
Panama City, FL Real Estate News

By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Here is one of the latest Homes sold in Panama City Florida 32405 by the Panama City Realty Group and Jennifer Mackay Listing Details ROSEMONT Drive, Panama City, FL 32405 Area: 02 - Bay County - Central Sub Area: 0201 - Central County: Bay Elementary School: Lucille Moore Middle School: Jinks High School: Bay Subdivision: Drummond & Ware Add # Stories: 1 Sub-Type: Detached Single Family Bedrooms: 3 Full Baths: 1 Half Baths: 0 Total Baths: 1 Design: Contemporary Apx SqFt(Htd/Cooled): 1,025 HOA Fee: NONE Year Built: 1975 Project Features: Convenient location close to schools, parks, shopping and beaches Local Panama City Information Right Click, View Image for full size image       When you want your Condominium, House, Land or Commercial property or business sold in Panama City or Panam...
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By Joel Jadofsky, One of the Top Realtors in Panama City Beach Area
(Keller Williams - homes for sale - Florida - Gulf - Beach )
W@W The blessings of life.  Yesterday was the best single day I have ever had in Real Estate. It was a long and exhausting day. 8 Closings. Started at 8 am finished the last one about 530pm....Then to top the day off I recieved a call on one of my expired letters. It was on a 3 million dollar gulf front home.. We talked for about an hour and he gave me the listing based on my package I had mailed him.. Never met me. Lives in Another state...  Dont you just love days like these.. When all your hard work pays off in one day? Makes you feel so good to know all the hours of tweaking this tweaking that comes to Fruition  .  Team Jadofskyhomesofpanamacity.com850-258-2470
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Easter Holiday Events and CelebrationsFriday, April 14Good Friday Service: 7 p.m. at Campbell’s Temple Holiness Church, 1414 Wisconsin Ave Lynn Haven, FL. Speaker: Pastor Deon Gilbert and the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church and Pastor Emanuel Dempsey of Saints Temple. Host Pastor: Elder D. Perry and First Lady Adrian Perry. Details: Pastor D. Perry 814-4816.Passion Play 2017: 7 p.m. at the Marina Civic Center. Admission is free, and canned good donations will be accepted at the door for the Center of Hope.Saturday, April 15Easter Egg Hunt: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at St. Andrew United Methodist Church, 2001 W. 11th St., Panama City. Free food, games and activities for the community to enjoy. All are welcome. Details: 785-1564 or www.standrewunitedmethodist.comHoly Week Services: April 15: E...
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By John Moran, For Your Place At The Beach
(Keller Williams Realty's At The Beach Team)
Long Beach 2-101 - 10513 Front Beach Road, Panama City Beach, FL  Long Beach 2-101 Panama City Beach, FL 32407 3 Bedroom |3 Bathroom |  1709 Sq. Ft.  For more details surrounding the sale of this condo please contact the following:         John Skinner, Realtor/Listing Specialist  Keller Williams Realty Emerald Coast36008 Emerald Coast Parkway, Suite 201Destin, FL 32541Panama City Beach - Bay County - 30AE-Mail:       Website: www.AtTheBeachTeam.comJohn SkinnerOffice: 850-654-3325Mobile: 850-543-5763Fax: 800-654-2959
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
If you are a new home owner or even if you are an experienced "old timer" such as myself, there are always home items that need to be maintained and Spring is the time of year many of us home owners use tackle these chores. Here is a short list of Spring maintenance repairs you may want to undertake for your home... Re-Paint the Front DoorThis might be a good time to give your front door a fresh coat of paint. The best way to accomplish this is to remove the door from the hinges and remove all the hardware. Clean the door well so the paint will adhere properly. Scrape off any buildups of paint or areas where the old paint is chipping. When the door preparation is complete, use a high-quality brush (not one of those $1.99 specials) to edge in around the door’s windows and panels as neede...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Here is one of the latest Landmark Condos sold by the Panama City Realty Group and Jennifer Mackay in Panama City, Florida Listing Details 2100 W BEACH Drive, Panama City, FL 32401 Area: 02 - Bay County - Central Sub Area: Cove/Downtown County: Bay Elementary School: Patterson Middle School: Jinks High School: Bay Subdivision: Old Orchard # Stories: 1 Sub-Type: Detached Single Family Bedrooms: 3 Full Baths: 1 Half Baths: 0 Total Baths: 1 Design: Condominium Apx SqFt(Htd/Cooled): 1,015 HOA Fee: No Year Built: 1952 Utilities: Electric; Public Sewer; Public Water Local Panama City Information Right Click, View Image for full size image    When you want your Condominium, House, Land or Commercial property or business sold in Panama City or Panama City Beach contact Jennifer today!. Directly...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Let's continue visiting our featured community of SweetBay Homes Located at the site of the old Panama City Panama City, Florida, SweetBay Homes is a planned community complex offering residents an all inclusive community.      SweetBay builders plans to build a Town Center, a future shopping district designed to serve as the heart of the community. SweetBay Homes Image         SweetBay Infographics     SweetBay floor plans Please note these floor plans may be subject to change without notice             SweetBay homes are close to shopping, dining and family entertainment venues. Remember: Jennifer Mackay Sells SweetBay Homes   If you're interested in purchasing or selling a home or condo in Panama City or Panama City Beach contact Jennifer today!. Directly: (850 ) 774-6582....
