Highland Beach, of Palm Beach Co, FL Market Stats & Facts for June 2014
By Winston Heverly, GRI, ABR, SFR, CDPE, CIAS, PA
(Coldwell Banker Access Realty)
Highland Beach, of Palm Beach County, FL Market Stats & Facts for June 2014 Stats and facts about Highland Beach, Florida, are out for the month of June 2014. The report is packed with information about the county and the local city mentioned above. In a nut shell the inventory of single family homes available for sale are at a 7.6 month selling point which is down nearly 16.6%from a year ago. That’s a good sign things are loosening up and people are buying. Click on this LINK, for more graphs and stats. Whether you are buying or selling in this hot market of the County of Palm Beach, FL, choosing the right company will save you money, time and many sleepless nights. I not only have 30 years experience as a Realtor, construction was a passion of mine as well. This alone is worth so mu...