Historic Roney Plaza Hotel series part 2
By Marco Giancola, Realtor (305)608-1922, Miami Beach Florida
(Beachfront Realty)
As the Great Depression was ending the new Miami Beach was beginning. The bigger and more kitchier the better. The Roney plaza was an elegant beach front grand dame modeled somewhat after the very grand Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables that had just been finished.Next to the hotel was built the Roman Pools, now this was novel. A place to swim, dive and watch aquatic shows right there on the ocean front.Please take note of the windmill in the right corner.All of this granduer was demolished in the name of progress in the 1960's to make way for the new Roney plaza which still stands in all is boxy boring glory.Roney Plaza is top left with one of its magnificent towers in view.The End