Introduction to Commercial Leases | Cash flow clauses
By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Lease Clauses that affect Cash Flows Many commercial leases contain alternative treatments of operating expenses. These alternatives may require owners to pay operating expenses up to a given amount (Expense stops), allow owners to pass some of the cost of operating the property through top the tenant (expense pass through), or allow the owner to charge the tenant(s) for some of the increase in the cost of operating the property.Expense StopsWith some commercial leases, the owner may add and expense stop clause. In this situation, the owner pays operating expenses up to a specified amount, usually states as an amount per square foot (psf) of rentable space in the building. Psf expenses in excess of the expense stop are passed through to tenants based on their pro rata share of the buil...