either contract pending or active with contract) . 2 homes closed in the month of October 2009. Of the 12 single family homes for sale, 2 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (16.6%). And of the 1 home with a contract, 0 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (0%). In the 2 closings in October 2009, 0 were a short sales or pre-foreclosure (0%). The sold prices ranged from $283,000 to $240,000 The current list prices range from $359,900 to $199,900. Note that short sales can take an extended period of time to close...
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By Dick and Dixie Sells, Realtors, Tampa Bay Florida Homes For Sale
(Sells Real Estate, LLC)
Longleaf - Trinity Florida October 2009 Real Estate For Sale Market Place ReportBy Dick and Dixie Sells - Tampa Bay Realtors In the Longleaf -Trinity Florida Real Estate Market, there are currently 12 properties Active For Sale on the market, as well as 8 Homes under contract (either contract pending or active with contract) . 2 homes closed in the month of October 2009. Of the 12 single family homes for sale, 0 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (0%). None of the active for sale homes are short sales, and of the 8 homes with a contract,(either active with contract or contract pending) 5 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (63%). In the 2 closings in October 2009, 0 was a short sales or pre-foreclosure (0%). The current list prices range from $890,000 to $152,900.  The sold listings we...
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By Dick and Dixie Sells, Realtors, Tampa Bay Florida Homes For Sale
(Sells Real Estate, LLC)
Thousand Oaks East - Trinity Florida October 2009 Real Estate For Sale Market Place ReportBy Dick and Dixie Sells - Tampa Bay Realtors   In the Thousand Oaks East -Trinity Florida Real Estate Market, there are currently 24 properties Active for sale on the market, as well as 10 Homes under contract (either contract pending or active with contract) . 7 homes closed in the month of October 2009. Of the 24 single family homes for sale, 18 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (75%). And of the 14 homes with a contract, 10 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (75%). In the 7 closing in October 2009, 2 were a short sales or pre-foreclosure (29%). The sold prices ranged from $240,000 to $205,000 The current list prices range from $450,000 to $189,900. Note that short sales can take an extended p...
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By Dick and Dixie Sells, Realtors, Tampa Bay Florida Homes For Sale
(Sells Real Estate, LLC)
Fox Wood - Trinity Florida October 2009 Real Estate For Sale Market Place ReportBy Dick and Dixie Sells - Tampa Bay Realtors In the Fox Wood -Trinity Florida Real Estate Market, there are currently 19 properties Active for sale on the market, as well as 9 Homes under contract (either contract pending or active with contract) . 2 homes closed in the month of October 2009. Of the 19 single family homes for sale, 4 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (21%). And of the 9 homes with a contract, 5 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (56%). In the 2 Sold closings in October 2009, there were no short sales or pre-foreclosures (0%). The sold prices ranged from 295,000 to $185,000. The current list prices range from $429,900 to $174,777.September 2009 Market Report If you would like additional in...
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By Dick and Dixie Sells, Realtors, Tampa Bay Florida Homes For Sale
(Sells Real Estate, LLC)
October 2009 Heritage Springs-Trinity FLorida For Sale Real Estate Market ReportBy Dick and Dixie Sells - Tampa Bay Realtors   In the active adult community of Heritage Springs Trinity Florida Real Estate Market, there are currently 28 properties for sale on the market, as well as 6 Homes & Villas under contract (either contract pending or active with contract). 4 single family homes & villas closed in the month of October 2009. Of the 28 single family homes & villas for sale, 1 is a short sale or pre-foreclosures (3.57%). Of the 6 homes under contract or active with contract, 1 is a short sale or pre-foreclosure (17%). In the 4 closings in October 2009, 1 was a short sales or pre-foreclosures (25%)- (Note that short sales can take an extended length of time to close due to the process ...
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By Dick and Dixie Sells, Realtors, Tampa Bay Florida Homes For Sale
(Sells Real Estate, LLC)
Champions Club-Trinity FloridaOctober 2009 Real Estate Market Place ReportBy Dick and Dixie Sells - Tampa Bay Realtors In the Champions Club -Trinity Florida Real Estate Market, there are currently 14 properties Active For Sale Homes on the market, as well as 4 homes under contract (either contract pending or active with contract) . 1 home closed in the month of October 2009. Of the 14 single family homes for sale, 2 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (14%). And of the 4 homes with a contract, 4 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (100%). In the 1 closing in October 2009,1 was a short sales or pre-foreclosures (100%). The current list prices range from $1,390,000 to $369,000. September 2009 If you would like additional information on the real estate market in the Champions Club-Trinity...
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By Dick and Dixie Sells, Realtors, Tampa Bay Florida Homes For Sale
(Sells Real Estate, LLC)
October 2009 Trinity Florida Real Estate Market Place ReportBy Dick and Dixie Sells - Tampa Bay Realtors   In the Trinity Florida Real Estate Market, there are currently now 138 properties Active on the market, as well as 50 Homes & Villas under contract (either contract pending or active with contract) . 22 homes-same as September-closed in the month of October 2009. Of the 138 single family homes & villas for sale, 35 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (25%). And of the 50 homes under contract, 30 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (60%).Moving from contract to close with a short sales can be a lengthy timeframe.  In the 22 closings in October 2009, 8 were short sales or pre-foreclosures (36%). The sold prices ranged from $730,000 in Champions Club to $130,000 in Heritage Springs. F...
