Wexford Homeowners in The Country Club of Lakewood Ranch Discover Benefits of Short Sale vs. Foreclosure in Florida
By Sarasota & Manatee Counties FL, QuickFreeMLS.com - Listings In Paradise
(SaraMana Properties - QuickFreeMLS.com)
CLICK to register for our next FREE Foreclosure Options Seminar Wexford Homeowners in The Country Club of Lakewood Ranch Discover Benefits of Short Sale vs. Foreclosure in Florida The foreclosure crisis has impacted Wexford, at the Country Club of Lakewood Ranch, just as it has elsewhere in Manatee County. Millions of hardworking citizens have come to terms with the realities of Foreclosure, and are finding Short Sales to be a viable alternative. For many reasons, many owners are finding it to be an unjustifiable drain on family resources to continue making payments on properties having current resale values that are far less than their mortgage payoff amounts. In these situations, a professionally managed Short Sale can be the solution. Interstingly, most lenders accept the fact...