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
This month, we're pleased to present one of the newest communities in the Panama City Florida area SweetBay Homes as our featured community this month!SweetBay is a planned community area, located at the site of the old Panama City Airport.       SweetBay homes are close to shopping, dining and family entertainment venues. The Sweetbay community offers the following amenities for its residents: Biking and hiking trails A boathouse to launch canoes, kayaks and paddle boards A permitted marina Community pool Several walking parks Ponds Children's playground  Remember: The Panama City Realty Group Sells SweetBay Homes   If you're interested in purchasing or selling a home or condo in Panama City or Panama City Beach contact Jennifer today!. Directly: (850 ) 774-6582. Welcome to our Panama ...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
In an article I wrote: Common Misconceptions About Buying and Selling Real Estate I discussed the incongruity of working with more than one agent.This point is so important that it bares repeating“When working with an agent as your representative, it is vital that you work with just that one agent.” If of course, you are pleased with the service that agent is providing you.There are many reasons for working with one agent not the least of which is we all work on a commission basis.Meaning…If I am showing a potential buyer a property, I only get paid if my buyer purchases that property through me!Using real estate terminology it is called “Procuring Cause”: The agent who ultimately caused the buyer to purchase the property is entitled to earn the commission.If a potential buyer is workin...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Here are more fun Halloween facts of which you may not be aware.There are still a few more days of facts stop by daily and enjoy. Halloween was originally influenced by the ancient Roman festival Pomona. Pomona being the harvest goddess. Many Halloween customs and games that feature apples (such as bobbing for apples) and nuts originate from this time and festival. Hense the alternate names San-Apple Night and Nutcrack Night. The famous Magician/Escape artist Harry Houdini was one of the most famous and mysterious magicians who ever lived. Strangely enough, he died in 1926 on Halloween night as a result of appendicitis brought on by three stomach punches. Looking into a mirror at midnight on Halloween was thought to reveal a boyfriend's face for lovestruck girls In fact, Scott...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Here are more fun Halloween facts of which you may not be aware.There are still a few more days of facts stop by daily and enjoy. With their link to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (a precursor to Halloween - see yesterdays facts) and of course to witches, cats have a permanent and difinitive place in the folklore of Halloween. I won't go into the details of what Druids did with cats during the festival, but let's say it wasn't a good thing for the cat! “Halloween” is short for “Hallows’ Eve” the evening before All Hallows’ (sanctified or holy) Day or Hallowmas on November 1. In an effort to convert pagans, the Christian church decided that Hallowmas or All Saints’ Day (November 1) and All Souls’ Day (November 2) should assimilate sacred pagan holidays that fell on or a...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Here are more fun Halloween facts of which you may not be aware.There are still a few more days of facts stop by daily and enjoy. The record for the world’s fastest pumpkin carving time: 24.03 seconds is held by Stephen Clarke. Stephen smashed his previous record of 54.72 seconds. According to the rules of the competition, the pumpkin must weigh less than 24 pounds and be carved in a traditional way, requiring at least eyes, nose, ears, and a mouth Trick-or-treating is believed to be evolved from an ancient Celtic tradition of putting out treats and food to placate spirits who roamed the streets at Samhain. Samhain was a sacred festival that marked the end of the Celtic calendar year. “Souling” is a medieval Christian precursor to modern-day trick-or-treating. On Hallowmas (No...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Here are some local Halloween events for the whole family.  Bring the kids and have a great Halloween time... "The city church @ northside 530 Airport RD. They are having an Outdoor Festival. They have many things going on and many people attend./ Games and candy, snow cones and popcorn etc etc. No charge for anything. Everyone is welcome. Pumpkin Carving, wed. Night @ the Annex call 785- 6137 for more details. Hiland Park Baptist Church has a Fall Festival on Halloween to give kids a safe alternative to trick-or-treating. Fun for the whole family. Free food, popcor The Panama.City Mall is a great place to go trick or treating! On October 30 from 4-6pm First Baptist Church Panama City (downtown) is having a Fall Festival. Lots of FREE food, fun, games, inflatable/jump houses, activities...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Here are more fun Halloween facts of which you may not be aware.Over the next few days, I'll be presenting more of these fun facts so stop by daily and enjoy. Samhainophobia is the fear of Halloween Kids really like their treats. In fact fifty percent of them want to receive chocolate candy for Halloween, as oppossed to 24% who prefer non-chocolate candy and and then there's the 10% who preferred chewing gum! The owl has long been a popular Halloween image and icon. During the dark ages In Medieval Europe, owls were thought to be witches. It was believed to hear an owl's hoot meant someone was about to die. - Scary stuff huh? In Ireland and according to legend, Jack O’Lanterns are named after a stingy man named Jack. Jack is said to have tricked the devil several times. Because of this,...