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By Lana Robbins Realtor ® Licensed Real Estate Broker, Licensed in Florida, Washington, and Hawai'i
(Aloha Kai Real Estate)
Trinity Florida Real Estate Sales Statistics for October 2009 View Larger Map Trinity is a community that consists of single family homes in a 3,700-acre planned community located in Pasco County, Florida. In the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) realtors ® list it under “Trinity” under “Subdivision Name.” (I do not include Champions Club which is listed as “Champions Club.”) For October 2009 four single-family homes that were listed in the MLS sold:     There are currently 12 “Pending Sales” in Trinity and 9 homes that are “Active With Contract.”   Compare this to last month: Three homes sold in Trinity Florida which can be seen here.   If you are currently looking to buy or sell  a home in Trinity Florida and would like additional information feel free to contact me via email :)   A hui ...
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By Dick and Dixie Sells, Realtors, Tampa Bay Florida Homes For Sale
(Sells Real Estate, LLC)
September 2009 Trinity Florida Real Estate Market Place Report By Dick and Dixie Sells - Tampa Bay Realtors   In the Trinity Florida Real Estate Market, there are currently now 134 properties Active on the market, as well as 54 Homes & Villas under contract (either contract pending or active with contract) . 22 homes closed in the month of September 2009. Of the 134 single family homes & villas for sale, 37 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (27.6%). And of the 54 homes under contract, 37 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (68.5%). In the 22 closings in September 2009, 6 were short sales or pre-foreclosures (27.2%). The sold prices ranged from $430,000 in Champions Club to $155,000 in Trinity West. For Sale Active Prices Range from $1,390,000 (Champions Club) to $139,900 (Thousand Oak...
Comments 4
By Dick and Dixie Sells, Realtors, Tampa Bay Florida Homes For Sale
(Sells Real Estate, LLC)
Longleaf - Trinity Florida September 2009 Real Estate Market Place ReportBy Dick and Dixie Sells - Tampa Bay Realtors In the Longleaf -Trinity Florida Real Estate Market, there are currently 14 properties Active on the market, as well as 5 Homes under contract (either contract pending or active with contract) . 0 homes closed in the month of September 2009. Of the 14 single family homes for sale, 2 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (14.28%). And of the 5 homes with a contract, 2 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (40%). In the 0 closings in September 2009, 0 was a short sales or pre-foreclosure (0%). The current list prices range from $890,000 to $152,900.   If you would like additional information on the real estate market in the Longleaf-Tampa Bay area,including a Complimentary Mar...
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By Dick and Dixie Sells, Realtors, Tampa Bay Florida Homes For Sale
(Sells Real Estate, LLC)
Champions Club-Trinity FloridaSeptember 2009 Real Estate Market Place ReportBy Dick and Dixie Sells - Tampa Bay Realtors In the Champions Club -Trinity Florida Real Estate Market, there are currently 7 properties Active on the market, as well as 3 homes under contract (either contract pending or active with contract) . 0 home closed in the month of September 2009. Of the 7 single family homes for sale, 2 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (28.5%). And of the 3 homes with a contract, 3 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (100%). In the 0 closings in September 2009, 0 was a short sales or pre-foreclosures (0%). The current list prices range from $1,390,000 to $399,000. If you would like additional information on the real estate market in the Champions Club-Trinity-Tampa Bay area,includin...
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By Dick and Dixie Sells, Realtors, Tampa Bay Florida Homes For Sale
(Sells Real Estate, LLC)
Fox Wood - Trinity Florida September 2009 Real Estate Market Place ReportBy Dick and Dixie Sells - Tampa Bay Realtors In the Fox Wood -Trinity Florida Real Estate Market, there are currently 24 properties Active on the market, as well as 8 Homes under contract (either contract pending or active with contract) . 3 homes closed in the month of September 2009. Of the 24 single family homes for sale, 5 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (20.8%). And of the 8 homes with a contract, 5 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (62.5%). In the 3 closings in September 2009, 1 was a short sales or pre-foreclosures (33.3%). The current list prices range from $434,500 to $174,777. If you would like additional information on the real estate market in the Fox Wood-Tampa Bay area,including a Complimentary ...
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By Dick and Dixie Sells, Realtors, Tampa Bay Florida Homes For Sale
(Sells Real Estate, LLC)
Thousand Oaks East - Trinity Florida September 2009 Real Estate Market Place ReportBy Dick and Dixie Sells - Tampa Bay Realtors   In the Thousand Oaks East -Trinity Florida Real Estate Market, there are currently 20 properties Active on the market, as well as 14 Homes under contract (either contract pending or active with contract) . 4 homes closed in the month of September  2009. Of the 20 single family homes for sale, 15 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (75%). And of the 14 homes with a contract, 10 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (71.4%). In the 4 closing in September 2009, 1 was a short sales or pre-foreclosures (25%). The current list prices range from $450,000 to $189,900. Note that short sales can take an extended period of time to close due to the 3rd party-lender approva...
