
Panama City, FL Real Estate News

By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Lease Clauses that affect Cash Flows  Many commercial leases contain alternative treatments of operating expenses. These alternatives may require owners to pay operating expenses up to a given amount (Expense stops), allow owners to pass some of the cost of operating the property through top the tenant (expense pass through), or allow the owner to charge the tenant(s) for some of the increase in the cost of operating the property.Expense StopsWith some commercial leases, the owner may add and expense stop clause. In this situation, the owner pays operating expenses up to a specified amount, usually states as an amount per square foot (psf) of rentable space in the building. Psf expenses in excess of the expense stop are passed through to tenants based on their pro rata share of the buil...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Types of Leases The expense terminology in leases identifies who is responsible for the payment of operating expenses. Under a gross lease, the owner pays all the expenses associated with the operation and maintaining the property. The tenant pays the owner a gross amount for rent. From this amount, the owner then pays the operating expenses (property taxes, insurance, maintenance, utilities, janitorial and security costs).In a net lease, the tenant pays all or some of the operating expenses. However, the lease terms should be examined carefully, as the definition of net leases varies from market to market.For a given level of rent, owners clearly prefer to pass on as much responsibility for operating expenses to tenants as possible. However, the extent to which owners and tenants share...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
This is a multi part article focusing on Commercial leases.Virtually every aspect of a lease is negotiable and is a potential concession. Whether representing the owner or the tenant, you will need to understand the negotiating point of view of all parties and the significance of each clause and/or concession.A user’s (tenant’s) main objective might include: Obtaining a reasonable, fairly calculated rent Predictable and fair operating costs Lease clauses that provide maximum flexibility concerning renewals or ability to assign or sublease And More An owner’s (landlord’s/developer’s/manager’s) main objective might include: Attracting and keeping high quality tenants Protection of property improvements Shifting or balancing risks And more The common objectives of all involved parties typi...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
In this last installment of this series, I'll focus on a few issues often overlooked when buying an existing business. The full article, which was previously published in Invest Magazine and can be read in its entirety here: So you want to buy a businessStaff Considerations As the potential new owner, try to meet any and all key employees prior to the purchase.Knowing whether they intend to stay, or if there will be major personality clashes will give you additional insight on your start up issues. Making Changes When opting to go ahead with a business purchase, new owners begin planning and making significant changes to the business.After all, it’s their business now and they can do as they want, right? Not necssarily!This can be perhaps one of the biggest disasterous decisions they co...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
In the next installment of this series, I'll focus more on the financial aspects of  buying an existing business. The full article, which was previously published in Invest Magazine and can be read in its entirety here: So you want to buy a business In a small to medium business, financial information is often a record of what the previous owner did, and consequently may not be a valid indicator of how you will perform in the same business.For example, if you have no experience in the hospitality business, why would you think you could be as successful as the previous owner?  Is it because the business is selling at a reasonable price, or perhaps you frequent the establishment and it’s always crowded with customers? Many factors must be considered carefully and analyzed before you make ...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
As the Panama City/Panama City Beach Florida market area grows, I get many inquiries regarding purchasing a business as opposed to starting one from scratch.In this series, I'll focus on buying an existing business.  The full article was previously published in Invest Magazine and can be read in its entirety here: So you want to buy a business Perhaps in today’s economy more so then ever before, people are looking to become business owners and work for themselves. There are many ways and categories of buying a small business such as; purchasing a franchise, purchasing a successful, existing business or financing a startup.Purchasing a business requires planning, dedication and commitment to success as well as some level of expertise in many areas not all start up business owners possess...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Every day real estate agents answer questions from buyers and sellers. Often these questions involve myths of which agents are very aware. Most potential customers believe information a friend has provided them as accurate without investigating themselves.In this series, I'll outline 8 common myths and misconceptions regarding the buying and selling of real estate.  This myths are often found all over the country and not limited to any one area in particularHere then are the first 4 common misconceptions about buying and selling real estate my customers have presented me…Foreclosures are the best dealWhile there are certainly some very good deals when purchasing foreclosures, often times making an offer on a property not in foreclosure is a better deal.When purchasing a foreclosure it i...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
