In Belleair Beach, Florida - You're over 50 and Scrapped for a Newer Model
By Cyndee Haydon, 727-710-8035 Clearwater, Beach Short Sales Luxury Condos &Homes
(Charles Rutenberg Realty)
Belleair Beach, Florida Building a New bridge "At over 50 years old, the existing bridge is now out with the old and in with the new - a new bridge is coming. The existing 2 lane low-level bridge is being scrapped to make way for a larger, higher, better bridge over the Clearwater Harbor waterways for Belleair Beach, Florida. This is an extensive project for Belleair Beach and Pinellas County is estimated to cost over $72 million and take about 3 1/2 years. The causeway is 1.67 miles in length and 2 bridges will be replaced with one large one that spans Clearwater Harbor. The changes and a complete plan are explained in detail with detailed professional video" (Read more).. Thinking of buying or selling Tampa Bay, Florida Real Estate? Remember, in these changing times having a real es...