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Here are some fun Halloween facts of which you may not be aware.Over the next few days, I'll be presenting more of these fun facts so stop by daily and enjoy... The movie Halloween  released in 1978, was filmed on a tight budget. So much so that they had to find and use the cheapest mask they could find for Michael Meyers (the main character), As it turned out, the one they found was a William Shatner Star Trek mask. William Shatner initially was unaware that the mask was in his likeness (could gave fooled me also), but years later when he found out h admitted he was honored. The first Jack O’Lanterns were actually made from turnips Halloween is the second highest grossing commercial holiday after Christmas - I would have thought it was Thanksgiving The word “witch” comes from the Old E...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Now that All Hallows eve (Halloween as is now called) is upon us, I've prepared a few safety tips for children and the adults they will be chaperoning for treats :)I hope you find them of value...Carving that Pumpkin Decorate with markers, glitter glue or paint or other art supplies. Let the kids draw the faces and leave the carving to the adults. If using candles be careful. Place candlelit pumpkins on a sturdy surface away from curtains and other flammable objects and remember to put out the candles before retiring. Never leave candlelit pumpkins unattended.So don't go trick or treating and leave a lit candled pumpkin alone! A more modern way to light pumpkins is with flashlights, battery-operated flameless candles or glow sticks! Get clever with costumes When selecting costumes, try ...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
I attended my first political rally yesterday at the Pier Park Amphitheater, and what an experience it was!Donald Trump was scheduled to start at 7:30pm, so we figured arriving at 4:30pm would give us plenty of time.We arrived at approximately 4:45pm, parked the car and walked a few blocks and was met by a line of people almost 6 city blocks long!We got into line and our creeping journey toward the entrance began.We chatted with lots of local people as well as visitors from Georgia, Alabama and as far away as Tennessee!Souvenir hawkers were selling all manner of hats, T-Shirts, Buttons, and signs! It was fascinating.What was most interesting to me however, was the crowd!According to the news, Trump is not doing well with women. I can tell you first hand they are lying!From my vantage po...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Analyzing Lease Cost      User Perspective In most commercial leases, base rent does not equal effective rent. An in-depth analysis includes all costs to the user.The basic formula for calculating the user’s effective rent is:Base (contract) rent + Additional Costs - Concessions and/or allowances = Effective rent paid by tenantOwner’s PerspectiveAn in-depth analysis from the owner’s perspective must include all costs.The basic formula for calculating the owner’s effective rent isBase (contract) rent - Net additional costs - Concessions and/or allowances= Owner’s effective rentAlternative Leasing StrategiesGround LeaseA ground lease is for the land alone, and is usually a long-term net lease. With a ground lease, land ownership and improvements are kept separate, with the tenant owning t...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Other Important Commercial Lease ClausesSeveral other options and clauses are designed to protect the needs and concerns of the owner and tenants and should be negotiated carefully.Lease Renewal OptionsMany commercial leases grant a tenant the right, but not the obligation, to renew a lease for prespecified period of time after the initial lease expires. The rate at which the lease can be renewed is specified in the initial lease contract.Expansion and Relocation OptionsIt is imperative that the lease give the tenant the right to occupy additional space in the office building or shopping center, after a specified notice period, at market or defined rental rates if tenant business grows.In some cases, the owner will agree to give a tenant the right of first refusal when space becomes ava...
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By Jennifer Mackay, Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582
(Counts Real Estate Group, Inc.)
 Commercial Leases | Glossary and termsFixed RentalFixed Rental is where contract rents are fixed for the duration of the lease.Step LeasesWith Step Leases, contract rents on long-term leases change by preset amounts or percentages on predetermined dates, such as each year or every five years. Although the lease payments vary over the term of the lease, all payments are determined and known at the beginning of the lease agreement. Therefore, unless the tenant defaults, all lease payments are known with certainty when the lease is signed.The base contract rate may increase by a present amount or percentage. Such preset amounts or percentages are called escalations. Types of costs typically having escalations may relate to real estate taxes, insurance, utilities, operations, and maintenan...
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