FAQWelcome to the FAQ ( Frequently asked questions) page.  Here you will find many frequently asked questions gathered from various sources regarding the buying, selling and investing of Panama City, Florida real estate.This page will be updated as needed to answer more questions as presented to the Panama City Realty Group and myself.Q. Will my search on return all listings in the Panama City MLSA. When you perform a search on, all Active listings that match your criteria will be returned.  Q. How often are the listings updated on the site.A. Everynight, new listings are added automatically to from the Panama City MLS.Q. Can I save searches to retrieve them later?A. Yes. When you register on the site, you are...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Being a local real estate professional in the Panama City/Panama City Beach Florida market area, many potenetial sellers are unaware that in addition to listing their home or condo, I also offer several services FREE OF CHARGE!Yes, you read that correctly, Free of Charge!How can I do this?Simple...My job is NOT to LIST your home or condo in the Bay County MLS my primary job is to SELL your home or condo at the highest price possible, in shortest amount of time possible!So, here then are my Top 5 FREE services I offer to sellers of homes and condos in Panama City, Florida... Free comparable market analyis - what does that mean? Well it means that I will provide you an assessment and price analysis comparision of similar properties to help you in your decision in pricing your home or cond...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Being a local real estate professional in the Panama City/Panama City Beach Florida market area, many potenetial buyers are unaware that I offer my services to the FREE OF CHARGE!Yes, you read that correctly, Free of Charge!How can I do this?Simple...Most potential buyers in the Panama City/Panama City Beach Florida market area do not realize that the agents commission is paid by the seller of a property.While this is true 99% of the time, there are times when that is not true - but we'll leave that for another discussion at another time.So, here then are my Top 5 FREE services I offer to Buyers in Panama City, Florida... Free, complete, accurate information from the Bay County MLS! The only way to obtain the most up to date and accurate listing information in Bay County, Florida is by ...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
 I admit it, I'm a pizza snob.I only like certain types of pizza, made a certain way.I prefer pizza from a pizzeria and am not a fan of franchised pizza - any of it!Having been raised in the NY/NJ area where pizzerias are as common place as the air we breathe and where on any corner you can find a great slice of pizza, I can't help but be a pizza snob!Now, you may be asking yourself, ok - so what the heck does this have to do with real estate?Well , the answer is simple...Being a pizza snob, I demand certain things of my pizza - thin crusty crust, flavorful sauce, quality cheese and being able to "Fold it like a man!"Seeing as I demand things of my pizza, I also demand things of myself in offering my Panama City, Florida real estate services to my customers.I demand that I treat each of...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Do you really believe you're able to sell it yourself?As I drive around the many neighborhoods of Bay County, I often see For Sale By Owner (FSBO) signs.Seeing them often causes me to cringe because I am certain if they knew the dangers and cost of selling a home themselves, they would reconsider and hire a licensed real estate agent such as myself.Let's look at just a few issues involved with selling your home or condo yourself and you tell me if it's really worth it! Would you know how to screen and qualify potential buyers?A licensed real estate agent knows not only how to screen potential buyers, but to make sure they are fully qualified BEFORE allowing them to view your home! Would you allow anyone who called or knock on your door to come in to your house?Don't you think this is da...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Continuing my series on moving tips, here are the next 5 tips.... Meet the neighbors.  Introduce yourself and be friendly. Drive the neighborhood and acclimate yourself Contact the school where the children will attend and get their registration completed before the move Locate the school bus stop and show the children the safest route Unpack the children first if they can’t do it themselves.  Read my full article Tips and tricks for moving into your new home for complete explanations on making your next move an easy one. Stay tuned for more tips...  If you're interested in purchasing or selling a condo or home in Panama City or Panama City Beach contact Jennifer today!. Directly: (850 ) 774-6582. Welcome to our Panama City Beach real estate blog. Please share your thoughts and opinions...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