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By Dick and Dixie Sells, Realtors, Tampa Bay Florida Homes For Sale
(Sells Real Estate, LLC)
September 2009 Heritage Springs-Trinity FLorida Real Estate Market ReportBy Dick and Dixie Sells - Tampa Bay Realtors   In the active adult community of Heritage Springs Trinity Florida Real Estate Market, there are currently 25 properties on the market, as well as 5 Homes & Villas under contract (either contract pending or active with contract). 3 single family homes & villas closed in the month of September 2009. Of the 25 single family homes & villas for sale, 1 is a short sale or pre-foreclosures (4%). Of the 5 homes under contract or active with contract, 3 are a short sale or pre-foreclosure (60%). In the 3  closings in September 2009, 1 was a short sales or pre-foreclosures (33%)- (Note that short sales can take an extended length of time to close due to the process with the 3rd ...
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By Lana Robbins Realtor ® Licensed Real Estate Broker, Licensed in Florida, Washington, and Hawai'i
(Aloha Kai Real Estate)
Trinity Florida Home Sales Statistics August 2009   A few people have asked me about Trinity which is a community that consists of single family homes in a 3,700-acre planned community. In the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) realtors ® list it under "Trinity" under "Subdivision Name." For August 2009 there were four single family homes that were listed in the MLS that sold in August 2009.   They were as follows:   1. 2622 Palestra Drive in Trinity West 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, with a pool 1,695 square feet (heated) Listing price: $176,500 Sale price: $155,000 This one was a "short sale."   2. 2645 Micah Drive in Trinity West 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, no pool 3,420 square feet (heated) Listing price: $228,000 Sale price: $228,500   3. 1346 Halapa Way in Trinity East 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, ...
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By Dick and Dixie Sells, Realtors, Tampa Bay Florida Homes For Sale
(Sells Real Estate, LLC)
Thousand Oaks East - Trinity Florida August 2009 Real Estate Market Place ReportBy Dick and Dixie Sells - Tampa Bay Realtors In the Thousand Oaks East -Trinity Florida Real Estate Market, there are currently 20 properties Active on the market, as well as 15 Homes under contract (either contract pending or active with contract) . 1 homes closed in the month of August 2009. Of the 20 single family homes for sale, 14 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (70%). And of the 15 homes with a contract, 11 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (73.3%). In the 1 closing in August 2009, 0 was a short sales or pre-foreclosures (0%). The current list prices range from $450,000 to $189,900. If you would like additional information on the real estate market in the Thousand Oaks East -Tampa Bay area,includ...
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By Dick and Dixie Sells, Realtors, Tampa Bay Florida Homes For Sale
(Sells Real Estate, LLC)
Longleaf - Trinity Florida August 2009 Real Estate Market Place ReportBy Dick and Dixie Sells - Tampa Bay Realtors In the Longleaf -Trinity Florida Real Estate Market, there are currently 13 properties Active on the market, as well as 6 Homes under contract (either contract pending or active with contract) . 3 homes closed in the month of August 2009. Of the 13 single family homes for sale, 2 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (15.3%). And of the 6 homes with a contract, 3 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (50%). In the 3 closings in August 2009, 1 was a short sales or pre-foreclosure (33.3%). The current list prices range from $890,000 to $152,900.   If you would like additional information on the real estate market in the Longleaf-Tampa Bay area,including a Complimentary Market Ana...
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By Dick and Dixie Sells, Realtors, Tampa Bay Florida Homes For Sale
(Sells Real Estate, LLC)
Champions Club-Trinity FloridaAugust 2009 Real Estate Market Place ReportBy Dick and Dixie Sells - Tampa Bay Realtors In the Champions Club -Trinity Florida Real Estate Market, there are currently 16 properties Active on the market, as well as 4 homes under contract (either contract pending or active with contract) . 1 home closed in the month of August 2009. Of the 16 single family homes for sale, 2 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (25%). And of the 4 homes with a contract, 4 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (100%). In the 1 closings in August 2009, 0was a short sales or pre-foreclosures (0%). The current list prices range from $1,390,000 to $429,000. If you would like additional information on the real estate market in the Champions Club-Trinity-Tampa Bay area,including a Compli...
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By Dick and Dixie Sells, Realtors, Tampa Bay Florida Homes For Sale
(Sells Real Estate, LLC)
Fox Wood - Trinity Florida August 2009 Real Estate Market Place ReportBy Dick and Dixie Sells - Tampa Bay Realtors In the Foxwood -Trinity Florida Real Estate Market, there are currently 24 properties Active on the market, as well as 12 Homes under contract (either contract pending or active with contract) . 6 homes closed in the month of August 2009. Of the 24 single family homes for sale, 6 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (25%). And of the 12 homes with a contract, 6 are short sales or pre-foreclosures (50%). In the 6 closings in August 2009, 1 was a short sales or pre-foreclosures (16.6%). The current list prices range from $434,900 to $174,777. If you would like additional information on the real estate market in the Fox Wood-Tampa Bay area,including a Complimentary Market Analy...
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