In a recent article published on, on Renter fear of buyinig a home, outlined were several reasons or fears if you will why renters are "afraid" of buying a home.This article was based on a survey conducted by Harris Poll.The poll found the top concerns of renters were mostly financially based!This isn't surpising as those of us who have purchased a home have all felt those scary feelings of whether we were getting into something over our heads. But we made the leap and most of us, having done so, are better off for it.Some of the fears focused on in the article are: The need for a long-term commitment to their partner: 9 percent (20 percent for millennials; 4 percent for adults older than 35)This particular fear I just don't understand! If you are married, aren't you...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Continuing my series on moving tips, here are the next 5 tips.... Order dinner in – Pizza, burgers anything quick and easy to clean up. Have plenty of water/sports drinks available on moving day. Test everything in the new home moving day. Make sure everything still works. Put pets outside during moving day. Give pets time to adjust to the new home.  Let them smell and walk around freely.  Read my full article Tips and tricks for moving into your new home for complete explanations on making your next move an easy one. Stay tuned for more tips...  If you're interested in purchasing or selling a condo or home in Panama City or Panama City Beach contact Jennifer today!. Directly: (850 ) 774-6582. Welcome to our Panama City Beach real estate blog. Please share your thoughts and opinions as ...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Continuing my series on moving tips, here are the next 5 tips.... Contact phone company before the move and schedule installation close to move in date. Contact a real estate agent for all necessary phone numbers Obtain and fill out a change of address form from the post office Have cash and credit cards on hand for emergencies and purchases day of move Before moving day, place signs at entrance of rooms for movers to place marked boxes.  Read my full article Tips and tricks for moving into your new home for complete explanations on making your next move an easy one. Stay tuned for more tips...  If you're interested in purchasing or selling a condo or home in Panama City or Panama City Beach contact Jennifer today!. Directly: (850 ) 774-6582. Welcome to our Panama City Beach real estate...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Continuing my series on moving tips, here are the next 5 tips.... Bubble wrap delicate and fragile items.  This includes art work! Move fragile and delicate items yourself prior to moving day if possible Pack comfort and hygiene items in a travel case and keep it with you Have paper plates, cups and plastic utensils available for dinner and lunch moving day Have important phones numbers with you and obtain them well in advance (water, elect, phone etc.)  Read my full article Tips and tricks for moving into your new home for complete explanations on making your next move an easy one. Stay tuned for more tips...  If you're interested in purchasing or selling a condo or home in Panama City or Panama City Beach contact Jennifer today!. Directly: (850 ) 774-6582. Welcome to our Panama City B...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Continuing my series on moving tips, here are the next 5 tips.... Buy extra light bulbs Keep a flash light handy Install new locks for the front, back and side doors.  You don’t know who has keys to the old locks. Hire a moving company well in advance (at least 2 months). If moving yourself, reserve the moving truck well in advance  Read my full article Tips and tricks for moving into your new home for complete explanations on making your next move an easy one. Stay tuned for more tips...  If you're interested in purchasing or selling a condo or home in Panama City or Panama City Beach contact Jennifer today!. Directly: (850 ) 774-6582. Welcome to our Panama City Beach real estate blog. Please share your thoughts and opinions as comments are always welcome, whether you are a consumer, j...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
This first post is going to be a series of posts focusing on moving. In this series, I'll be presenting my top tips, 5 at a time for moving into a new home.Having moved many times over the course of my years as well as being a top producing real estate agent, I’ve gained some valuable tips and techniques that I pass on to my customers.Here are my first 5 tips: Create an outline for listing moving tasks including purchases you need to make Boxes – You can never have too many boxes. Plastic, cardboard whatever. Obtain plenty of packing material – newspaper, bubble wrap etc. Obtain plenty of tape for sealing boxes. Obtain marking tape such as blue painters tape to mark items not in boxes I hope this list helps you in your next move.Having a list such as this will make your next move much l...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
 In an article puiblished on, the Federal Reserve provided an upbeat view of the labor market and economy Wednesday and said risks are holding the door open for a September interest rate hike!Markets say there's just an 18 percent chance of a September rate increase.The Fed is also painting a generally positive portrait of the U.S. economy. Although, if you watch the news these days, many Americans would disagree with the Fed.The article went on to cite Fed Chair Janet Yellen  saying that policymakers needed assurances that the economy and labor market were back on track before lifting interest rates again. How does this affect you?If you are a home or condo buyer and you've been waiting for prices to go down, you've missed the boat. This has the potential to not onl...
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